Behead those who leave ChapoTrapHouse

194  2018-05-22 by Ultrashitposter


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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/u/Jeffert89 pulling your 4 inch commie dick while sperging out with your fellow estrogenic chapofags isn't fighting fascism, FYI.

It's gotten to the point on CTH where AngryDM fits in rather than being seen as an outlandish lunatic.

They also stole our prince from us

Speaking of outlandish lunatics.

whats that?

Chapo trap house is largely sited as the primary reason chris chan went male to female. Our price become a princess.

our beloved prince of tankies, /u/Prince_Kropotkin. Unfortunately, spending eight hours a day in /r/drama was taking time away from him graduating high school "completing his Ph.D." so now he spends eight hours a day on CTH instead.

I wish he'd come back. Like pizzashill and a few others are nuts, but PK was batshit insane.

I think i follow him on twitter lol

Actually (((we))) at r/neoliberal stole him from CTH.

It's hard to be a messy drama whore in a community that agrees with you. I would know.

I like the new one more anyway.

You know what, actually I do too

What's the account he's using today? Is it still alwaystryagain?

As far as I know. He was shitting up a CTH thread linked here a week or two ago.

"I don't care to belong to any group that would have Angrydm as a member." Groucho Marx once famously said.

All it takes is one persistent dumbass to fuck up a sub, and they have a few hundred.

All it takes is one persistent dumbass to fuck up a sub

Exactly, just ask /u/pizzashill.

Yeah he's honestly the perfect example.

Another sub filled with retards thinking their political views are nuanced? Lol

How is that different from /r/drama?

Because in drama, there are only a select few serious posting retards like /u/WeWUZKANG5 /u/CirqueDuFuder and /u/Imgur_Lurker who think their "political views" needs seriously consideration and responses 😂


you should just go back to only meming ed. dance emoji monkey, dance! 👏👏

Now that's a tasty bait.

Yet somehow I'm not suprised that only tankie part of CTH fell for it. They are really the true idiots of that sub.

It’s really not. I’m the OP and I’m actually surprised it got reposted over there and now here.

I don’t know what level of neckbeard you think I am but I wouldn’t falsify like 5 months of Redditing to get at those dorks. They’re not worth it.

Well man, I don't really care you are or you aren't. Thanks for triggering a lot of mayo, 20 - something, unemployed american tankies though.

Hey man they're doing the hard work of the revolution! Posting dank commie memes from the Iphone mom bought them.

"If you hoist a flag for badguys then that's basically a genocidal threat" - /u/kony_abbott, who I guarantee is not more than 5 feet away from a Soviet flag at this moment.

They aren't just bad guys though, that's underplaying it a little.

Their ideology is explicitly genocidal. In fact, it's pretty much their whole ideology. Do the genocide, be white together. They have even given the planet one hell of a demonstration. Now if your belief demands a white ethnostate, the past leader and party you worshipped demanded mass ethnic cleansing and their chosen flag, which the whole world just about recognises as symbolic of that aim, gets planted in someones front lawn it's a pretty safe assumption that it's a deceleration of those beliefs. Which is why certain Nazi iconography is recognised as threatening hate speech in umpteen different countries.

If this is too far, apologies for being a shrinking violet that may think local Jews or African Americans may feel directly threatened. I don't own a Soviet flag, Stalin was a murderous dictator, the Soviet Union was an imperialist state and authoritarian communism sucks. He did wreck Hitlers shit though.

authoritarian communism

There's no need to be redundant.

"Communism is actually about the workers owning all the stuff, as opposed to the state" he said, convincing no one in the thread.

When everyone has nothing then everyone will own nothing

Deep, is that a sun tzu quote

No, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl

is that an ancient epic

No, it's a '90s movie that was released in 2005.


These cowards are downvoting you for standing up to literal nazis. Disgraceful display r/drama

Shut up fag.

Shut up bitch loser. He was negative when I commented and my sentiment turned the tide. All you niggas are sheep who blindly follow niggas like me. Show some godamn respect retard.

using the n-word AND the r-word?

back to the gulag for you

Oh no, did we hurt your feelings? Keep yourself safe, friendo

Btw, how is workers owning the stuff working out in Venezeula? Have any goods been shipped yet or are they still on the Maduro diet?

And fascism is actually about creating a utopia. Outcomes matter more than intent

Real fascism has never been tried!

It's ironic, because if you wanted to you you could make the argument that Italian fascism wasn't originally suppose to be racist, just nationalist. Of course Mussolini was notoriously wish-washy on the subject of race. But that argument has slightly more merit than claiming that Lenin wasn't a true communist.

Should come with a disclaimer. "Results may vary"

Antifa didn't read the small print.

communism is ideally like that, but you'd have to be naive to think it would work. Its like pacifism. Its not bad just impossible. Or healthy and complete capitalism.


I think I love you

I love you.

lol gay

Nice. FALGSC ma dude.

How do I love react on reddit

We just have to hold each other close, in our hearts.

This is pretty gay and nice and wholesome TBH. If you look past all the being extremely not mad about personal property.

-r/Drama- it's about being gay with your buds online.

If you look past all the being extremely not mad about personal property.

Brother slavery was abolished ages ago, we hate them for what they are now

Dude if we just give the government more power, eventually the government will strip away its powers.

"Socialism, when the government does more stuff" - mywifesblacksun

This but historically

convincing no one in the thread.

Because it's retarded?

communisms fucking tight. free shit for everyone

"look minorities, i'm pretending to care about your feelings. pls consider sparing me in the upcoming race war"

What if I told you I was a minority, one the Nazis weren't super chill with and not even American?

Good luck with that race war BTW.

What if I told you I was a minority

then ur in the clear

Who says certain people shouldn't be worried about genocide.

quenstion ending w/ a period LOL

anyway, mayos gotta worry cuz were gonna [redacted]

Correct grammar is bourgeois.

Sorry pal, you just made the list.

hell ye

What's the point of making a list when nogs can't read

Can you warn me in advance before I'm kidnapped to the gulag? I wanna take my gameboy with me.


Is r/SCP experiencing another containment breach?

Nah man, everything is normal. Don't worry about it, just uhh.. move along and try not to fall asleep for a while.

You have been reassigned to SCP-682 duty. Report to Dr. [REDACTED] for your briefing. In the meantime, enjoy the totes not cognitohazardous nature of this sub

Hooray new assignment!

Remember, no flashing your wing-wang at the giant immortal lizard

What if I told you that you should be driven into the sea? Allahu akbar.

not even American?

Then how dare you even speak to us

We do not believe you.

Stalin wrecked Soviet shit even harder than Hitler.

It's scientifically proven than [Stalin is literally worse than Hitler].(

By a factor of 5.

Now if your belief demands a white ethnostate

what is your position towards non-white ethnostates?
And why do you force the Nazi's politics into a reductionist american view of ethnicity that equates it with skin-color, when black people were not even a minor consideration for the Nazis, and their main targets, european jews and slavs, were white, while they had very good relations with decidedly non-white arab peoples/regimes? And the japanese, certainly not considered white at that time (neither by the allies, nor by the Nazis), were close allies with Nazi-germany, while the white poles were among the most persecuted groups?

And how do you reconcile your aversion towards ethnostates with the generally accepted idea that a major factor for the instability in the modern-day middle east and african continent are due to european map-drawing with no regard to ethnicity and tribal allegiances?

Not bad. Needs some more refining and flavor to it but I'd say that red pill is ready to be shipped.

the only pill I want to hand out is the bogpill, tho.

Bogpill? What's that? Can you give me a quick rundown?

So Here's The Rundown

  • In contact with aliens

  • Rumoured to possess psychic abilities

  • Said to be violent and intimidating in private

  • Own castles and banks all over the world

  • Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs

  • Own several nuclear plants

  • Learned fluent French in less than 48 hours

  • Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

  • Own basically every DNA & genetic research facility on Earth

  • First designer babies will be Bogdanoff babies

  • Rule France with an iron but fair fist

  • Scientists pointed a telescopic array at the source of the 'bog bang' that created our universe

  • This is what they heard:

  • Kept the electric car down for decades so they could release their own car based on string theory to the market

  • Currently at war with Elon Musk because of this

  • Sabotaged his spacex rocket because they will fund the first (the first official one - they've already been to mars many times) manned flight to mars in their own initiative in a few years

  • Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

  • The big red phone in the Kremlin is a direct line to the Bogdanoff manor

  • The last person who missed a call was Mikhail Gorbachov. He resigned and fled the country in fear and the Bogdanoffs destroyed the Soviet Union in a fit of rage

  • Own nanobot facilities everywhere in the galaxy

  • Own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

  • If you're reading this right now, you most likely have BogdabotsTM flowing through your body

  • Both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

  • Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

  • The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

  • In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings

I'm fucking sick of people thinking the Nazis were white supremacists.

yep. reducing the "racial" element of Nazism to skin-color is not just incredibly reductionist, but flat-out wrong, and peak amerimutt. Blacks were not even an afterthought for the Nazis. Which is not surpsiring, there were only around 1.000 - 3.000 black people living in germany at the time, which is a number so vanishingly small it might as well be a rounding error. And the main targets, jews and slavs, are every bit as white as germans for skin-color politics.

Tbh I don't mind a white ethnostate if it's in the afterlife

He did wreck Hitlers shit though. Like real fucking bad.

Literally incapable of saying that the soviets were terrible and leaving it at that lol. Just cut the charade already and goosestep to the soviet anthem like the rest of your red friends.

It's the same logic as "Hitler killed hitler therefore he's good"

Yeah drink that koolaid

Fuck yeah, Stalin is daddy.

Burn the palaces and kill your masters. We sharpenin those gillotines and preppin the ANTIFA supersoldiers as we speak.

Is that why Soviets used Kremlin as their seat of government?

Burning the palaces and such.

Need those high walls to keep out the counterrevolutionary forces.

So by your logic I guess you'd be cool with me breaking to someones home to steal a USSR flag if it was in my neighborhood? You know because communism explicitly calls for the re-appropriation of others wealth, which is theft and is at best ambivalent about violence towards those who won't capitulate to the "revolution". Not to mention that whole bit of business with intentionally starving Ukrainians.

Taxation isn't theft.

Don't play coy, we both know that in the context of Communism I'm talking about the forced redistribution of the wealth and property of the "bourgeois".

And heads. Don't forget that. Forcefully redistributed from their bourgeois bodies.

taxation is rape, you creepy lil incel.

So, first you think that this flag is an actual threat of killing actual people, then you think an appropriate response, something that will really show them that society won't tolerate it, is to sneak in when the Big Bad Nazi isn't around, take a flag, and burn it?

That'll really scare them.

Also markets are great.

Communist iconography is a direct threat of death to anyone with a small business or a pension fund and I fully endorse the right of all those people to self defence

Hell yeah, genocide of small business owners when?

So how big is your Chinese flag?

Either that or Rojava or CNT/FAI fag I mean flag

Rojava: MAGA Communalism

theres literally nothing wrong with trying to larp the syrian civil war from your bedroom in pennsylvania

this, but sexually

No doubt, /r/syriancivilwar does this as a group activity on the daily

TBH that OP started acting like a complete retard as the comments went on.

Yeah he was really retarded for saying dictators actually aren't a good thing and you shouldn't break into people's homes.

No, I mean the fact that he claims to have lurked on CTH for two weeks, only chiming in to either whine about Bernie by his own admission, and then making an announcement that he was "leaving" a sub that he barely even participated in because the sub fell for obvious bait involving a swastika.

Not really. The sub is so fucking tankie that people can pick up on it quickly after a month. They don't need to be a lifer. Did he say anything that was wrong?

No, but white knighting for a completely fictional housebound Nazi isn't a good look, no matter how theoretically right you are.

I am white knighting for not breaking into homes and not being a tankie obsessed with SJW bullshit you stupid fuck.

not breaking into homes

But petty crime is excellent for dramacoin.

the part that was wrong was doing a big retarded flounce for a community he wasnt even a part of

like i generally dont understand why people feel the need to post in justunsubbed, but i especially dont in this case

Well I don't know, we shit all over SRD and are filled with refugees from there, right?

you have a point, but "behaving like r/drama posters" is never an indication that said behavior isnt retarded and attention-seeking

Yeah, I just mean, we can trash it but we are just as bad in our own way.

Burn all Nazi Flags

Replace them with Nazbol flags

Can I break in someones house and burn a photo of Castro?

Yes. You can also burn Che shirts even if the commie is still wearing it.

Well my family is from Cuba so they would approve of burning Che and Castro images


As a radical centrist I think it is morally fine that he burned a symbol of genocidal hate but also that he should be held legally accountable for it because we can't just be burning each other's shit without consequence.

As a radical centrist I believe all parties involved should be gassed

As well as all non-involved parties, involved non-parties, and non-involved non-parties. Murder must be a rational, bias free activity.

This guy too. As a matter of fact, all of us must be killed at once

we can't just be burning each other's shit without consequence

why not

we live in a society

the /u/brolonious guy seems like the type of fella who really wouldn’t mind if another dude laid down with his wife if you catch my drift 😏

I am not your father. The St Bernard beat me up the stairs.

> admitting to taking sloppy seconds after a dog

u/AugustusTheWolf does this count as bestiality?

dunno but its hot

اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ

Stale pasta is stale


Yes, that is generally how boring your pasta is today. What's up with you? Usually you at least have some fresh pasta for us

love you daddy


you'd almost be perfect if you had a big, fat knot

Let's not get carried away in public, the mayos will screech

they are already mad. look at the downvotes. mayocide when daddy



CTH brigading? Nooooo...


MDE is an echo chamber shithole, but at least they actually have a sense of humor.

They do? All the sub seems to do is complain about how everyone and everything sucks but they're so above it all because they worship a different internet celebrity than everyone else and get bootyblasted by people doing and liking different things in them. I mean it's wrapped in "irony" and "humor" borrowed from other places but it isn't particularly funny and they seem more upset than anything.

this is like saying that you think dog turds taste better than cat turds

This is scientifically true

/u/McFluffTheCrimeCat would object 😼

well, do they?

On the one hand their takedowns of average redditors are hilarious. On the other hand, believing that Jews secretly run the world is retarded.

What the fuck is wrong with punching Nazis?

How many nazis have you punched?

Not the point. We had a war where we killed a bunch of them. I'd say punching is pretty tame.

It's a good thing we've never had any wars against commies, or /u/Lopps would look really silly right now.

Oh? Like Vietnam or Korea?

Wtf this isn't a place for learns

Seeing as how the guy I was replying to is an Ancap, I'd be inclined to say that if it was, he never would have posted here in the first place.

I'd be inclined to say that if it was, he never would have posted here in the first place.

We try not to scare off the stupid ones, they're the funny ones.

Seeing as how the guy I was replying to is an Ancap

All the best people are . . . and also the worst, yes.

So all these videos of Uncle Ho talking about how they were doing communism were... Fake? All the media, culture, art, reformation of the economy, none of that makes them Communists?

I'd say uncle ho burying dissenters alive and implementing disastrous land reforms makes them pretty communist.

waged as a proxy war between two imperialist super powers.

If you have troops there, its not a proxy war. Its literally the definition. Besides, its a funny way of saying "trying to stop a communist invasion".

I got banned from that shithole for opposing US intervention in Syria. They're aren't even socialists, just edgy progressives.

/u/Brolonious your opinion on Holodomor?

I'm not into LOTR

shit taste

Bad books. Worse movies.

Gulag yourself

'Tolkien is a pimple on the arse of fantasy'

Good quote by a worse author. Why can't I have a killer caterpillar that shits out high-grade hallucinogens? 😥

You should just try fentanyl. I've heard it's great.

You should try reading something that isn't Harry Potter-tier.


But more seriously: The Silmarillion is a mess, The Hobbit is an ok children's book, and The Lord of the Rings is entirely too long because it's padded by politics. There's a reason the movies skipped Early Frodo, Bombadil, and the hobbits' twilight years. They are easily the worst parts.


BTW, you should check out The Last Ringbearer if you haven't.


Eat paste.

Today I went on there and saw a post calling this dipshit a hero.

Why? Because he burglarized his Nazi neighbor’s house and burned down his Swastika flag. Seriously. They unironically see this as a heroic act.

But that is fucking amazing. What a chad

that poor poor swastika flag


A bunch of pompous ignorant gringos talking about somewhere they’ve never been.

Welcome to internet leftism.

You're doing the Lord's work over there, just wanted you to know that.

I think we are all missing the fact that there is no way in hell the doofus in that picture actually broke into someones house. That retard ordered the flag online so he post pics of him burning it for that sweet sweet internet leftie cred.

Don't do soy, boys.

Don't do soyboys, either.

And don't do goys, soys.

Ad don't toy with the goys, boys, or I'll drown you in soy.

Any sub that has AngryDM as a member always turns to shit, he really does have the Midas touch, except everything he touches turns nto a messy blob of autism. Why hasn't Kiwifarms made a thread about him yet? They got years worth of dirt.

Is it ironic that the communist podcast makes $1.2m annually?

We need to gas all CTH users

OP is 17 and still probably older than the median CTH poster