Tankies brigade SRD when the LSC & AHS drama is brought up

55  2018-05-24 by Deity_Of_Death


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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"Obviously LSC has some delusional, tankie edgelords. But somehow the notion of jailing bankers or guillotining uniquely corrupt executives doesn't seem as alarming or noteworthy as the racist/homophobic organizing highlighted throughout the rest of AHS. 99% of complaints toward LSC are just butthurt alt right people who were probably asking why SRS isn't banned in /r/announcements a couple years ago.

edit: Don't @ me and keep your false equivalence to yourselves. Tankies aren't an IRL threat, and shouldn't be compared to places like T_D. Anyone who says otherwise is just a South Park-esque moderate channeling spez"

This is truly the most pathetic and americacentric smugpost that I have seen today. So it's perfect for SRD.

Mayo americans are cancer. Fuck you.

Tankie mayo americans are cancer. Fuck you.

Can i get an Amen?

dude mayos lmao

This but without sarcasm.

I'm pretty liberal and disagree with SRD a lot, despite visiting quite frequently. I clicked on this ping just to see if anybody else called out that bullshit comment for what it was outside of SRD. Like, holy shit, it reads like parody.

It's 2018 on reddit: only Nazis hate commies and only commies hate Nazis.

This subreddit is a place to both mock and refute the ideas of subreddits that exist solely to propagate bigotry towards a certain race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, food preference, and the like.

Wouldn't this being against all hate in general /u/awkwardtheturtle?

/u/WorseThanHipster says no, in this comment on ECS, where he banned me. Leftreddit is really putting all their chips in on defending LCS here.

To a bunch of new low karma accounts who mysteriously post on metasubreddits despite being only a couple months old? Why not? AHS is not for anyone who hates anything. We specifically focus on communities who promulgate discrimination and violence against protected classes. We’re not particularly fond of tankies either, and we ban them all the time as well (and they subsequently run to other communities to spread lies about what they got banned for how we’re secretly right wing, just like this dork trying to claim we’re crypto commies or some shit), however “capitalist” is not a protected class. Not in our eyes, and not in the eyes of the law. We cover things like age, race, sexuality, gender, disability, religious minorities, etc. We do not cover hate towards political affiliations, or gamers, or bitcoin, or any other such nonsense.

They were not banned for “making a thread”. They were banned for being an obvious shitheel sockpuppet and serial ban evader.

This, of course, is good for drama.

food preferences and the like

lmao I forgot I added that for a joke about an r/OnionHate post. I should probably remove it, as it is not accurate.

You should get rid of that part in the description that says "solely" as well. By that definition, T_D wouldn't really fit despite being the most popular sub featured there as they're still primarily a Trump circlejerk sub before a hate sub.

Well t_d manages to circlejerk about some pretty abhorrent things. I wouldn't mind the sub if they stuck to talking about their God-Emperor but just a week or two ago they had a sticky post bashing "muzzies" ad nauseum. And one of their other mod circlejerks promoted the Unite the Right rally that led to the death of an innocent woman in Charlottesville and was full of Nazi fuckbags.

That's not to say I'm disregarding your criticism, it is a good point. I'll have to talk to our team about that part, as it isn't a part of what I affected when I altered the sidebar for the r/OnionHate joke post.

Oh ya, I'm not defending the rest of t_d, just saying the majority of the content is about their "god emperor" with all the hate being mostly secondary (but still an issue).

Hey turtle you mind checking AHS modmail? Somehow asking if a guy wants to murder people based on his comments is not kosher.

add: strongly agree it would be great to see more posts about LSC and the other parts of tankiereddit.

I mean...i was literally banned for that...

No you weren't. That's not why you were banned. We have numerous posts about /LateStageCapitalism, /FullCommunism, and other leftist subs.

It wasn't me who banned you, but since you're so desperate for an answer I'll just say that you're not the first /drama alt to hide under the guise of centrism to suit your agenda at AHS, and you won't be the last. Maybe had you stuck to your main account, we would have allowed it. Maybe not, and maybe that's why you didn't use your main.

We allow posts about tankiereddits when they're not agendaposts from le brave meta alts with a history of espousing stormfront talking points fairly often. Transphobic talking points, constantly calling people retards, and other dumb shit are also par for the course with you. I'm not judging you for your memes in /r/drama, but let's be real here.

I'll tell you what though, I'll make it up to you. I'm inviting you to mod /r/RadicalCentrism, which is truly the best sub.

Holy shit, imagine being so far left that you think saying that it's a fact that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime is racist or saying girls don't have dicks is a talking point.

/u/the_reason_trump_won, literally

And this is my main, you weirdo.

lol nice meme

I mean really. Do you think you're doing a service to anyone by saying "If you point out that there's a crime problem in the black community, you're talking like a Nazi"?

The fucking black community takes it seriously, but good to know 23 year old white kids on reddit have decided doing so is a bigger sin than LSC saying to take to the streets and murder people.

lol the comedy rivals twitter

Tell me more, you salty rants are delicious

I don't think you understand what "laughing at people saying they're against hate subs but it turns out they're hilariously hypocritical far left kids" means. But that's okay, because pointing it out and laughing at it was exactly the point.

Are you butthurt about your ban?

We are graduate shill researchers in Psychology at Shareblue University in Canada, where our lab is dedicated to conducting inclusive ban research and making sure that ALL voices are heard in research. We are conducting an online study investigating factors associated with the experience of idiopathic (unexplained) anal pain upon receptive subreddit bans. This study is being conducted under the supervision Dr. George Soros in the Subreddit Health Research Laboratory (BanLab) at Shareblue University.

We were wondering if it would be possible to make a post on your subreddit inviting subscribers to participate in the study, or if you would be able to make a post on our behalf. We would also be happy to post a summary of the results of the study on the subreddit.

Thank you for your help in conducting inclusive research.

Best Regards,

-The mod team

tfw you think someone is conservative because you're so far left. I was an original Soros shill during the 16 primaries

How the fuck can you mod almost 2,5k subs and still have time to search through people's history for the tiniest wrong-think to decide if they're ban-worthy for agendaposting, regardless of the legitimacy of their thread?

Tankies are not irl threat.

Just like neo-nazis.

Ah, such a simple comment, yet such an effective one.

I'm saving this for future uses.

Untill the Dodge Challenger of peace strikes!

Eliminating antifa fags is a good thing though.

stating the painfully obvious

he's getting like 40+ so he knows he's a complete fucking retard. no surprise there.

Who does one root for on the Dosefront?

The reign of terror were far from as bad bad as it was made out to be in media, popular conciousness and up until recently in school books (although probably still quite often in school books).

Holy fucking christ. I love the positions people will defend because it's 'on their side'. In one particular instance during the reign of terror, one particularly zealous member of the revolution executed an entire town. I feel it's hard to overstate something like that.

The town probably deserved it though.

Robespierre was a good boy, he dindu nuffin.

Also wanted to decolonize

Robespierre did nothing wrong.

I had to post my own defense of the French revolution because that one was just retarded.

Idiot: "The French revolution was bad because it killed lots of people!"

Idiot: "The great terror wasn't so bad come on!"

Retard (me): "The French revolution was not the great terror, they're two different things"

don’t @ me

/u/Internetologist no


Don't tell me what to do.

Honestly far left people are more of a nuisance tan far right. At least the far right has the audacity to go through the proper channels when they stage an event or protest. The far left just reacts to that and riots.

