BuzzFeed celebrates coming Twitter Censorship

42  2018-05-22 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I mean, really, there is only four popular types of twitter communities and they are all shit.

  1. Weird Twitter - Thrill as fifty year old men who live in the burbs spend twenty thousand hours a week online trying to repost shitty puns from old somethingawful posts! Mindlessly retweeted by fat white hipsters who want to pretend E-horsebooks is really funny when deep down they know it isn't funny and just want to be loved by what they perceive to be the height of intelligent internet cool kids.
  2. Black people who are insanely retarded and love posting shitty gifs - Mostly white people pretending to be black, I hope you love nonstop spongebob and beyounce gifs! Like BET if its boost mobile commercials were considered too classy and instead it ran a retarded 12 year old girl's autistic idea of urban culture after listening to twenty hours of straight Rye Rye, check out peeps constantly posting shitty image macro's that make fucking jester cat look like the shit of legends.
  3. LGBTQ+/Fem/SJW Circles - Due to having no power in real life and having to normally accept that their faults are normally from their own accord and not some massive malicious entity against them, you can watch fat white women and ugly MTF's get super angry about shit nonstop that doesn't matter at all. Roaming amass like some kind of smelly horde of worthless dipshits, they wander around twitter and hope to run into something offensive so they can dogpile on it in a pathetic attempt feel important for once in life.
  4. Alt-Right/White Power - Wanted something like black twitter but with less gifs and insanely worse tweets?! Welcome aboard! More nonsensical then fox news comments and filled with fat idiots discussing the how to combat the Zionists by drinking pee, you can follow a circle of dipshits who post poorly spelled rants about Gamergate in the year of our lord, 2018. Gasp as white dudes with bad beards live stream a bunch of fucking angry idiots in a park debating if nazi's exist. How fun!

Like, what can management do to make twitter worth using? It's a fucking dumpster fire, you can't make something this shit any worse, imo.

I think the best course of action for Twitter's admins at this point would be to first do like the company that Czech guy who hit the front page worked for and plant an antitank missile on their servers, except that they would actually blow it up instead of having one their employees post a picture of it on Reddit for karma. And then after they did that they should pull a Black Mirror and unleash a swarm of murder-drones all over the world to kill each and every person who had an account on Twitter so as to prevent they would poison other sites by migrating to them.

I guess a broken clock can be write twice a day?

Anyone who is unironically worried that twitter will prevent them from speaking their mind needs to go the fuck outside.

Nobody listens to what people have to say on twitter anymore anyways, the constant whining, pointless outrage, and Donald Trump made sure of that

Daddies tweets are the only reason I care about that shitty ass platform.

In my experience the alt-right usually just adapts to any new rules that appear, while SJW's are caught in the net themselves by these new restrictions any time they attempt to do ironic hate themselves. Like mayocide definitely would not be allowed. Plus you have shit like Facebook's racism rule, which allows anything when the scope is limited. So, "All Syrian migrant children need to be executed" is allowed under facebook rules, while feminists saying "Men are scum" gets their account suspended.

Nah, Twitter is actually remarkably lenient on the Altright/frogposting side, even openly genocidal esoteric fascists are basically allowed as long as they have fewer than 15k followers and if you’re even slightly dogwhistling about it (ie. muh culture of critique references) they can get away with it until they hit 60k or 70k, which is basically as high as the ‘actual’ alt right (ie. not like Mike Cernovich or whatever) get.

Imagine being the sort of person to have this many opinions about Twitter lmfaoooooo

There's a lot of white identitarian accounts, because they basically just have to refrain from calling people niggers to avoid getting the attention of Twitter. Meanwhile, a bunch of lefties got suspended over the Antifa Super Soldier meme lol

Its nice to know conservatism is being censored out of mainstream conversation.

If you're not a centrist, you should not be allowed to post online.

Wait long enough and their perpetual persecution complex finally becomes justified

I've been training all my life for this.

The sooner Twitter kills itself, the better

idk, Twitter's like /pol/ except for retards of all political affiliations

>Twitter adds this anti-toxic filter

>Buzzfeed article praising the filter

> SJ types on twitter get absolutely fucked by the filter since their entire existence is hunting for scalps

>Buzzfeed article calling the filter an alt-right Russian plot because SJ types got fucked

> twitter removes the filter

> Buzzfeed article that's upset by the filter being removed, something something appeasing nazis

Alt right will just make accounts to block the alt left and throw low quality signals at Twitter's algorithms and alt left will do the same. Great ideas Twitter.

how often you’re blocked by people you interact with

Couldnt this be abused reallyreally easily?