Hefty dietician schreeches about abuse in /r/keto, downvotes fly when someone points out OP is no saint either.

13  2018-05-23 by rationalhuckleberry


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Lol, the keto cause

OP has now sperged out. Check their post history for highlights.


S/he has been gilded 4X. Someone points out the subreddit is full of SJWs and feminine men.


Edit: Nope, actually I found all the deleted comments and the original guy's situation was very nuanced. Not sure OP was in the right at all. Oh well.

link the deleted posts

Who the fuck spends their time in a shirty dieting sub?

That is Weight Watchers whole business model. Fat people are given basic advice (don't eat a whole cake!) and go to weekly support meetings. They seem to think that if they are losing weight together, it will work this time!

What made you disdain fat people who are actively attempting to lose weight?

I don't disdain them. I mock them. Like I mock everything on this sub.

It's pretty pathetic and I feel like you have to be an incredibly insecure person to take pleasure from that.

Of course it's pathetic. We know where we are. Do you feel pathetic for attempting to moralize over the internet? Are you very insecure and feel the need to scold strangers? Is there a stick inserted into your anus? If so, then you might find your people over at /r/SubredditDrama.

Not moralising per se, just trying to get an insight into the minds of people who waste their time stewing in corners of the internet, mocking people they don't know.

Please, tell me more. I'd love to get insight into the mind of person who likes to feel superior and lies to themselves about it.

lol nah I'm going to work now

How convenient. Enjoy being a wagecuck.

It's called a salary, kid.

Please, tell me more. What is the conversion to good boy points?

.... Except keto actually works.

Until you gain it all back when you start eating bread again.

Which is why you don't do that.

That's everyone's problem with diets-- they're seen as temporary. If you start eating the shit that made you fat, you'll get fat again. I don't care what food group you're cutting out or how many calories you didn't eat. If you go back to bad habits, you end up in a fat body again.

By that logic, every diet works.

Every diet DOES work. If you eat less than you're burning, youre going to lose weight, period. I don't care if you're doing it on keto or weight watchers or you're eating nothing but cabbage soup for 18 months (side note: avoid that last one).

It's more of a question of what works for YOU. Keto is effective for a lot of people because a higher fat intake makes them feel less hungry, and they're eating things that are traditionally thought of as "bad", like bacon, cheese and ranch dressing. So you don't feel so deprived, like you're cheating when you really arent. For some people, that makes it more sustainable long term, and more effective, because you eat even less calories when you aren't hungry.

To use your example, weight watchers is a life time of counting and weighing food. That's not sustainable for the rest of your life. People eventually get lazy, start over eating because they stop weighing, and gain the weight back. With keto, your hungry drive is actually lower because of fat intake. It's actually pretty hard to overeat on keto. It's also way easier to steer clear of carboy foods and guesstimate carbs when youre in maintenence mode.

I like keto because it's sustainable long term for me personally.

So if every diet does work, why say, ".... Except keto actually works"? That doesn't make keto special.

Keto works long term. Every other diet doesn't.

Keep telling yourself that. There are absolutely no studies that confirm that.

Of course there's not. Because who will fund them?

My body is the only study I need. For me, it works, short term and long term. I've lost 50 lbs and I'm finding it easy to keep it off, even when I eat crap.

50.0 lbs = 22.68 kilograms

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The NIH. Here is a recent paper published in JAMA.

Funding/Support: This study was supported by grant 1R01DK091831 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, funding from the Nutrition Science Initiative, grants 1K12GM088033 and T32HL007034 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the Stanford Clinical and Translational Science Award.

Nice try, but that's not keto. The carb ratio is all wrong. They gave the "low carb group" a diet of 30% carbs. Keto is 5%, if not less.

The fact is, the science is just starting to emerge, and it's slow to catch on because it's so contrary to what we've been told for the last 60 years. It's seen as extreme and dangerous (though both me and my doctor agree that it's not). And all of the studies that were paid for by the American Heart Association still stand tall, even with bad methodology.

That still refutes your claim that no one would fund these studies.

Actually, it doesn't, because I have yet to see a funded study that's actually studying strict keto. The article you posted doesn't fit the bill, nor does any other I've seen.

Actually, it does, because it demonstrated that the NIH is funding research into diets, while you implied that no one would do it. Additionally, this search shows all the research being done.

I implied that no one would fund studies for keto specifically. Which no one has as of yet.

The reason I worded it the way I did was because I didn't want to get into conspiracy theories on lobbyists and the sugar and corn industries. I happen to believe them, but I can admit it's a little tinfoil hat-esque for casual conversation.

That sounds an awful lot like moving goalposts. Either case the second link I showed has a ton of keto research going back at least 15 years.

I'm on mobile and couldn't check the link, I'll be sure to do do later.

Wew lad.

What makes keto special is it basically inhibits insulin release which can be beneficial for some people (especially with how prevalent insulin resistance is these days). It works by allowing the adipose tissue to release fatty acids for fuel instead of relying on dietary glucose. The body actually gets more energy from fatty acids than glucose because of the fatty acid’s long carbon chains that must be broken down. There’s a lot of interesting new research on the diet coming out, if you’re into that stuff at all! It was actually first used for the treatment of epileptic seizures. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not for everyone though and I definitely don’t think it’s a cure all. Weight loss in and of itself is pretty simple (I’m not saying easy), CICO. Nutrition is way more complex.

The only way you "gain it all back" after any diet is eating like a pig, keto included. Touching a carb won't turn you into Amy Schumer.

Yet you somehow got fat in the first place... Makes me think that eating like a pig isn't out of the realm of possibilities.

top 10 in /r/all right now

best meltdown I've seen in ages

How much of an idiot do you have to be to let your computer-illiterate 74 year old father get on Reddit and expect a good outcome?

It's the internet when will people learn. Just Christ read the internet FAQ

So the dude turned out to be lying and I was right for doubting him. Can only laugh at the suckers for giving him gold 8 times.