Elon Musk takes on fake news

60  2018-05-24 by CommonWrongdoer


This is why we need mayocide.


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I mean, there's no scenario in which that quote isn't relevant

This is a pretty dumb idea, lol. People don't rate media stories based on actual truth, they do it based on how they personally feel.

It's why conservatives, for example, have convinced themselves all negative coverage of Donald Trump is fake.

And it's why Clinton supporters have convinced themselves CNN/NYT were rigged against Clinton.


This is why the first thing a demagogue does is attack the media and create a siege mentality.

He should give radical centrists--I mean the philosopher kings--100% control over this weapon.

You shut your whore account.

Dude it's not what you think, I swear.

Yeah, it just flat out doesn't make sense.I can't wait to see it in action.

Why do you think Elon Musk has any intention of actually creating this?

Seemed like a reasonable assumption to me. Am I wrong?

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

It's entirely possible that I'm both wrong and an asshole, Mr. bot.

Idk whenever I hear Elon talk about his projects I assume it's not going to happen or greatly exaggerated.

Wait you guys think Elon is serious?

I have no idea.

He's not. He's been kind of running with this soviet information control thing on Twitter

He's running for King of White People

I'm totally convinced that white nationalists will just use it to control the debate, they are the single most aggressive group out there and there's what matters. They are solely obsessed with recruiting and spreading their ideas, and find out the best way to abuse any democratic system until their desired narrative dominates.

Yeah, at best radicals (probably the alt-right moreso than anyone given that many of them already spend all day doing this shit) are going to have another way to control the narrative and lend themselves credibility. At the very worst the platform would be botted to fuck in addition to that. This is one of the stupidest ideas I've seen in years. It's the solution to the problem that radicals don't have enough recruiting material. It flies in the face of common sense. How ignorant of the online landscape do you have to be to even entertain an idea like this, much less share it with the public?

Lol NYT outright claimed the election was rigged by the Russians and it was illegitimate. https://www.nytimes.com/news-event/russian-election-hacking

They kowtowed directly to the mad conspiracy crowd despite Obama saying the elections were real six months prior.

Lol NYT outright claimed the election was rigged by the Russians and it was illegitimate. https://www.nytimes.com/news-event/russian-election-hacking

Why do you lie about what an article says before you link it as if nobody else can see it?

At no point is that what NYT said.

Russian election hacking

Russian hacking and influence in the US election

Look why are you screaming FAKE NEWS so hard? It's what the NYT reported. Clearly a yelp review won't change the fact that morons like you refuse to understand NYT's reported headlines.

Ok, so let's try this.

Is it factually correct that Russia launched a campaign to both hack and influence the US election?

According to the NYT Russia hacked the election. https://www.nytimes.com/news-event/russian-election-hacking

That wasn't my claim, but what NYT reported that the election itself was hacked and the results were bullshit.

Ironic how you complain about Shillary supporters whining about the NYT when you do EXACTLY THAT five seconds later.

They hacked parts of the US election. That's irrefutable. Did you even read any of those articles?

They hacked parts of the US election.

Rofl. Let me guess, they only hacked the swing states right?


Why do you hate black presidents so much?

Ok, we're going to establish a baseline of facts. I need you to answer the following question.

Did Russia hack elements of the US election and launch an influence campaign on the US election?

Did Russia hack elements of the US election

Prove it. Not just some shitty NYT headlines that claim it happened.

launch an influence campaign on the US election?

Maybe you mean large scale propaganda on US voters? That might make sense if you weren't busy "baselining" cocaine off of Alex Jones jacket while saying the elections were rigged because your gal lost.

Prove it. Not just some shitty NYT headlines that claim it happened.

The NYT reported what US officials said.


But given you answered the question in a way that reveals you are in complete denial, this discussion is over.

Have a nice day.

Really, because NBC also put the headline that the voting system was hacked when in reality the us government had shit security in voter registration records which isn't the voting system at all.

Besides wasn't "voter registration errors" the rallying cry of racist berniebros harassing women? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/07/the-bernie-bros-are-out-in-full-force-harassing-female-reporters/

Arent you just rehashing gamergate arguments? That's pretty altright of you.

You aren't even making coherent arguments anymore.

Really, because NBC also put the headline that the voting system was hacked when in reality the us government had shit security in voter registration records which isn't the voting system at all.

No, the US government says voting systems were penetrated. That is what the US government says, it's what the intelligence agencies said.

So I'm going to give you one more chance here to establish a baseline of facts and prove to me you aren't a complete moron before you're dismissed.

Did Russia launch an influence campaign that included hacking during the US election?

All I've been trying to do is make you hold a viewpoint coherent with liberal media. But you can't because liberal media is spiraling out of control refuting what they themselves said months earlier in a shitty attempt to bash trump.

You said a media rating system would reduce credibility but here you argued against Obama, NBC, NYT and CNN for whatever narrative of the day you want.

Did Russia launch an influence campaign that included hacking during the US election?

Did Russia hack the us election? No I dont think they got a hold of the voting machines. The voter registrations have always been iffy, but only the racist berniebros were pointing that out earlier. But who cares this is /r/drama. What would you do to protect US voting machines from this ever happening again?

All I've been trying to do is make you hold a viewpoint coherent with liberal media. But you can't because liberal media is spiraling out of control refuting what they themselves said months earlier

Ok, can you link me to the new york times article that claims Russia changed the vote totals?

Did Russia hack the us election? No I dont think they got a hold of the voting machines. The voter registrations have always been iffy, but only the racist berniebros blamed those for their loss.

Ok, link to me the new york times article that says Russia changed vote totals.

No. They launched an influence campaign. The hacking happened toa private organization called the DNC but the “election” was untouched.

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If anything, this is more likely to backfire and make the media/journalists pander to mass opinion and completely avoid truth.

as opposed to what theyve done forever you mean

Yeah, that isn't what they do currently. Conservatives tend to be heavily indoctrinated people and they tend to just dismiss everything that says they're wrong.

The media is a favorite target of theirs because reality often conflicts with the things they say.

There's actually a right-wing radio host that came out talking about this a while ago.

Conservatives tend to be heavily indoctrinated people and they tend to just dismiss everything that says they're wrong.

lol is this ironic right now dude

dont you think russia hacked the election still

The media is a favorite target of theirs because reality often conflicts with the things they say.

no its because all american media is owned by like 5 people and trusting it is dumb af in any instance whatsoever

remember iraq wmds lol

dont you think russia hacked the election still

We'll stop here. Answer the following question:

Is it true Russia launched an influence campaign and hacking campaign during the US election?

whats an influence campaign lol is that just saying "dont vote for hillary"

Ok friend, if you're going to pretend to be retarded, we're done here.

captainpriapism told me that he once put vegemite on his dick so that his dog would lick it off but got bored so he licked it off himself

/r/autofelation is leaking you sick puppy.

you sure pizza? sure you're not "done" like you were with /r/drama last week?

how is that retarded

its funny because influence campaign isnt a real thing, thats just what youre calling "people dont like hillary because of dirt"

turns out all the dirt on her is pretty real and doesnt need russians

CNN/NYT rigged against clinton

No one believes this mong.

I suggest you take a trip over to /r/politics.

"Donald Trump is the worst person in history, how can the media even mention one of hilldogs negatives when compared to him" "The media gave Trump so much free air time, they must have been biased for him"

/u/AngryDM just got an erection.

He hasn't posted for 2 days; since he got his shit pushed in on Negareddit and mocked mercilessly for acting like a spastic about 'toxic fandoms'.

He's never off Reddit for longer than 12 hours; I'm starting to get a little concerned that he might just have kept himself a little bit too safe.

Or he's hard at work posting on an alt account. Probably that one, as he hasn't got the stones to end it all.

Elon should partner with Kanye to do it, because no one man should have all that powah

Nah, how about someone with decent ideas. One Kendrick Lamar for instance.

Both are shit. No thanks lol


fucking Grimes got this boring already?

Grimes-Musk had to be the weirdest celebrity relationship of my life. I couldn't be more surprised if she were dating muy farther.

Katy Perry is also dating a billionaire.

That is what they are doing now. The cool new accessory is a singing mayette

I mean duh, its Grimes after all

grimes is the sort of girl who looks like shes a freak but then when you get her in the sack she just lays there and moans in an offputting way that suggests shes just doing something she saw in porn.

She looks like she farts mid sex for lulz.

Its about time Musk was made a mod of r/Drama. Notch is doing an okay job, but he needs to start a defense contracting company or something to really get the drama flowing

Its about time Musk was made a mod of r/Drama. Notch is doing an okay job, but he needs to start a defense contracting company or something to really get the drama flowing

I wish they could run a campaign, like "Ol'Musky and /u/XNotch 2020 - Neither of them were born in America, so at least they got that going for them."

Pravda was the name of the official state newpaper in the Soviet Union and it was notoriously filled with propaganda


Well, that's what I was saying.

Elon Musk is good at making money and a retard in everything else.

He has a cult following though, so he obviously wants to profit from this idea as much as possible, knowing that people will mindlessly support him.

If he were smart he would start a Patreon.

Best timeline ever.

I'm starting a Jewish outreach program called Holocaust, I just need some financial backers

glad to see musk continues to be a #innovative #disrupter by inventing verrit but even more retarded

I hope hey actually does it. Will be good for all sorts of coin.