Oakland’s ‘BBQ Becky’ Was Evaluated For ‘5150 Hold,’ Mental Evaluation After 911 Call

27  2018-05-24 by ThomasJenkins5777


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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/r/drama mod by default?

She doesn't have internet in her 5150 facility.

With the whole 'calling the police and then pretend to cry' thing she did she probably fits better in Trollx

I almost feel bad for that woman. I mean, there's definitely a screw loose for her to waste hours trying to get the cops to show up and put out a charcoal grill, but at the same time, she was mercilessly meme'd. Gonna be hard for her to find a job as anything other than a Fire Marshall at this point.

waste hours trying to get the cops to show up and put out a charcoal grill

This is the one thing I don't understand. Like I work 50 hours a week. I can't possibly imagine wasting hours of my free time on that.

I can't possibly imagine wasting hours of my free time calling the cops on a BBQ.

I had the fire department called on me the first time I fired up my smoker in Denver.

Did you let the poor guy finish his cigarette?

No, I pissed in his face to establish dominance.

Yeesh. I get it, I'll smoke outside.

She can start an Oakland meme crimefighting team with Epic Beard Man. I still run into him every once in a while.

wait, she called the police because they violated bbq regulations?


that sounds less racist and more crazy than i was led to believe

Well she did say some racial slurs. Course the blacks did as well. But Fuck the rules, they are black and oppressed. So they dont need to follow them I guess?

Yeah, the real injustice here is the return fire insults directed at the insane harpy trying to get people arrested over a BBQ

Of course she is mentally ill, she cares about bbq regulations.

fucking shit 1080p shitpost video phone data raping video warning faggots

LOL @ this poor person.
