Year-long feud between /r/piggifs and /r/pigifs ends when it's revealed /u/abe699 and /u/Shaneh7646 were working together all along.

39  2018-05-23 by shitpost953




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I must admit, I have no idea why u/abe699 choose today to add me, but it was nice. I was in there for a few hours and I managed to remove the css they stole from r/pigifs and set the subreddit to private.

I think I did well overall in this battle

was there a battle?

I'm just bored and are leaving all my old subs which are inactive.

Stop it dude. You are probably the same person.

Just stop and leave.

wait your alive?

Are you mental? Wtf are you asking the enemy of the sub to unban you? Are you even forreal?

Hes not the mod. Use your eyes and brain.

I thought you were like completely inactive and nobody cared about the sub any more.

Why did you mod shane right before you demodded yourself?

Why did you mod shane right before you demodded yourself you feakshow???

why would anyone care

or even know what these things and people are

some people here no who I am atleast.

ur the guy that posted cp to deepfakes to get it shut down, right?

I didnt but you do recognise me.

Why do you like seeing pictures of naked kids?

I do not, thats wierd

You are so obviously the bad guy in this and any other story that it's sad.

:( F

Dude you can go to hell. You fucking manipulated this shit because you clearly have some mental deficiency and are a really really bad person.

And you should feel really bad.

You are literally one of the worst things about this website.

I know you created fake child porn.

Wierd, how do you know this?

why would anyone care

It's so bizarre that this many people care about pig gifs. It's also bizarre that child porn deepfaker ShaneH7646 seems hell bent on trolling someone who really cares about pig gifs. It's a weird level of cruelty for absolutely no benefit.

Here's a karmacourt case from when they were gaslighting us all that there was a bloodfeud

We would be better off collectively as a species if whatever underlying systems that led to that sub being created (from the Internet as a whole down to basic electricity) were destroyed completely.

Anyone who has ever unironically participated in karmacourt should be destroyed in front of their families.


I'm not sure that irony levels matter, like at all.




/u/csrabbit what happened??

was I meant to ask him?

Leave loser!

Hold on, Im putting the full thing together right now, gonna show the depths of depravity of this shane loser. Gimme about 15 mins...

K, kinda long, but there is lots of juicy bs perpetuated by shane....

I made a sub called piggifs for gifs of pigs because there wasn't one yet.

At the time I was in school and didn't have time to fully flesh out the sub, so I made it private.

Then one day shane requested the sub, which I denied .

He then made his own sub, pigifs.

Then my team tried promoting the sub, and shane tried to undermine that,

And he tried to put a post in my sub redirecting to his sub.

Then he asked me if I wanted to be a mod of pigifs in exchange for being a mod in my sub piggifs.

After which another redditor messaged me that while he was doing this, he was secretly asking admin to shut my sub down, in addition to bullying that user and telling them he wouldn't stop bullying them, and shane was taunting that user that i had made some deal or something with shane, I hadn't, and messaging every poster to the sub that they should go to his sub,

all the while pretending to me to be so sweet and innocent

Then at some point, abe was brought on to help grow the sub. And he did help it grow a ton, for months.

At this point, there was a full mod team, and the sub was going and growing and so I was mostly hands off, as I was focusing on other parts of reddit and stuff.

Then all of a sudden out of the blue, he modded "his biggest rival", why? Then immediately shane started to tear apart the sub and close it. That's when I saw it this morning when shane was modded.

That's when I realized they were working together, in a long game.

Honestly, I think they are the same user. I think shane has many many accounts, and he uses them to bully, harrass and manipulate users.

/u/shaneH7646 should be banned from reddit for many many multiple violations of reddits rules and TOS.

Shane is a cunt. I've dealt with him before. He threatened to run to the admins and get my account suspended because I wouldn't take down a meme he found offensive

Wow. What an asshole. I hope your sub can recover.

People who unironically fight over mod power should never wield any amount of power over anyone. They aren't fit to have pets.