Ghazi gets upset that people criticize shitty animation

99  2018-05-23 by NeoModerateOne


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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In a move that surprises no one, ghazelles get upset that people are upset about shitty tumblr animation. Calls for black listing possible

Imagine being 40+7 years old and caring about goobergate in current year+3

/u/RobertJHill, please address.

Certainly. As one might assess from its front page, GamerGhazi would technically be more of a moderately liberal "tech and entertainment" board as opposed to a mad at GamerGate forum, much in the same way KotakuInActions screams about how GamerGate doesn't exist anymore, and they're more a generalized "culture war" subreddit.

Given that the board reflects some of my own politics, it's a nice place to catch up on the latest controversies and non-troveries surrounding things I might be familiar with online, one of those being holy fucking shit these goddamn NEETS have seriously been reduced to crying about the fucking Thundercats grow up you fucking losers holy shit.

Given that the board reflects some of my own politics


Friend if you're concerned about infiltration I'd take it up with that fella passing out invitations there.

Oh, a fellow dramanaut who, like myself, enjoys watching people have meltdowns over things as trivial as cartoons!

You might enjoy this classic Steven Universe drama.

Is this the time that girl attempted suicide, or something else?

Something else, I think. This was a deliberate trolling attempt. Iirc, the suicide attempt was over "sincere" fanart/fandom gone wrong.

ah I remember that one, shit was classic. got all the babies to come out and cry. the burglar one is the bestest

anyone who cares this much about some stupid kids' cartoon deserves the gulag.


moderately liberal

My nibba, don't be playin'

ChapoTrapHouse it ain't.

I think CTH is less on the spectrum than Ghazi. Interesting.

Jesus, seriously? Most of the time they behave like if KotakuInAction was actually "liberal".

Ghazi is like a thick slab of dogmatic and insane progressive ideology compared to CTH's milquetoast bourgeoisie liberalism peppered with occasional bouts of autism.

But we need one of /r/drama's CTH to step in, because I really can't count myself among KIA or CTH, so I lacked the require livid experience to comment.

dogmatic and insane progressive ideology

That seems like a tad much.

All of this, however, is deflecting from our main topic of "haha holy shit it's the fucking Thundercats that's made them this mad. Go get a haircut and play sports."

I don't care about Thundercats, I just want to shitpost.

More Autistic






BadX subs



Less Autistic

> KiA is 'mid tier'

Who you think you're fooling...

It's an autism spectrum. KiA might have people sperging out but they're nowhere near as autistic as where you hang out

they're nowhere near as autistic as where you hang out

From a gent you might take it easier from...

Lil buddy, I voted for Obama

Of course, I voted for orange Daddy but I did vote Obama

You all "voted Obama"...

I voted for Bush before that (I'm from Texas) and Clinton before that. Should I keep going?


72: McGovern

76: Carter

80: Carter

84: Reagan

88: Dukakis

*** This was when I stopped voting for issues and started voting for who I would think would win ***

92: Clinton

96: Clinton

00: W

04: W

08: Obama

12: Obama

16: Trump

*** This was when I stopped voting for issues and started voting for who I would think would win ***

I was just about to say.

It still says D on my voter card baby

You cheated the system.

I've actually done a lot of blockwalking and other volunteering for the dem party over my lifetime. Just couldn't vote for Hillary. Almost didn't vote for one of the few times in my life

This was unironically posted there. GamerGhazi is one of the few subs that's crazier than CTH or any of those stupid ass alt-right subs.

GamerGhazi is worse than the MAGApede board and Great Awakening? C'mon now...

Yes. Dude, Ghazi is fucking unhinged,even before you add in all the pedo apologia.

"all white people are racist"

Usually even t_d isn't that blatant about their stupid ass opinions. They at least try to hide their racism sometimes.

Usually even t_d isn't that blatant about their stupid ass opinions

lolololol holy shit dude...

They usually say "Religion" or "culture" rather than race, you guys just cut out the middle man and talk about how much you hate white people.

you guys just cut out the middle man and talk about how much you hate white people.

Quick, clean and efficient. The revolution has no time for your semantics!

preach brother ✊🏿 ✊🏿 mayocide now!

ghazi is full of people that are legitimately crazy, cth is just idiot teenagers

i mean ffs you guys have caelrie and probably irbytremor under some new pseudonym

colby klaus, etc etc

the list goes on

He thinks "moderate" is being pro-state censorship. Hah.

Why do you give a shit if people critique a cartoon's artwork style, grow the fuck up you loser holy shit.

Lulz and lulz accessories.

The left cant lul

Shit, neither can most of you from the looks of it.

We're fucking centrists here you lefty faggot, we have everyone else to lul at.


You're tagging the wrong person, unless /u/RobertJHill is also an oldfag in which case, holy shit people, don't you have kids to look after or something?

Old enough to not sit around enraged by Cartoon Network.

How are you going to sit on a high horse about this when you post in Ghazi?

If this remake was problematic for some reason you'd probably be howling with the rest of them.

Nah. Just quit gettin' mad at cartoons and everything will be fine.

Alright as soon as you lot stop getting mad about video games not having enough diversity and trannies.


You'll just have to put up with other people's autistic screeching as well then.

I can dig it, not being the one making an impassioned plea to Stop destroying muh cartoons! I feel quite content in pointing and laughing at the "college kids" who have made this their new little battlefront in le culture war.

I do recommend start watching some television that isn't animated every now and then, though. Some pretty neat shit they got now.

le culture war

Nobody's forgotten that you post in command HQ for the losing side in le culture war.

I do recommend start watching some television that isn't animated every now and then, though. Some pretty neat shit they got now.

If it's not tentacle rape I'm not interested.

the losing side in le culture war

MAGADaddy ain't staying there forever, 'pede. We already got one Caramel Kennedy in there once before, you don't think we're gearing up for a new one?

But none of that really address the fact haha look how mad you are at cartoons you didn't even watch.

I don't know which I find more pathetic, people caring about Thundercats in 2018, or people caring that people care the wrong way about Thundercats in 2018.

It's them. Upon realizing they were being perceived as dumbasses they seemed to have very quickly fumbled to a W-well here you are giving me attention, so who's REALLY the dumbass here?! thinking it'd look better. It doesn't.

Mind you, for all of their shrieking about how mad they've mad everyone with their wrongthink, all I did was call them mouthbreathers. They've taken it upon themselves to step up to "battle".

I’ve never seen an episode in my life and holy shit all of you need to neck yourselves.

I’m a proud radical centrist and in this scenario it is 100% appropriate to say both sides are wrong. And pathetic.

I’m a proud radical centrist

You sir are worst than 90 Stalins.


Genocides committed by the left: >1

Genocides committed by the right: >1

Genocides committed by radical centrists: We’re working on white people don’t rush us!

I'm not American. I don't care who you elect. Four more years of Trump would be funny though.

But none of that really address the fact haha look how mad you are at cartoons you didn't even watch.

Actually, you've said that a few times. It's your ace apparently.

We already got one Caramel Kennedy in there once before, you don't think we're gearing up for a new one?

"There not a liberal America and a conservative America - There's the United States of America!"

"Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They've got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law." #bluelivesmatter

Oh hell yeah! We love us a radical centrist 'round here.

I don't really like watching tv tbh, I just shitpost during my down time.

What neat shit do they have now? I’ve tried to watch like 20 different shows this year and they’re all terrible so I couldn’t get into them

we just want more diversity in animation style

Says the guy getting mad at cartoons and video games.

People have a right to criticize things.

People have a right to criticize things.

You sure do!

And when it hits the point that articles are being written about "Holy shit, look at these little freaks losing it...", maybe it's time to rethink your methods.

Maybe go play a game of 3 on 3 instead. Kick a soccer ball down a field perhaps.

Maybe those article are wrong? I mean. They have been wrong for years now. It is OK to call the CalArts style shit.

Maybe those article are wrong?

I mean are you implying they're simply lying about people crying about cartoons? Because do I have a treat for you....

you realise your sub is frequently linked elsewhere with a title along the lines of "Holy shit, look at these little freaks losing it..." right?

i mean that's pretty much the only reason anyone links to ghazi tbh - the hysterical anger at minor things (like people's views on cartoons for example)

you realise your sub is frequently linked elsewhere with a title along the lines of "Holy shit, look at these little freaks losing it..." right?

Well yeah, but by people from KotakuInAction, and who's gonna take any of them seriously...

they get linked here too bub. no one is safe

By a vast majority of the site, guy. Last time I saw ghazi linked on /r/OutOfTheLoop, people who weren't even part of the culture war bullshit also thought you guys are a pathetic circlejerk.

people who weren't even part of the culture war bullshit

A lot of people pretend they "don't know about any of this shit". A thread on here recently had a guy swearing he had no idea who this Sarkeesian woman was, but he watched like 3 minutes of a John Oliver episode a while back and knew for certain she was full of shit.

They figure him out in no time.

I'm sure it happens, yeah. But a lot of you just lie about "not being into all that..." too.

Oh wow, this is as hilarious as how KiA blames SJW's for everything. People don't like Ghazi when they see it. Your average Redditor, regardless of how deep in the culture war they are, can take one look at your sub and go "wow, these people are pathetic, this is just an anger-fueled circlejerk." Just because you're delusional and you think anyone who dislikes Ghazi must be a Gator doesn't take away that fact.

Yeah no you're right, your average everyday normie just happens to have an intimate knowledge and deep hatred of Sarkeesian, and recalls it randomly on unrelated reddit boards.

Yeah in hindsight I can see how that makes more sense.

Ah, so everyone who sees Ghazi is actually that one retard you found in disguise! It's absolutely impossible for anyone to see Ghazi without actually being a super secret Gator!

You're retarded, lmao.

No, it's just that I just showed you were someone had very obviously lied about "not knowing anything about this at all..." only to immediately break down and reveal he knew plenty about it.

Your logical fallacy is being a spastic. C'mon, "logic" me up an explanation on how that totally unrelated, 'barely even heard of that controversy but here's a detailed explanation of how John Oliver is broadcasting propaganda...' person came to his conclusion.

I love how your instant reaction to "Maybe that happens, but sometimes you just lie. Like this guy did, see?" is an over the top 'UH HUH SURE YEAH MAN EVERYONES A GAMERGATER, THEY'RE FUCKIN' EVERYWHERRE IT'S JUST LIKE THEY LIVE OR SOMETHING IS THAT RIGHT?!'. No, no it's not. Again, though, a lot of "those people" have horrible poker faces, and are convinced if they come across as random passers-by in these conversations, they somehow get more credibility.

And then cry when they actually just drop their spaghetti.

You're not proving me wrong. In fact, you're actively proving my point. I don't care about this person. He's not everyone who dislikes Ghazi, as much as you wish he was. In fact, if you're saying that he's not the average person and he is a secret gator, then he wouldn't even be an exception to my argument, because if he's deep in the culture war but pretending not to be, then he's not someone who's not deep in the culture war. Therefore, my point still stands.

Here's a good example of this in action, note the people saying "Both Ghazi and KiA are cray"

God, I love taking obvious bait.

Deflect deflect deflect.

"ACTUALLY you're proving me right by having busted someone doing exactly what you said!". Whatever you say broham.

Here's some obvious bait for you; holy shit these little freaks are so unbelievably mad at kiddie cartoons, that shit's mad dweeby.

You still having proven me wrong. (`・ω・´)

I can't, I don't have any comments from 2014 to do so! 😞

The age of my link just shows that Ghazi has been crazy for years.

Why are there more people getting vicious in the R.I.P. Biscuit thread on KiA than they are on Ghazi? That seems strange...

I don't care? I never said KIA was sane, but cute attempt at a false dilemma. Ghazi is still pathetic, regardless of how pathetic KIA is as well.

So it's almost like if some batshit nastiness is posted on one board, it's pretty much universal and it doesn't matter where it's pointed out at?

So if I go on one "pathetic" board, it doesn't make what I see one another "pathetic" board less pathetic? Life if I were to, say... bash a bunch of fucking dorks for getting mad at a cartoon, it doesn't matter where I posted that at, because it would be fucking stupid no matter I brought it up...

Huh. Well look at that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

We're talking about Ghazi, the subreddit that throws bitchfits over Kingdom Come and South Park, among others. So, why are you hanging around on a board where grown men get angry about video games and cartoons? Sounds like a pathetic place to me.

why are you hanging around on a subreddit where grown men get angry about video games and cartoons?

This all started because you guys were outraged -fucking outraged- over a comment where I called people (who are "in college" apparently, if people on here are to be believed...) screaming about the legacy of a shitty 30 year old Saturday morning cartoon mouthbreathers.

In their rebuttals of what I said, nearly everyone on here got mad over a cartoon. The only other point anyone tried to make besides a douchechill inducing defense of W-WE'RE ALLOWED TO CALL SHITTY CARTOONS SHIT YA KNOW! is apparently just a pissy little tirade that I posted the comment on the "wrong board".

Thundercats blow, the people crying about it are dweebs, and I could post that on any board on the site and it'd be true.

lmao, look at all that irrelevant text. My argument still stands. Ghazi is a loony bin that gets mad over video games and cartoons, and your average onlooker will recognize that fact.

Why do all of you dipshits talk like you learn to argue from Sargon of Akkad videos? Learn to post one comment without channeling your inner anime villain.

"An honest, logical discussion", get the fuck on somewhere with this you pantpisser. What, were you looking a 4 hour Google hangout where we debate the pros and cons of your shitty internet war against thew Cartoon Network?

See, it's cute because you are apparently unable to actually argue against anything I said. It's fun watching you get so heated when I call you out on your bullshit arguments. Even in this post alone, you have ad hominems, straw man arguments, guilt by association (to people I'm not even associated with, no less). If you don't want to be so upset by being called out on these things, have you tried not being retarded? Also...

my argument still stands.

Say "cute" 50 more times.

lol mouthbreather's mad that SJWs keep killin' his cartoons. Pathetic!

Please point out where I posted anything about Thundercats in this thread. You keep arguing against those strawmen and can't face the facts that Ghazi is garbage. How cute.

Please point my nuts in your mouth.

I would, but seeing as you post on gamerghazi, you probably cut them off already.

They're swollen with good ally goo, I spray it on losers that are mad at cartoons.

Ah, so you spray it all over the other denizens of ghazi regularly. That's good to hear.

What a cute deflection from my argument. Pathetic!

Not my fault that your favorite subreddit (which is gamerghazi, before you try anything cute like before) is filled with dorks who get angry about cartoons. It's the truth, no matter how much you plug in your ears and start QQing when it's pointed out to you.

My argument stands, you cute little patheticperson!

If you keep posting this cute imitation of me, I might reach my cute quota by the end of the night.

I seriously have enough autism to keep this thread going. Are you sure you wanna play this game?

Is it cute autism?


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How are you going to sit on a high horse about this when you post in Ghazi?

This is /r/drama, being an active contributor to any other subreddit automatically grants the user a high horse.

Not ghazi. If drama is a toilet ghazi is a french toilet.

But still young enough to sit around being mad at people not liking some shitty cartoon, lmao.

"W-we're not mad, you're mad! Look how mad we've made you, pretending we were mad!"

You sure showed me.

Imagine being in your 20's and lying about being a huge Thundercats fan -a show that went off the air a decade before most of these mouthbreathers were born- so you could justify going ballistic over a new children's cartoon.

I love how that whole aspect just never comes up. Being grown adults losing your shit over Cartoon Network bullshit while simultaneous posting memes about "this soft generation!" and "Where the MANLY MEN at?!".

They're not sitting around crying about the fucking Thundercats.

Lol ok bro, you don't sound mad at all

Total chill

Looks pretty matter of fact to me. They're grown ups. Grown ups don't throw a teary about "muh Steven Thunderverse" and start screaming over Twitter because of it. A kid would do that.

Or, barring that, a total goddman loser. Someone who ha failed at being a big boy. We can't have people who have failed at being big boys not being put in check, can we?

Follow your dank maymays gang, go be real men and stop gettin' mad at cartoons.

Apparently grown ups call people "mouthbreathers" and "total goddamn losers" because they don't like some shitty cartoon you care real hard about.

Like holy shit bro if you're an adult so hard shouldn't you be out at your job earning a living taking care of your wife and kids who you love and provide for, and not raging on the internet about what college kids on their summer breaks choose to spend their free time caring about?

Look I appreciate how hard you're trying to flip this as people shrieking about just some offhand comments from normal people about how they're just not a fan of the style but everyone has sat here and watched you dipshits all but start sobbing over "muh childhood ; __ ;".

Good call with the pivot to the "Ey we're just bored college kids, 'avin a giggle and all that!", but still.

I mean I'm pretty obviously portraying this as you shrieking because you're the one who can't stop yourself calling people "dipshits" over what they think of some shitty cartoon.

Maybe if you could stop doing that and act like the adult you're claiming to be, I'd have to stop calling you mad, but you can't, because you actually are retardedly, hilariously mad.

I don't know why you're mad, maybe you really love this ugly new cartoon, maybe you're just old as fuck and hateful towards anyone whose dick can still get hard, but you're definitely incredibly fucking mad, and no amount of crying about what anyone else is doing will change that you are super mad.

Does this normally, work, by the way? Just shouting "No U!!" when people make fun of you for doing and saying dumb shit?

"Oh my god, did you just shit your pants?!"

"Yeah but who gives a shit, look at that face your making!"

A steady diet of KotakuInAction and Sargon videos does not an intellectual make, sport.

I mean, the fact that you think writing some internet posts and tweets you don't like is comparable to people literally shitting their pants in public is just a function of how hilariously, out of control assblastedly furious you are about this absolutely trivial issue, and the fact that you can't see that is amazing and terrifying.

Like if you absolutely have to make that horrible analogy, it's like if someone shit their pants in public, and you ran over to show them the error of their ways by shitting your own pants twice as hard. But you don't get it because apparently in your many years you never learned that your shit stinks just like everyone else's.

Note to self; that analogy really pissed you off. Come up with variations and continue to use repeatedly.

And now you're at the point where you're openly trolling, not even trying to advance anything resembling an actual point of view.

This is your adulthood.

you're openly and admittedly trolling

What board are we on, sport?

Yes you've fucking nailed it; I'm making fun of, and not debating, people pissed off at cartoons. You've figured it out.

Except like I said, you're not even doing that. You're just working on ways to make me, personally mad, because now you're mad that I pointed out how mad you are.

Do you even have a job?

I'm gonna start calling you Turd. Can the mods give flair to users? I'm gonna speak with someone and see if I can tag you Turd...

This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I hope you finally, someday, find a way to move out of your aging parents' house, and maybe get a prescription for some viagra.

This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

You're allegedly a "college kid" screaming about cartoons online, instead of doing literally anything else.

You're probably not the authority on what is and isn't "sad". A good baseline for it, maybe...

lol he's legit melting down

All that being said, I think a turd flair would look quite nice on you.

Turd, go get some friends. C'mon now.

SO tell me then. Why is it not ok the criticize the things you like?

Why is it not ok the criticize the things you like?

Have at it. When you start hitting meltdown levels of indignation, though, be prepared for laugter and ridiculed headed in your direction.

No one is having meltdowns.

You are nearly 50 years old. Get over yourself. You are hanging out with children commies on Ghazi.

Looks pretty matter of fact to me. They're grown ups. Grown ups don't throw a teary about "muh Steven Thunderverse" and start screaming over Twitter because of it.

ask them how they feel about notch or kingdom come deliverance

And is that supposed to cancel everything out, or...?

Noticing a pattern of everyone having much more of a beef with this having been posted on Ghazi, not because of what I said. Like if I had gone to r/television and posted the same comment, it'd have been ok, or...?

Getting infuriated over cartoons is or is not nerdshit, yes or no?

youre attempting to claim the moral high ground, when you post in ghazi

ghazi has literally always been a sub of screeching neon haired obese feminists, offended at everything that isnt ultra diverse for no reason

there is no situation in where a ghazi poster can accuse someone else of caring too much about unimportant shit

Noticing a pattern of everyone having much more of a beef with this having been posted on Ghazi,

yeah its funny when theyre hypocrites

Getting infuriated over cartoons is or is not nerdshit, yes or no?

yes which is why were making fun of ghazi

nobody else is "infuriated" except you guys lol we just think it looks shit because it does

the moral high ground

It's cartoons, what's the moral?

I'm laughing because these people are dorks, there's no moral highground or equivalent. They're dweebs who need to stop being dweeb shit constantly. The refusal to do it has resulted in their mockery.

Find me some mad Ghazeles in that thread, plz.

Like getting triggered because a medieval video game ?

Uh oh, someone didn't answer the question...

The one that you refuse to answer?

Rephrase "No U!" a couple more dozen times, see if that works.

So you can’t answer a simple question?

Like what answer are you expecting, shithead?

"No I guess getting triggered over a videogame also is not cool", is that supposed to make freaks crying about a cartoon better? Like oh shit, they got triggered once before, I guess these other guys are completely normal and cool for doing this other thing then?

Need that simple question answered? Yes, flipping your shit over a videogame is also pretty fucking dorky. Which is why you don't see me doing it over there. That doesn't make their little teary about 'muh childhood' that much more dignified and I don't understand how you thought asking that half a dozen times was supposed to trip me up into contradicting myself.

There's the answer that that simple question, here's response to that simple back and forth; haha fucking loser dipshits crying over Saturday morning cartoons in their 20s lololol.

I just love triggering people like you grandpa ;)

jokes on me you were just pretending

I triggered enough people with one comment where they needed to make two separate threads and start crying "debate me!". You "college kids" need to quit jerking off to Cheetara and get on my level.

College? I wish and no grandpa, I haven’t made any treads. Are you senile already?

Jesus, you need college if you thought I was insinuating you made the threads.

Anyway haha look at those fuckin' nerds getting mad about Thundercats. Total losers.

Like the ones in ghazi

I watched the originals and personally think they look mentally retarded in these new “style”

Sick Mike Judge reference in your UN tho


Lemme just say I appreciate a good 90s era TV show based novelty account name.

Hank wouldn't approve of this shit, not one bit.

"Daaahyd, they're rebooting He-Man with SJW propaganda!"

"Danggit, Bobbeh, that's it. I'm taking away your got-dang vidyagames!"

And whut in the Hell is an ESS JAY DUBYOU?

lol ghazis purpose since 2014 was to get enraged tf are you talking about

You're tagging the wrong person

Ah, whoops. It looked like you were satirizing xir Hill's writing style.

At which age do the kids start looking after you instead?

/u/CaptainAirstripOne please address

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imagine being that close to deaths icy hand grabbing their heart, as they argue about bideogames to children

These "animations" are ugly as fuck...but if you want to make every childrens cartoons to be as autistic as you can (and a shitty clone of Steven's universe) my guest.

Steven universe is shitty

fuk u

Oh yes. The fatboy is his own mother and his 3 lesbian surrogate mother explore rape.

That sounds like the ~most traumatizing~ an average hentai anime.

I could draw some of this shit and I don't even know how to draw

I vote with my eyeballs. I take one glance at the image they use and I say, "boy I am glad I didn't watch that shit growing up". Now I look at old cartoons and realise I had bad taste because we watched whatever was on at the time. This is information age; there is no excuse why you are watching shite and spending every waking hour looking at bussy.

Eh. Tbf me and you are probably from the same ilk.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy were some of the ugliest cartoons on the screen, but damn was that show amazing.


Dumb trivia it was CN's last hand drawn show.

Also, the only thing of value to come out of 80s Thundercats is the OP.

This. And that's why the 2011 reboot failed. Not because of bad writing or low toy sales but because it didn't have a badass theme song and intro like the original, which is really only the reason most people watched the original in the first place.

inb4 Thunderfags and furries get mad at this post

Cartoon Network mismanaged the show. Megas XLR had a good theme song and it failed.

Now that's some great animation. Anyway the reboot failed because tiu sales, all this show need to sell toys to continue.

even if you dont like it you have to admit that hipster calarts drawing style is shit and a step down from pretty much everything

Absolutely. I'm reluctant to use the label, because the savior of western animation also went to calarts, but that art style is dire, and literally only works for Adventure Time.

/u/CaptainAirstripOne you are 47 and you care about goobergate? Bless your heart.

Christ, how hard is it to just not like something and then move on with your goddamned life?

Without even a hint of irony smh

/u/RobertJHill, what if I don't give a damn about Thundercats outside of thinking the theme song and intro for the original was pretty dope but still dislike Thundercats Roar because I think it looks like shit regardless, the same annoyingly simple and low-effort shit that seems to plague many animated shows today, and that I feel that shows like Thundercats Roar are emblematic of the mostly declining state of western animation?

Lemme guess. He is going to say something like "Thats ok, but when you start having a meltdown..." even though no one has had a meltdown, except the shitty "artists" complaining about people nto likign CalArts

what if I don't give a damn about Thundercats outside of thinking the theme song and intro for the original was pretty dope but still dislike Thundercats Roar because I think it looks like shit regardless

That's kosher.

I feel that shows like Thundercats Roar are emblematic of the mostly declining state of western animation today

That's rpetty fuckin' dorky.

That's kosher.

Stop with the cultural appropriation WASP thank you please

I see what you did there!

My culture is not your mean of fucking expression.

To be fair western animation is a real shit place right now. I mean come on, that thundercats roarvahit is ugly af.

That's a fair point, but not when it's compared to eastern animation that was lazily whipped up with CGI and sells by ticking off enough boxes to make it attractive to weebs.

"I can't believe this children's cartoon looks like a cartoon for children!"

Shit, I saw the trailer and was like "wow this is garbage, I wont watch this shit." Then I realized I was probably never going to watch it anyways. Meh

"You said it is garbage. Hey man, dont have a meltdown. You silly 20 year olds probably have never even seen the show to begin with. why you having a meltdown?"


Ill have you know that I watched the show at least once when I was a kid.

It used to air on Toonami before good shows came on.

lol why does going to calarts make you worse at drawing i dont get it

Every time retarded leftists fuck something up, there's this giant concerted effort to paint everyone else as overreacting to deflect criticism.


If you're watching a cartoon that isn't a 2000's era Adult Swim show then you're opinion doesn't

Real shit tho this style of animation is nothing new. Animation has always followed trends (anime inspired shows from the mid 2000's to those awful Hanna Barbara shows from the '60's) this style of animation is going to get replaced by another style manchildren will whine about.

I think Mike Tyson Mysteries is pretty solid.

Yeah that show is pretty good

Being grown adults losing your shit over Cartoon Network bullshit while simultaneous posting memes about "this soft generation!" and "Where the MANLY MEN at?!".

Maybe the reason the other side seems hypocritical is that you're conflating two different factions that are actually at odds with each other, or you don't understand their views at all.

They're not sitting around crying about the fucking Thundercats.

This is toxic masculinity, but it's for a good cause so it's OK!

It is literally people complaining that people think the new show looks like shit.

Then they roll out the tweets, and their industry friends writing huge articles claiming death threats, etc. Saying "You arent allowed to criticize, or you will be black listed".

Seriously Ghazi. The show looks like shit. Get over it. SU looks like shit too.