[ACAB] Why do we still let cops in our bussies? [ACAB]

18  2018-05-23 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Didn't realize that corporations and politicians were all of society. Guess I'll just get on my knees and make sure they have good orgasms. Now they accept me for what I am. A good little consumer. :)

/u/communistgal you know, bland office corporate America is pretty much the main protector of LGBT workers. In your communist utopia, the farmers, laborers, and blue collar people ain't that keen on em'.

daily reminder that ALL white bussies are property of cops (and BBC)


Because you are a slut that wants it. Poor fellow was probably elbow deep before he felt any resistance.

We need to go 18th century on their ass and just throw rotten vegetables at them when they march so they go away. 

Yeah /u/nibattack. If youre worried about cops hassling you throwing shit at them is the way to go. Plz record when you do this so we can laugh at you getting your ass kicked stand in solidarity with your resistance

One of my favourite leftist trends is that there should be absolutely no police at all.

One time I saw some chapo guy try to explain how there would still be investigators and shit but active force which would make being a criminal like the easiest thing ever.

"The community will police itself!"

Instantly gets ass fucked by Mexican drug cartel on day one

That's a positive outcome IMO

No no no you see once we ditch the fascist pigs everything will be fine since most crime is the result of police oppression. Yeah there will be a little crime but we can have private citizens who are empowered to enforce the new, fair laws. They won't be cops though.

"The community will police itself!"

Gets lynched for being black by community policing itself.

Well I, for one, welcome our new feudal overlords

they're literally killing us

Is this guy insane or does he get a high out of feeling persecuted?

I mean he's not wrong though

If you wanna ban cops from gay pride parade also ban Muslims and Christians. Christians believe homosexuality is a sin and Muslims think homosexuality is punishable by death. I know for fact the left is too pussy to go after Muslims tho lol.

Old.Reddit 😴😴😴😴