Dumb fucks arguing about roasties in WWII

25  2018-05-24 by Accardi_Don


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Dinosaurs 🦖 caused much damage to human forces in the world wars

If this trend of highlight-method of history continues, I fully expect Winston Churchill's handmaid to get a statue for her role in defending Britain.

Who else could have written those speeches?

I like the Person calling it Battlefield V-agina in one of the replies.

Imagine giving a single shit about a videogame.

Alright you "women in WW2 is unrealistic" pissbabies. Let's do this. Here's a handful of powerful, kickass WW2 women that did more with their wartime lives than you'll ever do.

This guy looks exactly as what you'd expect a person who spents time angrily arguing stuff like this on the Internet to look like

He has that fashy haircut though. A radical centrist?

You should be unironically gassed if you have an opinion on gamergate.

You seem to have an opinion, maybe we should start with you

Die yourself.

I love that they trot out the Soviet Propaganda.

Yeah I noticed that he skipped over the state-run brothels the Soviets set up in addition to the all-female units and various non-Russian partisans.

Do they really think that bitch had 309 kills? Hell no. They lied about their leading sniper, they lied about this lady too. Same with the Night Witches. A Good team (a lot were shot down, so maybe not all that skilled) that did harassment bombing. But not the super team of elite pilots they thought they were

Any who remotely cares about this subject in any way should be euthanized.

Can we ban the term "badass" now?

What a fucking fag