Today in first world problems: /r/ChronicPain reeeeees about not getting enough Oxy

7  2018-05-24 by Iarwain__Ben__Adar


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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"opiod epidemic"


I prefer to call it the flyover purge.

the fentanyl flush

It's crackheads round these parts.

They are right

We need more junkie drama here.

u/paullb14u you realize the rest of the world doesn't have out opiods like candy

I mean it's part of American tradition that you supplement your medication with street shit. I feel like people who hold the law on a pedestal are the only ones who get like this.

Jeez legalize weed already.

Candy? What the fuck are you talking about? You obviously aren’t a chronic pain sufferer because you would now what we take is medication. There is nothing fun about being in chronic pain and our government is denying treatment and inflicting needless pain and suffering.