Over 1000 comments in under an hour as NFL changes policy to prevent players from kneeling

74  2018-05-23 by BasicallyADoctor


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Posted on behalf of /u/chipchippersonama

You know how this goes by now. Be civil in here, don't attack people, don't bring other politics and outside the scope of the NFL. Be cool, everyone.

Lol the place is burning down and the /r/NFL mods are wading around, “nothing to see here, all is calm!”

>NFL players kneel in protest

>Conservatives: "That's it, negroes. We're boycotting the NFL!"

>NFL bans kneeling in protest.

>Liberals: "That's it, honkies. We're boycotting the NFL!"

It must be nice living somewhere that isn't retarded.

Radical centrist: never even watched 5he NFL 😂🏈

It's all commercials, tbh.

so true. ads and retarded nationalistic propaganda

I don’t think that any nation has commodified patriotism the way America has.

It is more accurate to say you are going to spend your Sunday watching advertisements with a football game interrupting them than the other way around.

The whole "product" is a fucking joke. 11 minutes of actual football action in 3+ hours of coverage. The vast majority of the time is taken up by truck advertisements, ads for network television (the shittiest fucking television available), and insurance ads. The actual game is about a 20/80 split of actual play time versus fatasses standing around with their hands on their hips. This allows the NFL to pedal their shitty aforementioned CSI knockoff during a 10 second cutaway shot of the stadium another 30 or 40 times a game.

Watching an NFL game is just getting ad-raped for 3.5 hours and America fucking loves it.

ESPN+ should actually be ad free ESPN

Espn barely gets any nfl games

College football is better tbqh don't @ me

The NFL is nice and all, but is there a league where they don't even pay the black people?

Hell, if it’s discovered college kids are trying to get paid for enduring brain trauma, they get fined until their dicks fall off and their moms get thrown on the streets

It'd be nice if rich dudes didn't pay football players $50k to not mow their lawns, but I think the 24/7 free meals, free housing, free $112,000 education (a $168,000 value or $42k per year), free nutritionist and personal trainers soften the blow a little bit.

what's the benefit in a 112,000 dollar education if your job makes you literally retarded

With you. Way more entertaining and no contract holdouts.

All football is retarded if youre not playing it

Better to watch some kids make themself stupid than do it yourself

Source: played football and am stupid

This but unironically.

Nah nfl is lame, college football is where it’s at.

Watching collegiate sports over professional leagues is like watching some random league in Asia/Oceania. You're settling for a lower level of competition for no reason whatsoever.

NFL is boring. I wanna see folks in their prime battling it out to get the highest in the draft. NFL has been gay for years and is getting gayer with all of the rules they add every year.

NFL has been gay for years and is getting gayer with all of the rules they add every year.

That problem is intrinsic to american football and is what you get when you follow a sport invented by some retards who thought running head-first into each other was entertaining.

American football

Is there any other kind? Plz don’t tell me soccer 🤞🏿

Any sport > literally brain damage

Lol like I care about the players health. You’re a faggot gtfo, SEC football is king

I forgot that "sports" is only scheduled programming for you, not an actual activity.

Oh ya I’m not in HS bro. Sweet ‘insult’ shill


Is illiteracy a mark of pride in whatever neck of the woods spit you out in shame or do you just mindlessly smash buzzwords on the keyboard when you panic?

Oh I’m not sure, I’m not really an authority on these things hun.

I’m not really an authority

Tell me something that isn't already obvious when you walk into a room.

Hahaha quit getting butt hurt

you're the retard who likes to drop "whom" in random sentences to sound smart, right?

college football games are consistently more exciting than NFL games that's a fact

that's a fact

Prove it

Asking for proof? Wtf is this /r/politics?

Wtf is this /r/politics?

Same goes for your feelz-based, "that's a fact" analysis

seriousposters GET OUT OUT OUT

imagine seriousposting in /r/drama and accusing other people of being assblasted


Don't strain your brain too hard.

To be fair, either did most liberals.

More like half watch it

Watching football without money on the line is the equivalent to dry humping.

Radical centrist: never even watched the NFL

Probably because you got the tism.

it always seemed to me like that thing people do where they each get into a big inflatable sphere and then run at each other as hard as they can

thats the nfl to me

Our soldiers died so that we can daydrink on a Sunday without shame pls show them some respect! https://i.imgur.com/9oFoRrs.jpg

These are the people liberals want to provide UBI for.

Give them some money and the carfentanyl will take care of the problem.

Mayocide. Now.

they probably died more for drinking then minority rights tbh

My Guy. Its a huge gathering of people in a small venue. Thousands. I'd say that qualifies.

NFL attendance 2017 ~19 million Movie Theater attendance 2017 !1 billion.

Mandatory national anthem before every movie today or you hate America

Movie Theater attendance 2017 ~1 billion.

People on average see at least 3 movies per year? Damn, that's more than I figured.

I know people who go every weekend and see every movie, regardless of interest. Movie-going is their hobby.

Liberals: "I'm going to boycott sportsball and monster truck pulls! Haha, owned."

Monster truck rallies are cooler than the nfl.

They're missing out bigly.

Chariot races are a 2000 year old classical tradition.

NASCAR is higher culture than whatever faggy diversions bugmen are into lately.

It sure is!

It must be nice living somewhere that isn't retarded.

None of us would really know now, would we?

I carry the retard with me, wherever I go!

show respect for the flag and the Anthem.

religion in a nutshell

Ed's getting euphoric!

Cool beans man, cool beans.

I tip my hat to you, I tip my fedora to you

Ed is a treasonous bastard.


You limey Bastard.

At this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony God's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.

No, your knee jerk reaction is a mistake. The global elite are luciferians. They worship Lucifer with child sacrifices, pedophilia, Kabbalah (numerology), astrology/secret architecture, and music. They willingly allow themselves to become possessed through these means by conjuring demons and committing violent acts. They also use drugs and TM meditation. You're assuming there is no spiritual world. There is no reason to assume this since even science takes an agnostic stance on the supernatural/spiritual world. You can only prove something false, not true.

Now you have to admit that much of science is theory and much of medicine relies on testimony. Testimony is evidence. Demons have been written about for thousands of years. The goofy horse poop you are referring to is the fact the demons manifest in this dimension in any form they want but their true form -as the Bible and much literature states- is reptilian. They look like lizard people. They can appear when they want to the human eye but they usually hide. They appear momentarily in person or show signs in a possessed human by showing scales or lizard eyes/tongue. That's what those crazy david Icke stories are about. It's real. It's not aliens.

Aliens don't exist as far as my research has shown me. They are just the same demons written about for thousands of years. They manifest in different forms other than their true form such as appearing as children or deceased loved ones or Bigfoot but they are reptile-like in their true form. Sleep paralysis and alien visitations are -from what I've learned-just demonic attacks. Praying to or simply saying Jesus Christ name makes them flee. The more powerful ones that can possess people sometimes require fasting with prayer to get rid of them.

The global elite (13 bloodlines including the Rothschilds who funded the creation of the illuminati in 1776 and the creation of he state of Israel) are allegedly offspring of the nephilim. They are generational luciferians who are perfectly possessed and communicate directly with Lucifer in London. That's because that's where there is a low amount of Christians. They worship with child sacrifice and rape mainly so that's why there are so many pedophile rings linked to the elite/top public figures.

Your knee jerk reaction against the idea that there is a spiritual world was programmed into by the mainstream media from a young age. They control the media. That's why there is such a strong anti Christian sentiment for decades now. If you research luciferian illuminati symbolism you'll see it all through top brand logos, public figures hand gestures and wardrobe and tv shows/movies/music. They worship in plain site with symbolism. They have to. The rules of engagement dictate that we have to give consent in order for them to take our souls which is what they want. They control the money as means to control and lead us away from God. I was agnostic for decades until I started researching why 9/11 happened and who was behind it. They were. It was a setup. The Rothschilds make their money by manipulating wars. The reptile people are real but they are demons. I took a photo of one in a car that had luciferian symbolism on it.

I snapped this photo of what looks like a demon face to me in the rear view mirror of a car within ten miles of an Air Force base directly because of a show I heard on the stern show in 2011. I took the pic in feb 2012. I had heard stern ridiculing a Christian lady who claimed that the monster logo allegedly had a Hebrew 666 on it. I think she was right. I took a pic old a car that had a huge monster logo decal. I thought why would anyone put a logo that big in their back window? Later I noticed the numbers of the license plate were 6363it. They add numbers together in numerology and 6363 is as good as a 666. So Since the monster logo -and most other top brand logos- appears to have luciferian symbolism embedded- I thought it might mean to "666 it" in reference to the logo decal. As if to say "make it evil/worship lucifer". I later saw it on a big screen away from the suns glare and noticed that the drivers face looked like an alien face. I looked to check if the supposed satanist inside driving saw me snap the pic.

According to many Christians, end times will be a fake alien invasion of demons that will try to get permission to take over by pretending to want to "serve" mankind. We'll be in deep shit when they finally arrive to supposedly save us. At home I zoomed in and saw the face. I blew it off as the tinted windows and jpeg compression in my photo distorting the pic. Only months later when I learned after much research that aliens are actually just the same demons we read about in books over centuries old including the Bible which look like reptiles, I decided to look at that pic again. It's clear as day to me now. It was actually a movie about gargoyles that made me remember that face I saw in the rear view mirror which I blew off as a digital artifact/visual illusion.

That's a reptile face, not an alien face. I didn't see a drawing of a reptilian until then to see that there are exact other versions of that face already on the web from different angles and renderings. After taking the pic I almost died in three separate car accidents and just stopped driving after that. I'd never had a car accident in my 19 years of driving and suddenly -in one incident- some Arab woman started driving in the wrong lane headed towards my car. Anyway, here is the pic of that demon face.. This one is less cropped but also brightened. . The face is in the rearview mirror. You can see the bulbous round back if it's head in the drivers seat. It's grainy because the windows were tinted. It seemed to have a scarf hanging over the mirror to block people from seeing it easily and perhaps the huge logo decal was another cover. Here's the full unbrightened and uncropped pic that was compressed by Dropbox I think. I have a better version less compressed/lossy version not handy at the moment. It was taken in a tiny backwards town full of rednecks. Edit: Someone was nice enough to create a guide using the unbrightened photo, too. It's harder to see but I still see it. It's extra hard to see on a small screen.

Personally on the brightened version, I see even ambient glow in its catlike eyes of the sun setting on the right and it reminds me if my cats eyes. I see it frowning at the area my camera was when I held it out of my window to take a clearer pic. I even see it's scraggly like hand (looks like white lines) on the wheel and a cloth over the center of the rearview to hide its face more. This was taken in a backwards town near an air force base and Kennedy Space Center.

satanist/occultist, Aliester Crowley drew the demon he channeled and it looked like a gray "alien".

Whatever kid. I make over 5000 dollars per month in disability checks. Your taxes pay for my waifus and fleshlights. That means I'm effectively cucking your paycheck just by being a morbidly obese bedridden neckbeard. You are a financial cuckold, enslaved by NEETs like myself.


Further securing American Football's status as a meme sport lmfao.

it was and will be known.

Still, at least it's not baseball

Baseball is the people's sport. All you have to be able to do is swing the bat, catch, and throw. It's not like football, where a wide receiver or lineman is decided by genetics.

The only way to watch a baseball game is to actually go to the game. It's pretty fun to bullshit with the three drunk dudes around you on a Thursday night. The only downside is the $10 beers but I combat this by bringing a flask or three

I combat this by bringing a flask or three

Now this is an American past-time.

You can combat most things with enough flasks.

A moment of silence for people whose local baseball stadium disallows tailgating

The only downside is the $10 beers but I combat this by bringing a flask or three

It is your American duty to buy overpriced beers at baseball games.

It's not like football, where a wide receiver or lineman is decided by genetics.

Yea cuz Pitchers and DH's are built the same lmao

All you have to be able to do is stand in a field all day waiting for those two seconds where you might need to do something

Baseball is unwatchable 😴😴😴😴 😴

It's the sport where you can be a 45 year old fatass and still make over a million in baseball. I can't think of anything more patriotic than that.

You mean hand-egg?

The funny thing about this is that sub was full of people mocking the conservatives who were boycotting the nfl saying shit like no one cares if you aren't watching anymore Cleetus.

but it ended up actually working and the league has banned it lol

Turns out Cleetus is the primary demo for a sport that literally gives you brain damage, go figure.

kind of like how /r/movies just CANNOT figure out why hollywood keeps pumping out transformers movies and not just writing blank checks to wes anderson and lars vontrier

Imo if I wanted to see a dude jerk off in silence in audioless greyscale I would watch gay redtube

Transformers is dying tho, it's just being replaced with Marvel

The people that rightfully shit on Transformers will be front and center in the theater watching this month's capeshit.

I personally DEMAND Hollywood give me a 200MM Wallace & Gromit/ Spirited Away crossover.

Leave Studio Ghibli outta this, mayo scum

I'm not mayo, I'm 1/64 Cherokee fgt.

I'm too stoned for this shit. u/MooseHeckler take the wheel

Jesus will save us.

It's not just that, it's this simple fact:

If anyone else engage in political grandstanding on the job, they would get fired. There is no free speech issue here. These are employees doing a job, and while doing that job, they are representatives and agents of their respective franchise and the NFL as a whole. That time is not THEIR time, it's the NFL's time. They are being paid well for it.

Normal people resent a bunch of whiny rich people complaining that they don't get special rights no other Americans have to protest during work hours.

If standing for the national anthem is part of their job and we can all admit that the anthem is pointless choreographed entertainment, than this is makes sense. If we want to say that the anthem is played as a chance for everyone to express their patriotism of their own free will than this is dumb as hell.

They gave them the right not to be present. Previously everyone had to be present whether or not they wanted to stand for the anthem, but there was no rule actually requiring them to act respectful.

Calling kneeling disrespectful is some whiny ass shit. I mean just imagine being this triggered by seeing some guy on TV taking a knee.

How dare you disrespect conservative victimhood. Prepare to taste Wisconsin steel.

Is it true the Packers started as a gay orgy but had to pretend to be a football team to avoid anti-sodomy laws?

Mate this are the same people that care how a person drinks water from a water bottle.

Starting to think maybe white people were a mistake

pointless choreographed entertainment

How does this not describe every athletic event ever? "fandom" is strictly determined by closest nfl team and nothing else

Sure and I'm saying if that's all the anthem is than fine make them stand as part of their job as entertainers, but don't then spew dumb shit about how it's all some meaningful display of patriotism.

Have you ever been to a fireworks stand? Their employees are required to pretend fake patriotism and they're paid by some weird mlm contracts.

What ritzy fireworks stand are you going to? At best those people try to pretend they aren't high as fuck.

They are extremely valuable and irreplaceable employees and also ones with a union. Of course the NFL treats them with a light hand.

Eh, only a few QBs, running backs, and wide receivers are irreplaceable.

The majority of a football team is obese people who push against obese people on the other team

If anyone else engage in political grandstanding on the job, they would get fired.

lmao sounds like you're uneducated and a poor corporate wage slave. must suck to silence yourself for a paltry sum of money each month eh?

im sure your boss would love it if you explicitly refused to do part of your job on pretend moral grounds

Very cool thing to do is go online and vehemently support blue blood billionaires that couldn’t give two shits about you in their quest to silence their employees in order to make their packaged entertainment product more palatable to nationalists

shitting on your main demo is bad??!?!?

They got shit on the same way a catcall is rape. These retards triggered themselves so hard their bud lights foamed over from all the shaking. And all they accomplished was making everyone pay attention and talk about the protest for a fucking year.

That and prevent Kap from getting anymore CTE, which also probably lost them a Republican voter.

just like the nba isnt going to get ted nugent to do the half time show, the nfl cant promote blm bullshit without alienating their core audience

it is what it is

Ted Nugent fucking sucks and the NFL doesn't hire him either, last I checked they hired Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake.

The NFL has done more to generate attention to this issue with their hysterical response than any other league. We arent talking about it right now because of some backup QB in San Francisco, we are talking about it because of the whiny retards in the NFL and the NFL fanbase.

last I checked they hired Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake.

yeah because theyre known for their work and nobody cares about their politics

We arent talking about it right now because of some backup QB in San Francisco, we are talking about it because of the whiny retards in the NFL and the NFL fanbase.

id argue the entire issue stems from whiny entitled rich black guys pretending to be oppressed and using the wrong platform to express it

They aren't taking a knee because they are getting shot by cops. That's just dumb.

theyre not even in remotely the same demographic, wealth plays far higher a factor in police interaction than race

Hahaha no shit, they are doing it because they care about how the police treat other black people. Google "empathy" you actual autistic.

Hahaha no shit, they are doing it because they care about how the police treat other black people.

suuuuure they do, its definitely not just for attention

reeeeeeeee fake protest!

black americans love attention and self promotion, you cant point a camera at one without him screaming about his mixtape or soundcloud or snapchat

these guys saw a chance to be seen as something other than dog killing rapists and murderers and jumped at the opportunity


You really are a one trick pony.

i love how butthurt people in here get at actual facts when theyre not busy posting faggy shit about white people and trying to razz the totally real nazis that definitely care


Leftists and getting cucked by middle America. Like peas and carrots.

> %Current_Year%

> Caring about sportsball


Real men play true professional sports such as Hearthstone.

God damn right. And Overwatch.

Oh man, all those anti-PC people will be so furious that a prominent employer are forcing its employees to be politically correct!

Lol, all the people in there unironically whining about America not being free because of the actions of a private corporation would be the first people to post that smug-ass XKCD comic about free speech in any other situation. Suddenly though, they don't like that argument. Not so fun when it's one of your sacred cows is it?

The same people that say “it’s a private company” when people get fired from ESPN for saying Obama is Hitler

Uh, the fact some players peacefully kneeling in a non-disruptive way triggered so many white people including the president, says a lot.

Super vicious attack on a man who quit his job after protesting for months with no consequence and was told it was a bad idea by angry morons.

Super vicious attack on a man who quit his job after protesting for months with no consequence and was told it was a bad idea by angry morons. How did he survive?

He attacked all of them. He's a racist little bitch right-wing snowflake.

Looks up photo

Oh god his hairstyle will never be the same

He's a racist little bitch right-wing snowflake.

Wait are you talking about Colin or Trump? I'm confused


Uh, he's the victim in all this. Colin is a millionaire who forced the NFL to protest against police.


You're clearly delusional. Perhaps you need another millionaire to think the correct thoughts for you?

Yes, the rich white president is the real victim in this.

Please stop viciously attacking me. I did nothing to hurt you.

just noticed the username welcome brack my bromosexual

Welcome back, xir.

And this whole thing seems as genuine as that one guy who "thought Apu was too racist."

the SJWs are right this time

Oh no. It's retarded

The players should protest this by making out with each other during the anthem. Show true brotherhood and unity.

This, but unironically

And hot af.

That's hilariously the most concise explanation of this policy. It's a carefully worded statement that basically says, "I don't want this to be your platform. You're here to play a football game and earn us money..

This comment rises above the noise of all the people whining and losing their minds. You pay these fucker millions to play with balls. Not make politic statements on the clock.

on the clock

The protest takes place before the game though

Lord, give me strength during these trials and tribulations

'On the Clock' as in 'during work hours', not the game clock you poor, lamentable fucking idiot.

I personally think I have a lot to learn about the American system, from a 20-30 year old multi millionaire who gets paid to hit people and run fast.

You certainly have a lot to learn about sentence structure.

America is truly dumb in this regard. In my commie country we don't give a crap about the opinion of some dumbass celebrity, but in America no one's opinion is held higher than Hollywood celebrities and athletes.

They pay them millions of dollars because they have a very exclusive skillset. That skillset gives them leverage. Almost no one makes as much as they do in terms of income... most people are rich simply because they own a lot of shit and accrue rent from ownership, not because of the value of their work. The market has determined that these people's work is more valuable than almost anyone else's work, in general only American CEO's are comparable in terms of income.

They also have a union.

Lol I am the beat shitposter in history but millions of drunks arent willing to pay me to insult commies online.

Kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful

No, it's not

Can I run around saying the N word then?

/u/Cimple_Mike is so retarded that the misspelling in his username may not be on purpose.

lol cmon you can do better than that kid

So could you, yet here we are.

So could you


Lmao, /u/Cimple_Mike got so bussy-blasted in that /r/nfl thread that he deleted all of his comments in the past month, unearthing this little nugget of mental retardation:

Trump should win a godamn Nobel Peace Prize for pulling this off. Never thought he could actually do it, incredible.

Liberals banning people all over social media for disagreeing with them 'Freeze Peech, bitches! Private corporations can do whatever they want! It's not censorship, it's just showing you the door!'

Liberals when an employer tells their employee to do their fucking jobs and stop sperging out 'OMG the sky is falling! This terrible violation of our rights is a degradation up with which we will no longer put!'.

Someone should make all their employees pray five times a day to allah, we should see how long conservatives stand for that.

5 extra breaks? I'll take it

kneeling is hatespeech!!!

Football is about football, not protesting American politics. They made the right choice. Those football players can go on the sidewalk and protest all they want or talk about their politics during an interview on TV or something.

seriousposter detected

They made the right choice.

They're still not burning the flag, so no they have not made the right choice.

being this much of a faggot


being this much of a faggot where $1.2 billion wasn't enough to help you win



Professional sports in America has a long history of being used as a political platform.

I'm sure they'll still get their politics in after a game when they get interviewed. NFL took a very patriotic stance that they are pro-America and I love that. Those football players make millions and it boggles the mind why they can't show respect to the country that provides them with such massive opportunity.

Yes, everyone knows shutting down American citizens for peacefully protesting is a "pro-America" stance.

Just an FYI:


In a poll, whites were asked whether the NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem are helping or hurting the cause of racial justice. No fewer than 85 percent said they are hurting it.

Clearly, this offense to the anthem and the American flag is the worst possible way to change minds. Blacks need to find a less divisive means to register their discontent.

Oh, wait. I’ve got that wrong. Those figures don’t come from a new poll. They come from a survey taken in 1966 asking whites whether “the demonstrations by Negroes on civil rights have helped more or hurt more in the advancement of Negro rights.”

Only 15 percent of whites surveyed thought those peaceful protests would advance the cause of integration and equality. Martin Luther King Jr. and his nonviolent methods are honored even by conservatives today, but in 1967, half of whites said he was harming blacks, with only 36 percent disagreeing.

In many respects, the country has changed a lot since then — partly because of those unpopular demonstrations. What has not changed is that whites generally resent organized efforts by African-Americans to raise grievances and seek change. Last year, a Reuters poll found that 63 percent of whites disapproved of NFL players kneeling during the anthem — compared with 17 percent of blacks.

The Black Lives Matter movement is also unpopular among whites. Only 35 percent hold a positive view of it, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, compared with 83 percent of blacks. The negative opinions could be attributed to the noisy, disruptive marches the group has held or to the occasional outbreaks of violence that have resulted. The killing of five Dallas police officers at a Black Lives Matter demonstration last year (by a gunman unconnected to the group) also alienated a lot of people.

But if you don’t like how Black Lives Matter pursues its agenda, you should welcome the NFL players’ approach. It’s silent; it’s not disruptive; and it’s entirely nonviolent. It doesn’t block traffic, occupy police or frighten bystanders.

Critics say it’s disrespectful to the flag, but no flags are harmed — and it could be taken as a form of respect for the flag to mutely signal your belief that the ideals it represents are not being realized.

That the display evokes so much fury and disgust among whites, from the president on down, confirms what was evident 50 years ago. The problem is not how blacks raise their complaints about American society; it’s that they raise them.

They can still kneel, they just get fined which is the NFL's way of saying they don't approve of the protest since soldiers died fighting to protect America, black soldiers too. It's the NFL's way of saying you can kneel, but we don't agree with it. NFL is pro-America and anti-modern-SJW now.

I support traditional social justice by Martin Luther King. I also support Black Lives Matter right to protest in the street AS LONG AS THEY DON'T OBSTRUCT PATHWAYS. Let people conduct their business.

Recently a black lives matter protest obstructed people from attending a free speech event at UNH. They literally blocked the path so people couldn't attend and had to move the event: https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=10858

Did Martin Luther King obstruct pathways and prevent people from getting to where they wanted to go? I don't think so. Martin Luther King was a brilliant activist with tact & strategy.

They can still kneel, they just get fined which is the NFL's way of saying they don't approve of the protest since soldiers died fighting to protect America, black soldiers too

And stopped reading. Those soldiers died to protect your right to say anything you fucking want to say, no matter how hard it triggers white conservative snowflakes.

You're one of the most disingenuous people I've ever encountered.

You're saying that every platform in America should be eligible to be political? You know how annoying that would be? The SJW's want to make EVERYTHING political, it's extremely annoying.

No, I'm saying you're a delusional moron. Professional sports in America have been political for as long as these teams have existed.

The only reason white conservative snowflakes have a problem with it is because they can't stand it when black people point out inequality.

What's wrong with pointing out inequality on TV during an interview or at a street protest, or on a forum? There's a million other places where it'd be more appropriate and still have a large, meaningful impact. Why does it have to be right before the game? All you're doing is pissing everyone off with an illogical protest no one understands, lol.

Martin Luther Kings issues were true & just. Those were very easy to understand, but Keaperneck's protest was just like wtf.

Here's a yes or no question.

Have sports been used as a political platform in America for over 60 years?

Yes and it's highly annoying.

The NFL just issued a political statement by introducing this fine, so nothing has changed. It's still political. They can still recite politics during the game in some way. Instead of kneeling they can just make a hand gesture or something, lol.

You know what, I think Martin Luther King did obstruct pathways. Well, that sucks. I don't agree with that. He probably could've achieved results faster had he not done that.

actually attention whoring was already banned if you look at the rules https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchdown_celebration#NFL_football

When some random conservative gets fired for expressing his political beliefs: "xD xD le first amendment only applies to the government, private organizations can do whatever they want you dumb Crumpf Rethuglicans xD"

When a private organization bans woke kneeling: "MUH FIRST AMENDMENT!!!!!"

the nfl basically got tired of giving the black guys leeway i guess

in the end theyre hired to play football not fuck around and protest

Ban kneeling but give that dude convicted of 9 counts of domestic violence a 10 million dollar contract as long as he gets 6 sacks!

  • cowboys fans

Ur mom got six sacks last night

"I'm never watching the NFL ever again!"

-Soyboy Redditor who's hobbies include overwatch, platoon, and wow

That was one of the most incel things I've ever read. What about all your trump people who stopped watching because of that Kaepernick guy? Some people don't want to watch sweaty oafs bang into each other and grab each other's asses lol relax

america was a mistake

prove me wrong, amerimutts!