Stop blaming boomers.

6  2018-05-23 by RamenRedux

I am sure everyone is aware how much Redditors (and young people in general) love to hate on previous generations (especially Baby Boomers) for fucking things up for us.

Okay, but what has our generation done to fix anything?

Not ONCE has even 50% of 18-29 year olds voted in an election. And in midterm years, we're lucky if we can break 20%. That means 80% of young people just stay home, and it shows.

This is why our country is in the state it is in right now. This is why Republicans control every lever of government, including the majority of states. Because while less than 1/3rd of citizens 18-29 may approve of the President, those over 50 are the ones who vote.

This is why politicians don't give a shit about us and our problems--because even when they try to pander to us and help us, they can never count on our support in return. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party were elected into office on the backs of the youth, and in return they passed the Affordable Care Act, a major accomplishment that had not been achieved in decades. And how did my generation repay them? By voting at a record low rate in the 2010 midterms, letting the Tea Party and far-right Republicans win over 1000 seats nationwide. Even today so many people my age complain about how the Democratic Party doesn't care about them. Well, there's a good fucking reason for that.

Get off your ass and go vote, everyone. If Black people who are subject to tons of voter suppression tactics in states such as Georgia can still get out and vote in large numbers, then so can you guys. Otherwise shut up and sit down.

This post is getting huge so i guess it is /rantover, UGH FEELS SO GOOD TO GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM YOU GUYS!


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. has even 50% of 18-29 year olds vot... -,*,

  3. less than 1/3rd of citizens 18-29 m... -,*,

  4. Get off your ass and go vote, every... -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Thanks, forgot to mail in my ballot!

Trump 2020!

Boomers gave birth to millennials which literally makes them the worst generation in history. Gen X were the real deal, but then that bitch Courtney Love killed Cobain and now everything went to shit

Boomer->GenX->millennial->post millennial. Unfortunately as a millennial we are the worst generation by being millenials and giving birth to post millennials. All generations will end however once the dinosaurs 🦖 return

Well shit, does that mean incels and trollxers are better than us because they can't breed?

All are inferior to the dinosaurs 🦖 in the end. But yes they are

Can i borrow some of your estrogen?


Bommers had a shit load of kids. Those kids now need houses, jobs, etc., so the demand for those things have gone up through the roof while the supply hasn't. Sounds like the solution is for millennials with these problems is to Keep Themselves Safe. For the greater good that is.

millennials are weak because boomers are weak

the postwar era was full of unwarranted wealth for the US and by extension the west (minus nazis lol SORRY FRITZ)

the effect is that millions of pieces of human refuse that otherwise would have failed to reproduce, did so.

This is why mayocide is a reality and not just a meme. Once the world reverts to equilibrium, the incapable whites will die off, and only high IQ Mongoloid-like ones will remain.