A wake up call for you, you infantile, sheltered, shriveled up, nu-female trash; everything you've ever cynically shrieked to try and shame and demoralize Donald Trump supporters is actually completely true.

18  2018-05-22 by Tagesausbruch


I don't think my points are particularly outlandish, let alone schizophrenic:

you will be arrested and imprisoned for having sex outside of marriage alongside whoever you engage in that tryst with

tfw Republicans are Nazis who control all 3 branches of government, but Dr. Kermit is telling guys to clean their rooms and FUCK HIM FUCK THAT INCEL RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE

Wake up to yourself, idiots.

/u/jacksevike, since you are clearly a learned individual, I figured you would have seen the recent Reuters poll that showed not a single person in the last 20 years who uses the phrase "wake up" (or its corollary "open your eyes") has ever convinced anyone of anything.

that hour is rapidly approaching. When it arrives you will be confronted with ACTUAL "enforced monogamy." You won't be sold to an incel as property but you will be arrested and imprisoned for having sex outside of marriage alongside whoever you engage in that tryst with. This, over any given length of time, has become the only LOGICAL, cause-and-effect outcome of your "Babylon Politics" and you have no one to blame except yourself.

What does he mean by this?


He watched Handmaiden's Tale and decided that it is about how we should be nicer to incels.

that show is like porn for whiny white women

Memerson mcmemefag

Jordan is the culmination of the frustration many of us men (and women) feel in the culture that i being changed around us.

He is today's knight and he is building an army. I would happily use the resources I have built (I donate to him now mohtly) and even my combat skills to back his ideals if need be.

Keep preaching Jordan, hopefully it doesn't come to violence but there are millions of us who agree that our freedoms are worth fighting for. While I hope the new dialogue being created calms people down enough to talk and solve our problems Demoratically, I worry that it will simply enrage the Left even more who thinks they have a monopoly on the thought of the country.

All when in fact, they are a tiny minority and if they chose to go to violence, they will be ████.

Hopefully insanely intelligent people like Jordan will help lead the way peacefully and allow the more moderate Leftists to take pack the party from the Progressives who have violently taken over the Democratic Party.

Hahaha, who woulda thought it would be a Canadian that I would call my modern day hero to join the likes of George Washington and Lucious Quinctius Cincinnatus!

Lol I got the Vivian James image on the sidebar when I clicked this

absolutely ugly banner image.

perhaps I'm overly verbose

/u/jacksevike you type like you expect someone to start dictating your memoirs lmao

reads like tobias funke lol