Battlefield drama after EA shows a disabled british woman fighting Nazis

86  2018-05-23 by CookiesNcream87


There's still work to be done. I saw no trans-fats.

Aren't we trying to ban those

Nah, we use them to replace cis-unsaturated fats

She's got worse things to worry about than Nazis and denthead gamers being mean.

She's in a DICE developed campaign mode.

Anyway that whole trailer was trash. They're trying to market a Battlefield game to the Fortnite/PUBG crowd and it just came off as wrong.

Video games are so retarded.

On the bright side at least they cause school shootings

You sure brightened my day realrapevictim

fuck off retard

Sure, grandpa.

I told you not to come back until you had a job, whippersnapper.




Katana wielding black Brits? In my BattleRoyaleField?
Sign me up.

😴 😴 😴

Cries about mayocide and ethics in vidya? No wonder the perpetual spergy mode lmaoooo

Ed I have literally thought gamer gate was dumb since day -1 but nice try

Of course you won't admit to being a KIAfag. No surprise there.

Wow I knew you were a pathetic faggot but I didn't think you were THIS pathetic.


Women need to stay in my VP porn

Should've been a Trans PoC tbh

That would've made them REEEEEEEE harder, so yes, I agree

/r/battlefield on suicide watch

Watching drooling, sweaty neckbeards rage because not only will women never fuck them but also overtake their sacred "hobby" is really one of my my favourite pass-times in this wretched site.

The most hilarious thing is those shit sundaes with fedora for cherry on top actually think they somehow gonna impact EA, or any gaming company, stock price.

Battlefield is generally not a neckbeard type of game. It’s more aimed at the edgy 15 year olds who refers to their mothers as “bitches” and drink Monster energy.

nah, thats cod. bf is for the 17 yo who is now "too cool" to play cod so they play this instead

All gamers are neckbeards

flair is a superhero

don't really think you can call others neckbeards, friendo.

Capeshit is the most normie thing imaginable, you dodo

Not really. Kids like it, and parents get dragged along to it, but anyone who unironically likes superhero movies or comics above the 18 should be shot.

Fact: Kendrick Lamar did nothing wrong, and is also the greatest composer of the century.

Alarm SJW

can't wait to see what they get banned from multiple EU countries when they still preorder it then cry for 3 months

They complaining about a game that lets you hold a gun to a woman's head and pull the trigger. this is a step forward in video games if I ever saw one

what is wrong with white nerds? change can be good

what is wrong with white nerds?


You answered your own question

true, you can't ignore the mental weakness in that breed

Next game should have more women to shoot and realy make them lose their shit

No. We need a female POW camp to really simulate war. Think Comfort Women.

no this game a murder simulator not a sex simulator.

and a woke man realizes that a game like this needs women to be shot because that's what it's about

Uh, only two of those are even about the woman in the trailer and one of them is complaining about the prosthetic and the fact that the woman isn't a French resistance fighter instead of a British soldier because historical accuracy.

Listen, as someone that spent a lot of time on KIA, very much involved in the gamergate fiasco; anytime you see them screeching about "historical accuracy" it's just a mask for "I don't like this."

They don't care about historical accuracy, if they did, they wouldn't be playing battlefield in the first place.

They look for any little thing they can latch onto and they start screeching about it.

They're literally right-wing SJWs. They're no different than SJWs are.

Women being inserted into historical military flavored media is "we wuz kangz" for enlightened females

And here we see a right-wing SJW, upset that a woman is in his video game.

You like women again? I can't keep up with you.

Oka, then justify adding women to a WW2 game considering women aren't even the target demographic of Battlefield or FPS games in general.

btw, I thought the trailer looked fun, you're just too fun not to fuck with.

It's a fucking game you moron. Who cares if a woman is in it, who cares what they add.

Rightwing sjw




He's right tho. Right wing SJWs from KIA being faggots for seeing a FEEEEEEmale in their gaym is hilarious

  1. No emojis make me sad 😢

  2. R u rly really curry? You keep dropping /g/ like someone who just went there within the past month, and that matches up.

God damn it, you're right 😱 Time to get the chips💀

stop trying to meme this "right wing sjw" shit. it doesn't even make sense. sjw is an acronym for "social justice warrior", conservatives only care about real justice not "social justice"

Yeah, because clearly crying about how white people are oppressed and Christians are oppressed constantly isn't sjwism.

They're right-wing SJWs dude. You can deny they exist, just like left-wing SJWs do, but they're still there.

Every single trait found in tumblr sjws is found in evangelical Christians.

It's like randism was a ridiculous attempt to invert the Marxist pyramid, where Marxism had the workers creating all and the Owning class as useless parasites, Randism had the captains of industry creating all and the lower class as useless parasites who could be cast aside with no issue. Maybe the the problem was with the pyramid in the first place and just flipping it wasn't such a great idea?

The modem rightist ideology flips the SJW pyramid, where blacks, gays, women, Muslims, etc... were at the top of the SJW victim pyramid, the rightist ideologues hold that white men are at the top of the victimhood pyramid and Muslims, feminists, and BLM control the world oppressing them. Which is just as pathetic and ridiculous.

Conservatives don't care about justice at all, they're in total opposition to the concept of justice. All they believe in is power.

All they believe in is power.

Of the individual.

Of the white race.

/r/politics posting? In my /r/drama? It's more likely than you think!

The real justice of a dick in a bussy


conservatives only care about real justice not "social justice"



But that's what the aut right is

To be fair, the alt right are right wing SJWs

true, but anyone that identifies as alt right is retarded.

You do play as a woman for part of Call of Duty fuckin 1, to be fair

They add women so women will hopefully buy it, then we can riggity wreck scrubby broads online. basically they didn't want to make shitty AI bots so they're offering us women instead.

Quit trying to make "right wing SJW" a thing, its not going to be a thing.

It's already a thing. No matter how hard you try to deny it.

Your thing isn't "a thing".

I heard Pizza hates Women so much he's never even seen Mean Girls, you should have seen all the things he said about Women Comedians like tina fay

I'm actually pretty sure every single bad poster on this subreddit has never seen Mean Girls, can you imagine Ed_Buttertoasts attention span lasting that long?

Have you people ever visited /r/CringeAnarchy or /r/The_Donald?

Do you just flip a coin for every post?

I just like games that don’t do history revisionism

KIA is a sub that unironically believes Nazis were socialists.

I've seen more historical illiteracy and history "revisionism" on KIA than any other sub on Reddit.

I’m not talking about reddit, but a WWII game

And I'm talking about the right-wing SJWs that screech about "historical accuracy" only when there's a woman in a new video game.

Doesn’t change the fact of how retarded was this trailer and how forced is that female character with a prosthetic that I don’t think was used in combat at all

The natsocs were socialists you mong

Historically illiterate.

Lol because Battlefield series is well known for its dedication to historical accuracy.

Lol really? If they no one cared about historical accuracy then why did they all cream their pants over Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

It's a selling point for me personally and I think a lot of people actually get a little too autistic about it. That's not wrong.

Battlefield 1 at least tried to base their diversity in realism with the black soldiers being based off of the Harlem Hellfighters in WWI. People bitched about the unrealistically prevalent full-auto guns in that game more than anything.

Ghostbusters had nothing to do with historical was just a shit film. Well that's my opinion anyway. I just don't see the appeal of Melissa McCarthy falling down and falling all over herself. And it's perfectly fine for a movie to be shit (most of them are), it's just the bizarre accusations of sexism leveled at anyone who criticized the movie that I found odd.

Dude, there is no rational way to claim ghostbusters as bad enough to justify the full frontal onslaught from KIA tards.

Normal people do not get that worked up over a bad movie. Everyone knows exactly why they cared so much.

As for the historical accuracy bit and battlefield - just stop, they don't care about accuracy and they never did. A few people might, but not to this extent.

Most people playing battlefield are historically illiterate and don't even know anything about ww2. They saw the trailer and jumped on the bandwagon of retards that like to screech about how de evil womenz are taking over their games.

Dude, there is no rational way to claim ghostbusters as bad enough to justify the full frontal onslaught from KIA tards.

Look, I didn't really follow all of that shit too closely so this is all just my opinion, but I think they were reacting more to the film's director, stars, and journalists bashing critics as sexist more than anything. It's obviously not just KiA that felt it was shit. The movie trailer on youtube has one of the worse dislike to like ratios of all time, and it got millions of views. The movie's imdb score and comments are pretty shit for a blockbuster movie. It's sort of doubtful that all of this is the the doing of Goober Gaters.

The thing about battlefield is that they are basing the game off of a particular time frame/event. There obviously needs to be some level of historical accuracy in order to distinguish it from every other battlefield game. We just probably disagree about how much is necessary.

Most people playing battlefield are historically illiterate and don't even know anything about ww2. They saw the trailer and jumped on the bandwagon of retards that like to screech about how de evil womenz are taking over their games.

Ok well since you're the arbiter of what all those people think I'll have to take your word for it. I'm just giving you my personal perspective.

Fuck half this post was about the general public. You can’t then claim a “personal perspective” Turn back on the autism

God forbid I mention both public opinion and my own in the same post, lol.

The problem with Ghostbusters is that it was a bad movie but rather than just ignore the steaming pile of shit a few people decided to unleash their autism and hate on the actresses instead of just ignoring the whole shitty movie. Because the spergs were harassing actresses it 'became' a whole other issue.

I don't know which actresses were being harassed but I do remember at least one of them labeling critics as "misogynists" for downvoting the trailer.

Have you forgotten that Milo was banned from Twitter for revealing his power level to Leslie Jones?

Who gives a shit about a bad movie aside from spergs with an agenda?

You're mistaking "caring" for laughing at a bunch of lolcows who made a piece of shit movie and then blamed it on everyone but themselves.

Except why would anyone give a shit about a terrible movie and the producers and actors pretending they didn't? Terrible movies are made and released daily yet few rile up the right wing spergs like Ghostbusters did.

When you get kicked off of twitter because you couldn't leave it alone you really do care. Obviously you care because you're trying to justify your hatred for it. Personally I thought Solo was a bad movie, this is literally the first time I mentioned it though because it's a movie and I'm not autistic enough to harass the actors and producers of a movie I didn't like.

I said earlier that it's fine for a movie to be bad. I just personally thought it was weird (and more than a little funny) for Paul Fieg, the cast, and the legion of journalists rushing in to whiteknight for Ghostbusters and leveling accusations of sexism against everyone who disagreed. You're here posting on r/drama and you're really not able to understand how all of that can be amusing to people? Yeah, I'm sure Mr. Professional Provocateur did jump in at one point, say or do something too edgy while he was taking advantage of the situation and trying to stay relevant, only to get banned for shenanigans. And...? What am I supposed to think about that?

Am I supposed to just assume that people were trolling Leslie Jones out of genuine spite or because she's a lolcow and all-around whiny baby (especially for a comedian)?

One of the most major signs of mental retardation is harassing actors and producers because you don't like what they did. It's exactly as retarded as losing your shit when Sonics arms turned blue.

The only good thing about twitter is that it allows you bully celebrities. That being said, I don't think Milo's jokes at Jones' expense even qualify "harassment", and if they do then Jones is certainly just as guilty of tweeting out stuff directed at him and others that can be interpreted as insults/harassment:

Getting into a twitter fight because you didn't like a movie might actually be the most retarded thing you can do.

Also lol at putting this much effort into trying to prove your anger at a movie is justified.

It's cute how you continually try to project your own anger onto me for not liking something. It's ok if you love ghostbusters but don't expect people to not get shit on on twitter when they start whining about bad critiques. And you definitely shouldn't expect internet trolling to die down when someone starts to get butthurt over it and throwing insults back at all the trolls participating. That's just not how the world works.

claims I'm projecting anger

writes paragraphs to defend spergouts

Really activates the almonds 🤔

Because writing paragraphs trying to say how others are "aktchually the real spergs" is so much better. lol

A sentence =\= a paragraph.

You post in /r/MDE so I'm just going to assume that grade 7 English hasn't gotten that far yet.

Your first reply to me is a paragraph. Oh man that's embarrassing. :)

It wasn't a paragraph defending the merits of sperging though. This is where you're confused both mentally and sexually.

oh well uh...It's different cuz I'm calling them spergs and u think they're just trolls so u r a dumb faggot!!

Lol you really do seem very emotionally invested in this issue for someone claiming that anyone who cares about ghostbusters is a sperglord.

I fully believe you care as much about Ghostbusters as you do about gamergate

I fully believe you care way too much about what I (and others) think.

He says while whiteknighting for Milo because an asshole on the internet insulted him and not realizing the irony of the statement he just made.

Lol I don't care who you insult (I don't think anyone really does). You're whiteknighting for Jones who is just as guilty in the whole affair as Milo.

whiteknighting for Jones

Saying she isn't a good actress


And I did call Milo an professional provocateur who is just trying to stay relevant.

If we reveal our power level we can just call ourselves provocateurs now? That's great news!

What do you mean by "revealing power level" exactly? Telling shitty jokes and trolling?

If there was any doubt you're 14 it's gone now.

Revealing your power level is just another way to talk about hiding your power level. It was originally a joke about hiding your anime addiction on /a/ but was also used to refer to hiding your mental retardation.

That was 2008 4chan so you were probably still in diapers.

So not understanding your weaboo meme makes me 14 now? Lol

What's it feel like to be both a weeb and a retard?

I'm a fitizen who bullies weebs sweaty.

Not getting the reference makes you 14. Defending Milo and the merits of autistic shrieking makes you retarded ❤️

Lol sure you are, weeb. Tell me what your big three lifts are.

Defending Jones and the merits of being a crybaby makes you retarded.

Defending Jones

saying she's a bad actress


MDE is a plague and all their users need to be exterminated for their own good.

Defending Milo
Saying he's an edgy provocateur

4chan is a plague and all their users need to be exterminated for their own good.

Agreed but on the hierarchy of retarded users MDE is right at the bottom, well below SRS, SRD, TrollX and the_donald. Even /r9k/ is somehow less retarded.

So you like SRDines, SRS, TrollXers, T_D subscribers and incels now? Lol you are the antithesis of the typical r/Drama poster.

Your reading comprehension is pretty shitty. I said all of those groups were retarded but still less retarded then MDE.

The point was to highlight how retarded MDE is, something you continue to reinforce with your poor cognitive abilities.

Lol don't lie, you're probably active in all of those places. It only makes sense though since you're a weeb you might as well go full-incel. Anime has rotted your brain away to the point of retardation.

This is exactly the level of low level posts that made MDE users not welcome.

I find it funny how you claimed to be a /fit/izen but never told me your big 3 lifts. What a lying weeb.

Nah I just called you retarded because you know, you are.

Still not gonna tell me? I thought so, weeb faggot.

Squat, bench, deadlift?

Man you MDE posters are so so low effort. I bet you've unironically called someone a niggerfaggot when they insulted Saint Milo

Lol you actually had to google it and still won't answer. Typical weaboo faggot.

He says while jerking off to catgirl porn and defending Milo from mean comments on the internet.

He says while jerking off to cartoon porn and defending Jones from mean comments on the internet.

You really keep getting stuck on Jones don't you?

Is it because deep down you know that white men are inferior to black women and that thought scares you? It would make sense why you post in MDE and love Milo so much.

At least Milo had the decency to come out in support of black cock. You'll get there though, you'll get there.

lol I'm not reading a whole paragraph's worth of butthurt from your faggot ass.

Because you can't read, yes we already established you are retarded.

aww don't be too sad I didn't read your retarded post. I only skimmed most of them to be honest.

He says while still angry Milo was insulted.

Whites are inferior to blacks, get over it.

Is that why average black IQ is an entire standard of deviation below average white IQ?

lol now I see why you defend Jones so much. It's because you're a whiny little racist just like her.

See? You're just angry that blacks are superior in every way to whites.

The future is mulatto.

Now that you've outed yourself as a dumb racist troll along with being a weab 4chan user you can no longer get any lower or more pathetic. You've hit rock bottom. Blocked

not understanding /r/Drama culture

Wee lad

There is lots of mediocre garbage that doesn't get much vitriol, but that's because it doesn't get renown or praise either. When a lot of people see mediocre garbage being praised as a masterpiece, then some of them will be pissed off.

They claimed mad max was feminist propaganda too and then also claimed wonder woman was.

The one thing that bothered me about Fury Road was that in the 3rd act, Max wasn't saying "WHAT DID YOU SAY? I CANT FOOKING HEAR YOU BECAUSE FURIOSA USED MY SHOULDER TO STEADY HER SNIPER RIFLE"

Also Guitar guy was the real hero

Lol you turned anti-gator because of ghostbusters ahahahaa. Have some self respect.

I turned anti-gator because ghostbusters outed them as right-wing SJWs.

Lol can you imagine being the type of person that is convinced by Melissa McCarthy rather than Anita to hate on gamers.

I don't "hate on gamers."

I'm just not going to entertain right-wing SJWism. And they, without a doubt, are right-wing SJWs.

I don't even like ghostbusters, the movie was fucking bad, but that doesn't mean you throw a multi-month long tantrum about it on the internet.

I just made fun of it for a bit and watched some videos, 10/10 shit show in my opinion

And the rest of the internet was running around with their hair on fire treating it like the next 9/11. I couldn't give less of a fuck about what you were doing as the time.

keep yourself safe lameo

Take that back. Anita was a whore who used her ham wallet to get positive words from any incel with a blog. Melissa games hard the right way.

Im thinking of starting ablog just to get Anitas ham wallet.

We're talking about the big nosed lady, not the ugly pale thing with the pink hair, right?

not the ugly pale thing with the pink hair, right?

We're talking about femoids in gaming, you're going to have to be more specific.

Sure cutie, sure

anytime you see them screeching about "historical accuracy" it's just a mask for "I don't like this."

yes. i dont like it because it doesnt have historical accuracy

Bullshit, just admit what you are.

Bullshit, just admit what you are.

Any historical inaccuracy is acceptable to gamers, besides putting in a character for female gamers to identify with. That's uncalled for and unacceptable.

It's funny that they're not complaining about the use of V-1s as close air support. That's a hell of a lot less plausible than using women. It's almost as if there's an agenda being pushed here... 🤔🤔🤔

>Listen, as someone that spent a lot of time on KIA, very much involved in the gamergate fiasco

So is your radical centrist strategy to go all-in on every new spergout but just alternate the side you join?

I have a problem with dogma. I have a serious problem with people that present truths and declare them absolute, and then attack and dismiss anyone that says they're wrong or doesn't agree with them.

When gamergate was going after SJWs in the early days, I didn't so much care about the games. I liked them because they were going after dogmatic SJWs.

But as time went on, it became increasingly obvious that gamergate was made up of right-wing SJWs, just as dogmatic and just as delusional. So I ditched them.

I have a problem with dogmatism. I have a serious problem with people that present truths and declare them absolute, and then attack and dismiss anyone that says they're wrong or doesn't agree with them.

I present to all of /r/drama the least self-aware post of the last week.

I believe things with actual evidence supporting them. At no point have I ever claimed to believe something with no empirical evidence supporting it.

I'm very self-aware. You being a stupid person does not mean I lack self-awareness.

at no point have I ever claimed to believe something with no empirical evidence supporting it.

I'm very self-aware.

l o l

I dunno, man, I've seen your comments

Wow, that was like real rude. I think you should consider the impact your words have on other people on the Internet. :(

I present to all of r/drama the least self-aware post of the last week.

bro, why don't we just get along? I mean, I got two coffee-infused cigars left, we could have a smoke, talk about emotions and stuff.

I dunno, man, I've seen your comments

I hate the way that people who are clearly rightists like to pretend that they have no ideology and that their above it all? A leftist will just be upfront with you about their ideology, while with a rightist you have to deconstruct their language to figure out where their actual influences come from because they are as hell aren't just going to tell you.

That’s because they are coming from racism

That's because it's shameful to admit that they get all their political opinions from right wing YouTube and Twitter

Anyone who unironically said "ethics in gaming journalism" needs to be put down.

As someone who spent a lot of time on KiA


You. In the oven. NOW.

Listen, as someone that spent a lot of time on KIA, very much involved in the gamergate fiasco

please refrain from using this phrase ever again, regardless of context.

I exclusively played as a black female in CoD World War 2 because it was hilarious, but that doesn't mean they aren't pandering. Including women is pretty stupid in a game about historical war in which they took no part of but I'm not going to get bent out of shape about it either.

Pandering sells copies, pure and simpl

Money > historical accuracy every time

And frankly if the media companies were willing to admit that they'd face a lot less flak from the internet.

"Look, we know we inserted a few things here to pander to the SJW crowd. Deal with it, it let's us continue to make games so we can do more shit you like." That would go over better than "We feel it's very important to have diverse representation and BTW there's no agenda here, this was an organic decision made entirely of our own free will and we were not influenced by anything other than DOING THE RIGHT THING!"

I was on reddit in the gaming thread where gamergate started and I could tell back them that it was retarded.

I mean, not all circumstances are the same. The historical accuracy thing is a reach for a Battlefield game set in WW2. It absolutely is a reasonable argument for narrative experiences like Kingdom Come: Deliverance or the Witcher 3.

SJWs in the gaming industry hold up sanitized generic diversity as the standard for all games for some reason. It's weird because it's a corporate cop out instead of actually making interesting/diverse games. It'd be way more interesting if some studio went in on making some games set in different times/from different perspectives, but they won't do that because it feels riskier than just making the same generic trash. It's much safer to just make a vaguely medieval game with a host of characters of random races and orientations so that you can claim diversity while producing a milquetoast experience that actually just waters down the setting while doing nothing for actual diversity.

They're literally right-wing SJWs. They're no different than SJWs are.

I too think my WWII games should include women of color in Nazi uniforms.

Or is that my porn...

Right-wing SJW in action.

Autism speaks

very much involved in the gamergate fiasco

Why do you think that's a good thing to tell everyone.

Muh pupper whistles .

Imagine being this retarded, and also a faggot.


REEEEE not enough black disabled women in my media


REEEEE too many black disabled women in my media


Alarm SJW

You can tell she's not a part of the French resistance because she's actually useful.

REEEEE a scifi game has futuristic prostetics on soldiers.

TIL WWII era = sci-fi themed

I don't play that autistic shit.

Surprising, because you are evidently autistic

I'm pretty sure he's unironically a male feminist. Don't let him get you alone or it'll be roofie-colada city.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Even if you replaced every character with actual historical British soldiers reconstructed in 3D using WWII photos as reference, this trailer would still be an embarassing clusterfuck and I'd hate it if this just ends up becoming generic gender drama.

Gamerfags are the worst 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Gulag all gamers

Gamers lend tons of credence to the immature public perception of their hobby whenever they demonstrate how little they know about how stocks work.

It’s all about that block chain tech

My favorite things about this is that the very same people freaking out in the thread definitely will preorder because God forbid you don't spend 16 hours a day playing online games.

Isn't "disabled brit" a little redundant?

Yes, but a disabled nazi isn't.

We call those 'the irish'.

Shouldn't Nazis be the Autistic ones in the game?

If they're going to make it unrealistic, at least add some hot babes in slingshot bikini with breast and butt physics and dual wield machine gun.

This, unironically.

/u/Quixadashani can you enlighten us?

I was expecting a woman in a wheelchair shooting people instead of some steampunk cyborg chick. Final Fantasy 7 robbed me of having a wheelchair warrior and now Battlefield V stole it from me again.

After reading this, I am certain that a secret shadowy cabal of mayo nationalists controls the world. Please convince me otherwise.

>Caring about historical accuracy in a game with regeneration time counted in second.

Gamers were a mistake.

A Mary Sue in 2018?

It's retarded, but do remember that BF4 was assblasted for not including female soldiers for some reason.

Remember, everyone. Downvoting the lolcows is a ticket straight to hell.

Is this campaign mode or multiplayer, 'cause if it's multiplayer then I don't give a shit, but if it's campaign mode, then I rather see a women of french, polish resistance, or female pilots of the red army being the protagonist than a random UK chick.

If you think for a second that the Battlefield franchise can cobble together a single player campaign that doesn't look like it was made at the last minute by a special needs class I have some bad news for you...

My man I only ever played original 1942 and Vietnam one, so my memories are rusty.

You probably also played the one set in the Middle East. bf2 maybe?


Isn't this that game where you can ride on top of a fighter jet, leap off of it in mid-air, whip out an RPG, shoot down an enemy fighter jet, then skydive back to your jet and fly away?

And these dorks are suddenly crying about "muh historical accuracy"?

Also, that trailer was fucking terrible.

My grandad did it in ww2 that's realistic

You know I thought people were joking during the whole BF1 thing when they said the next battlefield game's gonna have a tranny british disabled woman fighting nazis.

WTF man.

Her tits are covered up and she's old. I don't get it, what's the appeal? Is this ✡ propaganda? This looks gay!

Gamers are the lowest of the low. Saw a mum on FB recently extolling the virtues of her 15 year old "gamer" son. Literally looked like a pig with glasses. Your going nowhere, kid.

Gamers when talking about anime titty games they like: "If you don't like it don't buy it. Don't bitch about it, not every game has to cater to your ideology."

Gamers when talking about shitty casual AAA fps: "How dare you make a game that does not align with my ideology! I will bitch about this for years! Also I will probably buy it. "

I think it's more about what they games are meant to do.

Anime titty games are meant to sooth autism, of course they'll be fucked up.

FPS that pretend to be historical can be criticized for being unrealistic.

There is nothing historical about that trailer

Yeah which is why people shit on it. It isn't obviously some alternate timeline where this would make sense, it seems to be set in a historical time but is really inaccurate.

Only thing historical about that trailer is how bad it is.

Yeah but who cares

Yeah basically.

Ugly. No tits. Hard pass.

I'm all for women characters in video games, so long as they're nice to look at. Otherwise what's the point? I can see ugly when I step out my door, who'd pay for that?

time for the daily PSA, I guess.
Also, that trailer looked boring as fuck, and that has nothing to do with Miss Potato-peeler hand.

If your not playing Arma or Squad and mic'd up and enforcing hardcore, coordinated operations then your a casual. 🤷🏻‍♂️

this is why we need gamercide, soon and relentless.

The trailer was basically a visual representation of ADHD.