SRD proves moral superiority by copying /r/drama's set of rules 1:1 outside of keeping their restrictions on submissions

27  2018-05-23 by Tagesausbruch


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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All I'm saying is, if you identify as a Nazi today, I think that clearly falls under the principle of "direct and immediate threat" to your person and isn't protected by any ideals about speech.

u/4thot what's it like to be so desperate for an outlet for your own issues?

PS: Who is it you really want to punch? It's your parents, isn't it?

If you identify as a communist today I think that clearly falls under the principle "direct and immediate threat" to your person and isn't protected by any ideals about speech.


But you don't understand, nazis want to kill black people and jews, but commies just want to kill anybody who has money! That makes it totally okay!


can SRDines be an exception to the "don't assume you're not as retarded as the people you're mocking" rule?

Half the reason SRD is so stale is because of their submission restrictions, it takes like half a day before someone has finally figured out how to jump through enough hoops that the mods will allow a post to stay up. You've got to write assloads of commentary on the subject even when it just speaks for itself.

The other half is because the "drama" linked is a thinly veiled excuse to just bitch about the same shit in the comments. "Is it OK to punch Nazis? WCGW debates". Cue the entire SRD comment section REEEEing about the apparently massive nazi movement and jerking each other off about how Spez is literally a white supremacist.

Tbf white nationalists punch above their weight in terms of participation on the internet because their all virgins without a life who do absolutely nothing besides post online and constantly brigade whatever topic is currently trending in their community.

That's most people with extreme views in general though. Tankies are very similar.

It's not even a pro or anti white nationalist thread it's "is assault ok if they're Nazis". You don't have to like them to think politically motivated violence is bullshit


Their obsession with Nazis and death is a bit weird.

Anyone else like sardines on pizza?

sardines on pizza

Chiming in with the mental illness card. Or even if your penis is the wrong size.

Oh, so that's what this is about

Spez at the very least has been an assumed trumpeter/alt-right sympathiser for a good long time, even if the others aren't.

/u/SergeantPepr, when you assume like this you make an ass out of u an... actually, just u.

God the punch a Nazi people are fucking insufferable. It's not self defense for you to punch a Nazi unless they're being physically violent or threatening people and them just standing there in full uniform is not a threat. Yes it's free speech for them to ask the government to commit a genocide, it's free speech for them to ask the government to do anything. If they're actually planning on committing violence themselves then they can be arrested.

And punching a neo Nazi isn't going to prevent some kind of Nazi resurgence or second Holocaust. There's been Nazis in America for literal decades (for some perspective the Blues Brothers movie featured a Nazi group that was founded in 1970). They're a fringe group of nutters and nothing more.