Today, a Proud Boy drove to this guys house, rang his doorbell and threatened him and his family. All because he posted edited videos Gavin McInnes didn't like.

24  2018-05-22 by iknowyourded


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Calling yourself a "Proud Boy" is lame as fuck, how does anyone think that sounds good?

It's basically WEWUZKANGZ for mayo manchildren.

Lol gavin mcinnes is the same dude sticking things up his butt

My god it's like those cringy slideshow videos people used to make in like middleschool

No wonder he has people ringing his doorbell, "ordering thousands of dollars of food" and putting his mom on craigslist

lmao everyone in this is such a fucking nerd

Is that video connected to this whole fiasco? I thought it was the but plug video that triggered him.

It was in the dudes twitter feed, I have no idea what any of these videos are but I assume they are all this shitty

Nerds fighting over flash videos lol

Oh, that's just something he retweeted. The video he made was of a bunch of clips of Gavin saying "nigger" over and over again. Then clips of when he played with his dick and shoved a butt plug up his ass on his show. It's a lot better done than the one you're thinking of and is pretty funny, especially since it triggered a bunch of people.

lmao sex shaming in 2018

Getting triggered about people memeing on a wannabe nazi pooping out butt plugs on camera

Mike Recine was saying he went on Gavin's show before and you know how people do vocal exercises before going on stage (like me me me me me meeeeee), well he did it with the n word lol

Wild Boys > Proud Boys

Sometime I want to see some Proud Boys/other alt right wannabe brawlers or some Antifa in their foolery infringe upon some Crips, outlaw MCs, Norteño, Aryan Brotherhood, Italian mob, Albanian mob, some kind of legit gang...

That clip you are asking for happened, solo racist vs a gang in Europe on the train, think he ended up killing 3

You got a playlist of those lying around? For when you feel that itch you could never scratch yourself?

nah i just googled "antifa beaten up on train by one guy", its a pretty well known video

and you dont really need to love vicariously through videos when real life antifa and communist types are even weedier and easier to bash and take their wallets

are you implying you have ever laid a hand on anything bigger than your nearest, smallest female relative?

lol nigga why are you pretending to know something about me

i used to do stupid violent shit all the time when i was young, is that out of the ordinary

know something about me

Takes abooooot 4 seconds to check your history

and then dismissed all that and sperged about pretend nazis while imagining a caricature in your head to feel good about

nothing in my posts has anything to do with me irl you dork LOL

you dork

ethics in shitposting?

nah its just goofy and it seemed like the right word

I think it's 10/10 with the music tbh

I'd like to see him try it against the YPG lol. His skull fragment will be someones trinket.

real gangs dont care about politics until it affects their income

I love the Proud Boys, they're my favorite. I can't decide if this dethrones that time they drove around a bunch of Muslims' homes with guns (or possibly when they went to help out with Hurricane Harvey... with guns) but it's pretty great <3

Lol hope they got sick from wading around in that sewer water.

gavin mcinnes is gay af but im not going to get too worried about vic berger being threatened because he kinda deserves it overall

Vic berger's videos are a national treasure

look at his face though

not really proving me wrong here dude

also making fun of mike cernovich is as gay as making fun of jordan peterson, its literally only done by ghazi/cth/negareddit/srd faggots

Waaaah, people who criticize the far right must be far left!

Radical centrist bro 😎

jordan peterson and cernovich arent far right lol thats the actual point

Jordan peterson

Sure. When did I call him far right?



no, literally the only people who care are ghazi/lsc/negareddit and all the other hilarious goony subs full of neets

the actual far right thinks both of them are charlatans that distract from the real issues

Lol that kid’s car had a transformers sticker on it

Fucking pathetic

They found him, he's a grown ass man. Check the tweet replies, linked his FB there.

Already found out who the proud boy is lol.