Pedo weebs are having a meltdown - "Watching pedo animooo is my right!!!!!"

46  2018-05-22 by thebrokenbell


Jews did this


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haha get rekt pedos

This shit is so creepy dude. Why does anyone think this is ok.



Ed, I've got some information about you that leads me to believe you, yourself, are a degenerate.

Yes. I like using emojis. It's the future. You can't stop it! 😤

Sure but people are using it more an more. A few oldfags denying the future doesn't matter tbh

You're stuck in the past. The more evolved among us stopped using hieroglyphics thousands of years ago.

r/forwardsfromgrandma 😂😂😂😂😂

giving access to your browsing history to a proprietary extension

Please don't fall for the digital jew. I hope you're using Chromium instead of Chrome.

95% of my computer usage is on various chromebooks in developer mode running ChromiunOS and Chromium. How'd you know?

this 🤔 is the only acceptable emoji

No shit

nothing wrong with little loli hentai my dude

honestly wasnt sure which way this sub would swing on this one

r/drama loves its anime tiddies way too much lol




Oppai loli

You absolute fucking casual.

Oppai loli

What actual degeneracy looks like, the fearsome chimera known as oppai loli.

Yeh i ain't googling that so wtf is it?

smallish girl but huuuuuge tracts of land

You can never love anime tiddies "too much"

I'm sure this sub is into some weird shit, but if one side of the argument is full of weebs, I know where I'm standing

I think its just drawings.

hahaha! no big deal, just sexualized drawings of children.

Yes, exactly.

Oh, wait, do you mean that as a BAD thing?

Can we gas this guy now?

small aliens clauming to be human children.

last time I checked we protect children because of mental and physical development and not because there is some magical purity barrier that is broken once you sexualize them.

Also last time I checked drawings aren't actually real.

Now add 1 and 1 and hmmmm

If you unironically want to sexualize children, which is exactly what those drawings are, you're a pedo dude.

last time I checked being a pedo isn't a crime either.

Do you actually have a case here or will you just keeping those knee jerks?

Uh, society hates pedos dude. Consider yourself lucky you're on the internet and not saying this shit IRL because you'd be waking up in an ER somewhere.

Uh, society hates pedos dude.

I know.

Consider yourself lucky you're on the internet and not saying this shit IRL because you'd be waking up in an ER somewhere.

nah, unless you mean if I said this to you personally irl because Ive never been beat up and I have argued everything from incest to necrophilia.

Stop trying to jerk to children you disgusting piece of shit.

why does it bother you so much what people fap to? youo'd never know unless told.

Literal pedo here trying to defend himself guys.

Anytime you see a lolitard trying to claim they aren't a pedo remember this.

Literal pedo here trying to defend himself guys.

I never said anything about me supporting any of this. I am just arguing against your retarded position which you can't back up besides "but muh gut reaction"

You're very clearly a pedo.

and your evidence for that is?

The fact you run around Reddit defending loli.

I just think people who get agitated over victimless crimes are retards that is all.

It's not about the crime. It's about what they ar.e They're gross.

again why does it matter to you if they do gross shit?

there are people shitting in each others mouth and people jerk it to stuff like that.

I think that is mega gross, but doesn't matter to me.

No one forces me to watch it or participate in it.

I mean I got it right from the start that you are just offended because "muh gut reaction" but this is why I think you are a retard.

This has nothing to do with a gut reaction. Pedos are degenerates, a threat to society, and should be sent to an Island, exiled from society.


I believe people should have a right to burn the flag. Am I a flag burner? No.

I believe people should have a right to use marijuana recreationally. Do I use marijuana? No.

I believe that homosexual people should have a right to marry eachother. Am I homosexual? No.

Now, I agree with you that prepubescent minors shouldn’t be sexualized, but calling the other guy a pedo just for making that argument is ridiculous and makes you lose your credibility.

All of the things you just listed are things people could have real disagreements about. It isn't black and white.

Pedophilia is as black and fucking white as they come. There is no valid, justified, or reasonable reason to ever defend it or claim people have a right to it.

People can have real disagreements about anything. No matter what topic, a sufficiently good debater can argue either side successfully. I’ve seen this firsthand.

Pedophilia is not black and white. Nothing is. Everything has two sides. If you can’t see this, you’re not paying enough attention.

As I expected, you missed my point. The things I listed were examples of how someone can defend something without being part of a group. Let me give you some better examples that might help you understand my argument:

A defense attorney is defending a murderer in court. Because the attorney is arguing in the murderer’s favor, does the attorney support murder? No. The defense attorney supports the right to due process.

We can extend this argument to the sexualization of minors: the person defending these people is not doing so because he supports pedophilia. He’s actually stated the opposite. He is defending them because he supports their right to privacy.

I don’t blame you for not understanding this concept; it takes a developed, mature mind, which most people on Reddit don’t have yet.

Pedophilia is not black and white. Nothing is. Everything has two sides. If you can’t see this, you’re not paying enough attention.

And this is where we're done. there is no other side to it. No matter what, period.

Pedophilia, on an absolute level, is bad, and it always will be, and most of society views it that way.

There is no valid reason to ever defend it, period.

lol moralize harder over shit that doesnt matter faggot

"oooooo nooooooo he might be having impure thoughts about children, why wont somebody doooo something?!" lmao

Lots of pedos around here.

no u


eno u

no u + 1

Found the kid fucker.

Imagine taking real time out of your actual life to defend pedos

there are actually real psychologists that do that as a job you know.

you can always refer them to here if you want.

Not the hill I'd choose to die on

I think you're in the wrong sub for this, sounds like you actually have a brain.

Weeb get out

/r/drama: pinging people to whine at them

also /r/drama: gets mad when people follow those pings


yeah but it's pretty fucking weird dude you've gotta admit that

Well, it isn't my bag, so yeah.

Just because actual children aren't harmed during the making of it, doesn't make it any better than having real child porn.

Actually it totally does though.

Same way shooting people irl is bad but shooting npcs in CoD is not.

Next thing you'll tell me is that shooting npcs in CoD is same thing as playing RapeLay I know right, it's so bad and cringe that anything of value written about it only exists in wikipedia.

it's so bad and cringe that anything of value written about it only exists in wikipedia.

Yea, like this for example:

Articles in defence have also been written, many noting that rape is a lesser crime compared to murder, yet there are thousands of legal video games in which the goal is to kill enemies

Sounds like a pretty boring and bad game to me but I don't see any moral issues with it. Fantasy is fantasy, not reality.

Yeah calm down dude, my fantasies about raping your kids after I put cat ears on them and give them a cat tail buttplug are just a fantasy! For now.

I'd love to debate this further but then I happened to see some of your other comments... so now it's pretty obvious that you are just an insane psychopath, so whatever.

Comes from someone who thinks that rape is as bad as killing combatants during war.

By that logic, would that make Brett Easton Ellis the same as a serial killer for writing American Psycho?

Look at all these pedophiles coming out with retarded excuses.

Are you unable to answer, then?

The answer is obvious: did he fap while writing and rereading it?

Thought so, pedophile.

You can hate loli all you want, but are you really saying fiction is just as bad as real children getting abused?

Like nigga, it's not illegal, but it's also not violating your first amendment rights that a company refuses to host it.

This shit is so creepy dude

Same could be said for many peoples weird fetish shit, most of it being done by real people as well instead of drawings.

didn't you know, manga about rape, murder and vore are all real and a crime!

The only thing we can both agree on.

"creepy", go to srd, you'll fit right in.

When I was into anime it just made sense for some reason, you kind of get used to it. I was never aroused by the sexualized lolis but they never really bothered me either, I mean they're all over the place in the medium so you get desensitized. I guess this is just more proof I am ultimately a sociopath.

"Cub is okay, but anyone who watches anime lolicon should be shot." - Obama

So are they nuking the pedo shit or just the tag so people can find the pedo shit easily?

It's just the tag, but everyone is freaking outtttt

Allowing the public onto the internet was a mistake.

Thankfully, governmental bodies are starting to see this and taking steps to rectify this problem.

Shit, I was happy way too soon.

Can't wait till loli anime that implies sexuality in any way will actually become illegal.

So when do you guys want me to impale these sick pedo fucks? I have many wooden stakes ready just from reading that thread.






They aren't vampires, your edginess will be enough to cut those paperlets.

Seems legit

most of them are older anyway, like 14 or so. Normies don't get this.

too busy fapping to shota

too busy looking up actually good loli content on exhentai



a man of culture

You guys are addicted to porn and need help. No meming.

I barely watch porn tbh. I only very recently went to exhentai in quite some time even had to install a new extension to get access to cuz the old one died

If you're on the alternative to weebs pkrn repository that got started because the main one didn't have just quite enough pedoshit on it, then you've got to o be at least a little addicted to porn.

Nah i am just an oldfag 4chan elite piece of shit who goes to websites that are considered fair and avoids the pleb garbage.

literally /a/ has made me go to exhentai before I was just googling hentai like anyone else.



Good joke, fam.

ss is GOAT

Probably committed suicide by now.

I don't use that site since I don't watch hentai (I read doujins, manga and look at single artworks rather) but from that thread it seems like a weird situation:

  1. Why only remove the tag if it's for legal reasons but keep the actual content on the site?

  2. The shota tag is still there, shouldn't it apply to this one as well then?

So it doesn't bother me personally for now but I do think it's strange. As long as sites which are actually worth visiting like nhentai, exhentai, pixiv, etc. still have good content I'm fine.

As long as sites which are actually worth visiting like nhentai, exhentai, pixiv, etc. still have good content I'm fine.

Yea that's kinda the issue here. Censorship is still bad even if it doesn't directly affect you yet. I have never used hentaihaven either but it's still terrible because of the constant trend towards more and more censorship.

Of course I'd prefer it the tag-removal wasn't a thing. It's so weird though, seems like self-censorship than actually removing it for legal reasons as claimed in the tweet. If it was for legal reasons they'd actually have to remove the content but all they did was get rid of the tag which admittedly does make finding the content more difficult but it's still there after all.

If it was for legal reasons they'd actually have to remove the content

Not necessarily. I don't know where hentaihaven is located but there are situations where removing the tag would be enough.

Germany for example had rulings in the past where stores could not advertise or publicly display certain movies but asking the clerk for it would allow them to sell it to you (as long as you're 18+ anyways). It's definitely possible that this could be a similar case as removing the tag but still letting you access content via direct link is basically the website equivalent of that.

that's possible but I'd think if that was the case they'd have had to remove the shota tag as well since it's just the male equivalent of loli.

SHHHH, don't give them any ideas.


Yea but gender equality is real though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's queer🤔

Most video stuff regarding lolis is just short flat teenage girls.The actual <10 stuff is pretty rare, and hardly ever the main focus.

Gelbooru still has a loli tag and that's where most of that content is going to come from, still images.

For frame of refrence She is 13 while [she](a081aff2cb8f353e6f3fa95fdc293139_big.jpg) is like 8.

The actual <10 stuff is pretty rare, and hardly ever the main focus.

Oh, well then in that case, where's my patented Seal of Approval?

We're not allowed to tell people to kill themselves right?


only 0% of teenagers are adults, if we imply that teenager, on average, is between 10 and 18.

Go figure pedo.

Here's the thing, you said hebephiles and ephebophiles are pedophiles. Do they belong to the same family, yadda yadda yadda.


nineteen huh?

Comes from faggot who will age 40 and will still be a teen mentally and will still sit in his moms basement, proving my point.

At least I know the definition of a teenager.

And I've long been kicked out of home, for most of my adult life I have been in psych ward and assisted living.

You can drink, drive, and fuck in most places at age 16.

You can also fuck fuck and marry literal babies if you're a sand nigger so what's your point?

Does that mean that now artists will tryhard again with real 2D grills and we'll have good hentai again?

u/destirigon yeah if your a pedofille

Lolicon isn't pedophilia.

Yeah, dude. And smacking it to yaoi, doesn't mean ur gay.

Depends. Yaoi can be pretty gay but if it's traps, no it isn't.

(also most Yaoi fans are women, go figure).

Traps are gay, son

Traps are gay

Yaoi is for women. Bara, the superior genre, is for men.

This, but unironically.

they are mostly teenagers, not even pedo territory.

Not everyone sticks to European standards of "if there's hair, I'm there ". Teens are still kids to most places.

Once again proof that European culture is the Ãœbermensch of global cultures.

♪ Loli cops loli cops, oh loli loli cops ♪

Stuck in my head now.

Only a weirdo pedo could watch lol I

Kids are boring as shit

using a shitty website that bans loli tag instead of master race exhentai where you can find everything


being a pedo


These pedo weebs should be gassed and cremated.

You can't watch pixelated children having sex. This isn't even a debate. I want to die.

Helperdroid and its creator love you, here's some people that can help:

source | contact

Sure I can. You can too. I'm sure I can dig up some links if you'd like.

is this like Sailor Moon stuff? isn’t basically all anime fetishizing pubescent girls ala Humbert Humbert?

the loli tag basically just means not fully sexually developed now, whether that's 6 yo or a petite adult, it's so broad it's pretty much lost it's meaning.

isn’t basically all anime fetishizing pubescent girls ala Humbert Humbert?

depends on the anime and on what one considers fetishization. Fan service and beach episodes are an anime stable, a lot of anime feature highschool / middle school aged girls, so seeing them in swimwear at least is pretty common.

Mods removed the post. :(

People who watch anime are literally faggots.

1000+ upvotes? How many fucking pedophiles use this site?

So they removed the tag but kept the content? That's some half ass censorship. Also why are those weebs bitching I bet most of them know the names of their favorite loli porn.

Yet you mentioned CoD which isn't just a typical lol shot a gun on street randomly for lulzies (GTA series in a nutshell), which is in war setting, and killing in war is legal, fucking autist.