22 year old mayothot gets a face full of cement for her birthday. SMH white wimmen.....

28  2018-05-24 by Wraith_GraveSpell


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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being this assblasted 24/7 about mayocide memes


posts to aznidentity


holy fuck this seriousposting must end

posts to aznidentity


Deleting your posts that have been linked here doesn't erase our memory of them ed.

talking out of your ass

It's ok to be called out as a faggot who whines about mayocide. You're trying too hard to not come off ass desperate.

Wow ed you seem a little annoyed.

Have I gotten you flustered? Frustrated? Mad? Angry? Furious?

no u mad


haha wow did u just


u rlly did it



unironically complains about being downvoted


I'm not complaining I'm complimenting you for being so spectacularly MAD

no u mad


still ignores


still ignores


You know ed you may be mad but you'll never be as mad me :^)

Mayos are a serious issue so idk why you're trying to act like it's a joke.

Hard to know who to hate here. One one hand, cops are disgusting vile pieces of human waste that deserve no respect, no matter what.

On the other hand, white woman.

no matter what

That's a tall order. Those cops that kept that incel the other day from racking up top score... they get 0 respect?

Oh wait... I forgot, you're an incel.

No matter what is probably wrong. I view cops as "pieces of trash until proven otherwise."

This differs from the standard perception of "These cops are good until proven otherwise."

I'm honestly speechless. You just admitted to being wrong about something?


you sound like a cat lady


Most cops, in most places, are garbage humans though. It's just the type of person the job attracts.

so I take it you're on your way to the academy then?

Everyone I know prefers the teachers with guns method. Indiana Jones bullwhip the shit out of that AR and make America great again. Smart people have /r/drama solutions. Final solutions are for sodomites.

Cops really do have less patience with white people.

They're expecting niggers to be dumb, violent, high emotional animals simply because niggers are inferior and thus treat them like children.

They get confused when they see white people acting like niggers and breaking the law because they hold them to a higher standard, because white people are superior to niggers.

You're not the real feeepo. Fuck off smh 😒

Yeah, I'm sure a drunk white chick acting the fool outside a club is outside their realm of experience.

This but ironically

but white people are niggers

All Americans are niggers regardless of race.

Question: why were the police arresting this rampaging BBW? Being obese at the scene of a crime?

That cop did seem to be overly handsy tho.

>be thot

>boyfriend being arrested for assaulting bouncer

>you're free to go though

>throw a bitch fit and assault cop

>now you're under arrest too

>white wymmin tears activate

>"help me!"

>"I didn't do anything wrong!"

I could never be a cop, I'd be fed up with the behavior of drunk retards after five minutes.

Omg is there anything more brazenly entitled than a young white woman with her makeup on?

Honestly no.

A drunk white woman with her makeup on.

Women can't consent while drunk so how can they even feel entitled then.

Wait nvm they are children they can't consent anyway.

This. I would use excessive force every fucking second. Dunno how they do it.

Also, the film looks really bad, but he kinda fucked up the hip throw so it makes him look bad when hip throws are meant to land them on their side/back. tbh I don't see why he did one she's a puny chick he could've just cuffed her, but then again she was resisting arrest at that point so it's probably procedure.

Being a cop must be hard.

lol no

white wymmin tears activate

now with extra soybean oil

I don't even have to watch this to know that the mayette was in the wrong. To actually get assaulted by police officers as a white American woman, you really have to be going above and beyond.

Watch you video you imbecile. You fucking moron.

And? The bitch tried to shove her way out and take her whipped soyboy of a bf away before they told them that shit wont fly. Then she tried to intervene physically pushing the cop thinking there wouldn't be any sort of consequence because its her birthday and shes not a black man. Over excessive use of force? Definitely. But the thot had it coming.

I'm not gonna try to change your mind about it unless you ask really, really nicely

Bet you wouldn't feel the same way about it if it was some loudmouth uppity black bitch. Change my mind.


1) You've definitely got a point

2) I'd have to see an example, genuinely the only ones that come to mind are "dindu nuffin" videos where the black girl wasn't treated nearly this rough. So I'm hoping you have one all lined up to tug at my heartstrings

I don't have to line up shit, and I never said they didn't deserve it either. If you live in America and don't realize that intentionally giving a cop a hard time is going to fuck you even harder in every sort of way, then you're a damn fool.

Then we're not on the same page, women shouldn't be thrown around like that. And manlets count as women, needless to say.

We have different standards for men for good reason, because men can fight back and pose a threat to an LEO's safety

People who are being cunts shouldn't be given special treatment simply because they are physically weaker. Police brutality like this is breaking glass ceilings and glass jaws.

I can see your point there. No sense in coddling cunty behavior. Perhaps my Victorian sensibilities got the better of me

Victorian sensibilities

I thought you were alt-right, not feudalist.

I am so pleasantly surprised that's novel and funny all I'll do is acknowledge you having said it

Imagine being so fucktarded you argue about how women shouldn't be thrown around without addressing as to why it happened, fucking hypocrite.

Women also shouldn't assault cops for no reason, you fucking autist.

Someone missed the forest from the trees. The video is clear on why the cops were wrong.

Actually she went below and into the cement

So what was she arrested for? I'm confused.

She clearly put her hands on the 💩 💩 that will get you an assult charge. Cop was actually really polite and gave her a bunch of chances not to be a self entitled cunt.

You no touchie the cop.

off the top of my head, interfering with a police investigation, resisting arrest, failure to comply, assault and battery?

that being said, shit escalated quickly. the best is the "what the fuck are you doing" at 4:17, that's a prime sample right there, i bet it turns up in the next Childish Gambino track

I have seen a lot of shit online. Man, haven't we all? Some serious, unforgettable shit. But rarely does it make me feel anything.

Throwing someone that helpless on the ground that violently is attempted homicide with special circumstance of extreme reckless disregard for life. She presented absolutely no danger to anyone. That sick motherfucker should be flogged to within an inch of his life in the center of town, then fired, nursed back to health, flogged in public again, then imprisoned.

If there is any justice in this world he will live for 100,000 days and spend none of them happy

He should of dropped a knee into the back of her head when she was down imo.

That would've been fine too, tbh. My moment of mayo musketeering has passed

Why are all your opinions wrong?

It helps less retarded people know what not to think

Cop should have just executed her while she was on the ground. One less white person to worry about.

white person



Life Fuel

What a dumb bitxh

I like how she thinks he'll just let her go.

Tough video. The cops look wrong, but she didn't help the situation.

At the start, the cops approach the bouncers and are told the guy in Captain America shirt has been asked to leave and is refusing to leave. What's strange is that the girl is still "in the bar" at this point.

Her actions are odd. As if to try and save her male friend, she pushes past the bouncer talking to the police officer, grabs Capt AM hand and goes to leave. The officer immediately says "Excuse Me" albeit sarcastically, and she escalates "Excuse you".

Now it's confrontational, no thanks to either party. When she's told that the man is not free to go, and she tries to pull him away, she's interfering with an officer's investigation. This wouldn't be the first video I've seen where something like this happened.

The officer gave her a choice, she choose poorly. Know the law before you start spouting off that you've "done nothing wrong". It's clear she was interfering with an investigation, trying to save her friend by leading him away from the officers. Remember: Am I being detained? Am I free to go?