NFL issues ruling players must demonstrate their love for country-police officers especially- by standing on the field during the national anthem

24  2018-05-23 by ChipChippersonAMA


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I'm just gonna wait an hour then sort comments by controversial.

Ohhhhh you know how the game is played 😏

You didn't post the 1000+ comment thread 😔

I'm sorry I have failed you all

Don't worry, I posted it for you! 😀

The greatest shit-storms are caused by the smallest actions. This has been a good year.

Employees are protesting politically on company time

Employee protest is harming brand (apparently)

Employee ends protesting politically on company time

Yawn. I wish we could just have sponsored boxing matches between NFL players and cops.

you know that would just have a lot of shooting accidents when noone was looking

Good for dramacoin tho