A source allegedly close to the "CBTS_crew" provides a saucy tell-all in this alleged email leak.

100  2018-05-23 by snallygaster


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Pure autism doesn't even begin to describe this. Whatever the fuck the next level is would be what I just read.

Snally senpai makes me sad. Q isn't real, the great awakening isn't real. No more crumbs to follow.


But I still love you, senpai ❤️❤️❤️

I'm actually pretty bummed out now that the mystery's been revealed (and there's a lot more evidence on 8ch/bannedfromqresearch/ if you sort through the batshit insanity). I was hoping it was some dumb kid(s) who got in over their head(s). I mean, it could be, but it looks like it was an attempt to keep the Trump Train going and capitalize off of idiots. Sad!

A long time ago we had an ex-TD mod came into dramacrd server and did a tell-all on TD mods. All the shady dealings, (they're receiving money from the campaign etc.) And how they were scheming in voice chat to avoid detection. Too bad he couldn't provide any evidence.

n e screencats?

It was from last year, I don't know if they still exist. Digging is required.

I’m sure this alleged ex t_d mod wasn’t just butt hurt.

it was Hillary. I cant provide evidence, but it was Hillary.

I suspect we'll be hearing about Q for years to come, with how many people have staked their personal lives and reputations on it. Kinda like how some people, who after having their family step in after a Nigerian prince scams them out of $100,000, will angrily tell their family, "If you'd only let me send that last $6,000 I'd have been rich."

Can I get a summary?

Basically 'Q' is a group of anons who recruited some e-celebs to help out and ended up fighting amongst themselves over which direction the roleplaying should take and whether or not to capitalize on the worshippers.

So we're not getting 6 seasons and a movie?

Any TV show that openly encourages its viewers to beg for it to be renewed probably shouldn’t be on the air tbh.

So The Expanse, basically?

You shut your whore mouth

Got to disagree, Arrested Development did that and it's one of my favourite comedies. Worth watching for Jessica Walter alone.

the 4th season of AD sucked so bad Portia De Rossi decided she would literally rather eat Ellen's pussy for a living than continue to be an actor.

That's assuming that channels only show quality products instead of anything that earns well.

I know this is unrelated, but Richard and Mortimer got 70 more episodes.

The odds of Dan Harmon getting through all that without melting down/sexually harassing someone again/not yelling at Chevy Chase: 0

I like how the title cards at the end of the episode change to reflect how shitty his life has become

Huh, always thought it was just some guy with paranoid schizophrenia based off how disjointed the posts were.

Jesus, these loons have always needed editors. This seems pretty damning but I bet most of the qultists are too far gone to believe it. Is there any way to actually prove that he was a part of Q? Were there secure tripcodes or anything like that?

I bet most of the qultists are too far gone to believe it.

Yeah, even if one of the responsible parties admits it with proof, the Qultists will still call them a government shill or say that it's not the real Q or something. They're never going to give it up.

Is there any way to actually prove that he was a part of Q?

Probably, but given that this is a leaked email it seems like the guy isn't ready to come out with it. At least not yet. There seems to be a good compilation of hard evidence on 8ch's /bannedfromqresearch/ between all the schizophrenic posts.

Were there secure tripcodes or anything like that?

They were "secure" but the password's been leaked a few times already, including a few days ago.

Brian: I'm not the Messiah! Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand? Honestly!

Girl: Only the true Messiah denies His divinity.

Brian: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the Messiah!

Followers: He is! He is the Messiah!

Brian: Now, FUCK OFF!


Arthur: How shall we fuck off, O Lord?

Will the qult believe any of this?

lol no

Link is already submitted to /r/greatawakenings but not posted. I can't wait to see how this plays out, lol

If so many people and so much infighting was involved then it's going to be spectacular when the whole truth is revealed. Someone who isn't benned from r/conspiracy should post this

Lol they’ve gone private

They went private

I think he just added an extra s.


Damn I got excited for nothing

Q has to misinform to keep his cover.

If you weighed history as a whole, like took the whole thing and put it on a table and cut it up into divisible parts or some shit, how much of it would consist of dumb motherfuckers getting invested in a bunch of stupid shit spun by con-artists looking to make a buck?

Probably not an insignificant amount. If you add power in addition to bux probably most of it.

Fucking boomers

God bless Snally, thanks for this drama, great moves keep it up.

You can thank some random guy who's apparently made it his mission to expose Q for this. He seems really dedicated.

Fighting autism with autism. Truly a public servant o7

I love you snally!


Pls be my waifu!

don't ask for consent bobby it's beta af

This dude is claiming to have been the original Q. I hope it's true lmao

/u/defango if you're still using this account pls do a tell-all in here.

well he certainly looks the part

Quite the read. Unsuprising, but underwelming. I don't really know what I expected to actually be behind the Qult, but I suppose a shadowy cabal of nobodies was always a possibility.




How legit is this?

It sounds legit, and there's evidence of it on 8ch and on some dude's yt channel where he's apparently dropped a bunch of proof regarding his involvement. If this email is real then something's gonna come out sooner than later, even though it's unlikely that the True Believers will care. I feel pretty bad for them too, but they're so smug and self-satisfied about being so much more enlightened than the unwashed masses that they make it really hard to care.

I mean, if you really think about it, wouldn't Q release something like this precisely to throw off the scent of the (((deep state)))

...if you think about it and also you're retarded

Don't give his followers any ideas!

I dont think the majority of them are in danger of having any ideas

GOOD point.

there's evidence of it on 8ch and on some dude's yt channel

Setting foot in those parts of the internet should qualify you to get into the VFW. You're like the father who went to war so his children would never have to. Thank you for your service. o7

they're so smug and self-satisfied about being so much more enlightened than the unwashed masses that they make it really hard to care.

I know what you mean. It's not easy to empathize with a sucker who thinks that really you're the sucker. It's too many layers of stupidity to get through and still try to understand them on an emotional level.

Yeah, I'd like to pretend to care too but it's just not in my nature. The silly cunts might as well tattoo 'kick me' on their backs.

My mom and I had an awful fight about it and a few months later on November 3rd of last year...she had an embolism in her brain and died in her room...I miss her so much!!

holy hell

I'm torn.

On the one hand they were taking advantage of retards.

On the other hand they were taking advantage of retards.

Q predicted this.

Nice try Soros.

Snally you've really done it this time! /r/greatawakening has gone private at the time I am posting this.

what a strange, strange little historical blip this whole q thing was

i guess now we get to watch the afterlife. i bet we'll still get a stymied terroristic plot and probably some minor rallies before some new conspiracy gets big and everyone but the real diehards move on.

No dude it's DEFINITELY happening this week. You'll see. Trust in Q, Trust in the plan.

or whatever the fuck those whackos say

It's supposed to be happening today. And was supposed to be happening yesterday. Today it's for real tho.

Lol. /r/greatawakening is locked.

This was a constant and still is. As we broke up the group. Someone would try to control the board to be Q.

Interesting. Normally in a cult, there would be a leader who everyone acknowledges and knows the identity of. It's not until they die or there's some crisis that you have subordinates suddenly start claiming they're getting direct revelations from God GEOTUS.

tl;dr a bunch of retards trying to redo some anon shit famewhored themselves to death and this one fag got "tired of it."

This shit might not even be true tbh, but the ending is always the same.

It happened with wikileaks.

I don't see how this happened with wikileaks. About the only shift there was OMG I LOVE wikileaks they have dirt on Bush! to OMG Russians!

The whole shit where nobody knew what everyone else wanted to do so they did their own retarded thing when Julian Assange was incognito.

Speaking of, is he still incognito?

Pretty sure he gets to look out the window.

Hes enacting total eclipse of the heart but is still stuck inside at the end

Christ, people believe this shit? I've got JWs that think this is stupid.


That guy's a Deep State SHILL trying to discredit Q and derail the MAGA train!

Q is 200% REAL and if you disagree, you're a TRAITOROUS libtard and maybe even a JEW!

Nice try, SOROS!

This dude acknowledges that the entire Q thing is a hoax but still calls Trump the God Emperor. That’s some impressive denial, considering 90% of the stuff these cultists give him credit for was based off Q posts

So it is noble and honorable to decieve and tell straight-up lies as long as it is for a good cause?

If it's something like someone with alzheimer's is on their deathbed and asks a family member to tell the person's long-dead spouse that they love them or something then I guess, but I can't think of many scenarios where it is.

Update: I emailed the trumptweets webmaster to see if the guy's claim about the tweets appearing there prior to Twitter are true. That way more legitimacy is added to the story or it's an outright fabrication.

No shit Q is bullshit