r/atethepasta 🍝👌😋 Part #90134

3  2018-05-22 by Ed_ButteredToast


Haha this person hasn't spent enough time online to read and memorize long rants on women and therefore embarrasses himself publicly when he takes communication from a stranger at face value.

Sure got 'em, Ed.


If Ed does give you attention, I just want you to know I'm here for you bb

I love you SAC. Maybe you wanna play Neopets together or something?

My Neopets starved long ago when my parents grounded me from the internet. I vowed to never return and risk repeating that horrible catastrophe.

Well I play at least two dozen other pet simulators, maybe you would find them more to your liking. I have one where you can fuck your pet once it reaches adulthood.


Part of me wants to see if this is real, and the other part of me feels like I'd rather live thinking it may not be real.

Well you're in luck, I just made it all up to continue this charade of an interaction.

Oh, the typical, "I don't actually play Woody Allen if he was a Furry simulator, it was just a joke" defence.

I have a reputation to uphold around here. I'm sure you understand.

I left my reputation behind back long ago when I started commenting here.

taking unrelated posts seriously on a sub named "drama"

an incel falling for pasta

Of course he's not retarded. You have to have a high IQ to not fall for pasta in r/drama of all places. 😏👈

Now Ed, he's an immigrant, and we let immigrants do what they want here

being this defensive of an incel who fell for pasta

Never change Jared! I don't blame you for having empathy for your kind.

That was my alt and I'm really embarrassed that I didn't recognize the pasta. You made me look like an idiot in front of my friends.

Ok Jared. We believe you.

I've told you plenty of times my real name is Coco. Pls respect that


Idk how he ate 3 pastas in a row that easily. Room temp iq maybe?


I will always take time to find a baby animal pic for U.



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