Gun enthusiasts squeal at a Hogg

14  2018-05-24 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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/u/prginocx lol @ wishing for someone to die because they don't want u to have guns.

Ok, cancer of the larynx, NON-fatal. Stop him from talking, like he wants to stop me from defending myself.

stop me from defending myself.

This is what Americans actually believe. Fun fact: Pistols are for self-defence, rifles just make you a single-use gun dispenser in self-defence range.

Doubt that, pistols were originally designed for duels and assasination duty. I guess a duel is kinda self-defense ?

Is it wrong for me to wish Mr. Hogg ( Perfect last name) should contract a fatal vocal cord cancer ?

Goddamn son.

Hogg is muh waifu

This guy is gonna be like 31 and still making the rounds

Holy shit i actually completely forgot about hogg. it was like he ceased to exist what happened?

He got let go by CNN since the whole gun thing wasn't working out.

I guess he decided to attentionwhore for someone else using said stale thing?

Hopefully the Hogg will return in our hour of greatest need. Like king arthur or jesus christ 🙏

that's definitely how he sees himself

Hi. Gun owner here. Fuck the NRA. Join Gun Owners of America or the Second Amendment Foundation. The NRA has compromised on the Second Amendment too many times at this point.

When the literal gun industry lobbyist group isn't enough for you.

/r/news is fucking retarded. Like seriously fucking brain damaged.