SRDines defend murdering billionaires.

45  2018-05-24 by buttcoinbuttcoin


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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/u/Snokus, please conduct an analysis on the above.

I gotchu fam

Aggregately around ~50% of them don't work, and ~27% of them only work part time jobs.

Can't forget that 65% live with their parents. The tough life of a wage slave.

I just want to remind everyone that most of SRD regulars come from middle to upper middle class households even if they themselves are Neets.

I mean, it's to be expected, no?

Maybe my third world perspective is skewed, but poor people can't really afford to be NEETs around here. At the very least they're criminals or beggars.

Pretty much all commies. Maybe not in the 1890s or something but since world war 1, there's been no poor commies in the US

Even Karl Marx was a NEET.

Pretty much all of reddit comes from middle to upper middle class households I thought?


Reddit is full of poors

Haha jokes on you my family is poor as fuck!

The day of the cab can’t come soon enough

Yeah but what if they own pitbulls?

A double homicide it is then.

I was expecting a pro Batman / Bruce Wayne essay.

what's wrong with killing billionaires

they might not be white



It's obvious but I wonder why everyone insists on aiming up... the average America, heck even the below average American, is still better off than a large percentage of the world.

Wouldn't it be a stronger statement instead of taking from the rich and giving to the slightly less right they just give to the less poor.

Oo man this is a good thread

Yeah killing people I don't like isn't as bad as killing people I like

As if this soy chugging shit could even lift a rifle, let alone fire it without braining himself. Day of the can, when?

My modest proposal

I have too many class issues not to support this.

hell, extend the rule to millionaires and get me an axe.

Not a single goddamn billionaire here, just a bunch of ayn rand reading idiots who dream of having a sports car one day.

Don't reee too hard or your mother will dock your allowance.

GO make that steel Mr Rearden.

Thinking everyone else on reddit is also an unskilled laborer

I have multiple computer certifications and multiple ASE certifications and I am retired.

You can speak for yourself when you say unskilled laborer.

multiple computer certifications and multiple ASE certifications

So you're a skilled laborer. Even more disgusting

How the fuck can you be retired and a tankie. You literally get free money to sit on your ass and do nothing. Isn't that the tankie dream?

Free money?

I started my own business and goddamn worked for that money, saved it up, hid it from my first wife, used it to pay off my 2nd wifes student loan and whatever was left over was used to start a portfolio which I now sit on my happ ass and trade through multiple brokers.

I literally wake up, pour some tea, sit around in my underwear, browse reffid, watch my money grow, then make snide remarks here.

It is my daily grind.

The only taxes I have paid for years now is capital gains taxes... which literally makes me an active, working CAPITALIST.

But I am not a goddamn billionaire. Those should be illegal. Hell I don't even currently own one million.'re a capitalist...that hates rich people. Seemingly just because you can't get that rich. I'm sure there's some reddit-made political stance for such retardation, but I can't say I'm going to look for it.

You just don't understand.

There are practicalities at play here.

You want to be rich? Thats ok with me. You want to make money and make millions? Thats ok with me. You want to keep going? You want to make 100 million? 300 million? 350 million? Thats ok with me.

But a billionaire. A billionaire is more powerful than some countries. A billionaire is a domestic threat. A billionaire by definition is market corner. A billionaire is an economic cheat code. While they sleep or fuck hookers or whatever, their money makes money faster than a human being can make money.

They do not make money. Their money makes money.

If you are a laborer that works for a living you should be in favor of a maximum wage because you are just a fucking serf for the billionaires to consume.

But I do not expect you to understand any of this. I expect you to work until you die. Which you will do.

Their money makes money

only pays capital gains tax


Bill Gates and his wife are almost singlehandedly ending mosquito carried diseases, while you spend your days shitposting some weird mix of reddit politics and wondering why your dick doesn't work anymore.

I'm more than happy with the money I make because I'm not a salty Ameripoor.

Bill Gates and his wife are almost singlehandedly ending mosquito carried diseases

which a government can do. Hoping and praying the~~ lord of the castle~~ billionaire will protect you makes you weak, pathetic, and a serf.

wondering why your dick doesn't work anymore.

Bro I fuck my Ph.D neuroscientist wife like 6 times a day most days.

Once again you need to speak for yourself.

I'm not a salty Ameripoor

I just stopped giving a shit long ago man. George Carlin was right about everything.

I fuck my old and decrepit wife like 6 seconds a week most weeks

God this is some good pasta. You're quite the chef.

Though what is more likely is you're an angsty college kid LARPing. Either way, keep up the good work!


Out out out!


yeah my cock is pretty goddamn thick.

What the fuck is wrong with those nipples.

And let's see it.

lol you want to see my dick.

I think I just won something.

As long as there's a bussy behind it.

I am a top though... you find some bussy bring it back over here we will take turns.

This is r/Drama, there are as many bussies as there are users.