12  2018-05-22 by michgot


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Socialism and Abuse of Power

Name a more iconic duo

You and bussy pics. Post em

clearly photoshopped

Seriousposting and taking opinions on the internet seriously is a disease quickly spreading through both spectrums of drama, autism and politics (what's the difference amirite haha)

u rite

I was told to blame basad.

I have now been demoded for voicing my opinions

This was after /u/basicallyadoctor, who had promised to give Fox the server back is actually a liar and has now done a full coup and kept control of the server

fuck you cheg

Bitch ass I am not even a server mod. Your ire is misdirected at me 😚


Remember kiddos: Socialism destroys communities


I've made better posts


what is going on here?

A certain facebook tranny-loving Paki harrassed a mod under him because of MY opinions lmao. Said mod left Discord and I left too cause I had a hunch what was going on, confirmed when I PM'ed him. Hmm, WHO COULD IT BE

I use the drama discord and I have no idea you are throwing shade at.

There's still hope for me.

No there is no hope for you.

I use the drama discord

You should be far, far more embarrassed by this statement then you are.

how autistic do you have to be to use discord?

Autistic enough to join the /r/Drama one.


/r/drama has a discord? Is it as empty as the IRC?

I never knew who Rehis was until now.

spamming your own thread to own the socs lul

My feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings :(

Post bussy OP