Everyone’s favorite twatter tankie commits the penultimate sin

110  2018-05-23 by Strictlybutters


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Penultimate means second last ya dingus

Post titles are my canvas and retardation is my paint brush

I almost don't want to ask: What is your paint?

Whatever that goo in the bottom of his fleshlight is.

You're supposed to rinse that out.

It's his fleshlaight man - not my job.

So it is, carry on.

psh what kind of sucker does that every time

The marginally functional kind.

~ Albert Einstein, 1936


I don't even get why there's a whole word for that tbh.

antepenultimate means the third to last

Reading books is lame.

Preantepenultimate means fourth to last.


I don't even get why there's a whole word for that tbh.

The prefix "pen" was once very common. And in the context of it's coining, the "ultimate" was the final and greatest of the series.

Transphobonono is the penultimate sin.

Llamaphobia is the ultimate sin.

Yeah I learned that from Lemony Snicket. You might call me a renaissance man

he didnt come out as conservative though

So that just means transphobia is the second worst thing a person can do. Makes sense, since the worst thing is having a mayo baby.

Who would have thought "call everyone a fascist" could ever backfire?

It's actually pretty pathetic how you need to reduce anyone arguing against you to a simple strawman.

Wow, they just @d everyone on Left Twitter with that one.

Anyone fighting on Twitter should be lobotomised.

I think fighting on twitter is a kinda self-administered lobotomy.

Anyone fighting on Twatter is lobotomised.

I know fighting on reddit is way better

500 times the character limit =500 times better.

Phil Greaves had a bad time lately, he was criticized by his comrades for uh,

being white

That'd perfectly reasonable though. All mayos are scum.

Tankie mayos are the first to go.



He's also such a joyless retard that CTH ridiculed him. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/7klrmy/phil_greaves_is_totally_anhedonic_fucking_cool_as/

(Disclaimer, this was 6 months ago before that sub got taken over by the tankies.)

Phil Greaves unironically calls fun fascism but I think I'd still rather hang out with him than Owen Jones.

Hanging out with others is reactionary.

Idk man, he shared some of his bussy pics with me and I cannot complain.



funny how if you asked the average internet far righter he'd call all these things a negative buzzword too (soy in his case)

just another proof of horseshoe theory being real

Wtf is wrong with these people. They have even less of an understanding of fascism than American conservatives and I didn't even think that was possible.

Star Wars is degeneracy, Harry Potter is fascist ndegeneracy, selfie-obsession is degeneracy, British soap-operas are degeneracy, sci-fi is generally degeneracy, ironic detachment is degeneracy, porn is degeneracy.

Yup checks out

Oh my, the "Mistress of Stubborn Code BDSM FRIENDLY Trans activist" has come to put things right

Lol barely even trying

man, her 30s are gonna be rough



> her

America is over

I don't know who that is but I'm gonna guess they like to speedrun videogames.

dressing like a woman to smack real women around is a stroke of genius for them tho

they weak compared to other men but they still stronger than actual women

go fucking die


I mean, he called it. And right on cue...

i don't think i've ever in my life met a single human who likes phil greaves. im convinced all of his 10k followers are himself.

I would rather Full Tankie Idiot Communism than pretend that trannies are women.

Is that because the Tankies are the ones with such bad judgement they might sleep with you?

"Eyyy CS do you want to come back to my place and seize the means of reproduction?" - That Guy probably.

Well, the tankie might theoretically be female.


whats it like being mad that transpeople exist 24/7

they dont really though lol

I have read a lot of retarded denial in my times, be it of the armenian genocide, holocaust, climate change, ... but this take the cake.

What the fuck are you on to disreguard the fact that trans exist ?

they obviously exist as in theyre people that are there in space and time

but being "trans" isnt a real thing, its just body dysphoria being encouraged

Yes being trans is all about body disphoria.

Who could have guessed ?

yeah and it doesnt magically make you a different type of person just because youve got a mental disorder, much like every other mental disorder ever

even if you manage to con a bunch of people into pretending

That's kinda the whole cutting your dick off that do that.

that just means you have no dick it doesnt change your classification

no matter what the criteria its all still make believe, its all about how much other people are willing to entertain it

that just means you have no dick it doesnt change your classification

A man has a dick.

Not having a dick very much change your classification.

yeah just like a fish has no hands so if i cut my hands off im a fish

Cutting off your hand doesn't make you something not human, tho.

Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a women, tho

Yes, but having a vagina created make you one.

A vagina is a tubular muscle connecting the female pubic bone to her the cervix of her uterus.

A male tran has neither the uterus, the cervix, the tubular muscle nor the female pubic bone.

In short, no male tran has ever had a vagina.

Sorry. Tran delenda est.

haha nice

It’s pretty cool. It isn’t often the world hands you enemies that are so obviously ridiculous.

Why do you give a fuck how some people feel and why do you think you can tell them how to feel?

Imagine being this autistic.

I will not pretend that male trans are women.

Why do you give a fuck how I feel?

I don’t lmao. You don’t need to as you have your right to an opinion but that‘s not my point. I don’t want to argue about how many genders there are because I honestly don’t give a fuck. If some dude says he’s now a woman I say good for him if he‘s happy but don’t bother me with it. Him identifying as an attack helicopter for all I care doesn’t negatively impact my live in any way.

There are two genders.

Can I ask who the fuck is this shithead and why he has any following?

He's a twitter tankie, the purest Marxist-Leninist who ever lived.

...that's really it. He's an online commie.

comparing trantrans to fascist militias

Imagine being such a colossal pussy that you're afraid of people who literally take estrogen with the express goal of making themselves smaller, weaker, and more passably feminine.

He is right

why is my mind being swayed by a commie

Again we see trans hate arising from bussyphobia. Too typical these days.

what is a fabian?

i too would like to know

well probably not but w/e

bourgeois scum notable for such crimes as actually trying to materially improve the lives of the working class instead of just screaming "kill the rich" on a streetcorner

I've been saying this guy's an asshole since fucking forever. He literally thinks doing anything involving anything is capitalist nonsense. Of course he comes in with this monumentally stupid take.

I was told they have female penises. The vagina was turned inside out.

I feel uncomfortable about how much I agree with Mr. Star-Wars-Is-Fascist over here.