New video game training gamers to shoot up schools

47  2018-05-24 by postingshitwhynot


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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and by gamers I really mean mayo males


I feel like this may be in bad taste

Ok, I've never really been into video games, so can you please explain what you're saying here? Is this like some type of weird life-simulating-game social thing you're acting out with your fellow video gamers here? I mean, I like books, personally (you know, where things that are mentioned actually have an impact on how the story progresses (that's a sign of intelligence on the part of the author because it demonstrates cohesive, forward thinking (and on the reader's behalf if they can figure out these patterns as well (but I suppose it may not be as common with gamers if they're not used to having some plot point or event, etc., progressing the story (but then I can't blame them for their ignorance if they don't have the exposure (I'm pretty fair about this)))))). So can you please explain this? Sorry if this seems intrusive or condescending; I certainly don't mean it that way: I'm just trying to provide my own perspective and understand yours. Thank you in advance.

Is this a copypasta?

I rate it 4/5, really liked the nested parentheses


As a white high school student, I respectfully disagree

Your disdain for normal, everyday white culture is problematic.

So edgy it cut me through the screen.

Wow if this were 2008, Jack Thompson would be having a fucking field day.

Also, I’d still have hair 🙁 🙉

I miss Jack Thompson tbh.

An incel sim nobody asked for.

How the fuck did this get on steam

I remember seeing this when it was first being made. I think it’s intended to be used as an educational tool to teach safety routines.

You're thinking of EDGE which is something different. It's only available to first responder agencies and is not sold commercially.

Lol Jesus Christ

Fucking lol

Can we get edge on the pirate bay of something?

Allegedly, Steam doesn't curate stuff anymore, you just pay whatever fee to dump it on the store and it's there until the consumers do their job for them and get it removed.

The fee is like 90 euros (actually, it's 82) and it has to be approved by people before the game is out (greenlight or shit), maybe free games don't need to pass greenlight (you know, filters out scams and overpriced games with nothing to offer), and this is why this cancer is there?

Steam Greenlight has always been notorious for how hands-off Steam is about curation.

Half of steam is anime tiddy simulator porn. They don't care lol.

Not any more. ;_;

To be honest steam should enforce what is a game and what is not, visual novels can fucking stay on or some other shit I don't fucking care about, they litter the free game section and aren't even games, just literally click on the button on the right side of the screen simulators with half assed stories that appeal only to autists.

>Videogames on a computer

>Not being garbage


steam's largest demographic is snowflake-americans

Video games are almost as big a scourge on society as opiates.

Not quite, but close. The big difference and problem is that parents think its ok and an acceptable substitute babysitter for their children.

That’s an interesting stance for a redditor to take.

What statistics and evidence do you have to make such a statement?

Video games are a plague on society. Literally no one can deny this.

Ok, I deny it. What now?

You're hopped up on video games and only say what the digital devil wants.

That’s unfortunate.

Sober up and quit wasting your life away

I’m already on the twelve step program! Never fear!

You can't trick me, Shylock!

You have a micropenis

You're unironically a SRDine

You're hopped up on /r/Drama and only say what the digital devil wants.


Lmao this SRDine even instant downvotes your replies, be gone thot

How fat are you and do you ever feel bad about your mom spending her hard earned money on shitty games from china?

Stop eating the bait you dumb faggot

I ask you this: who is truly baited in this scenario? Because it isn’t me or OP lmao


That’s an interesting stance for a redditor to take.

What statistics and evidence do you have to make such a statement?

That you're mom gay lole

Gotcha, give my kids heroin instead.

Cheers for the tip... wow I almost fucked up letting them play spelling games on an iPad there.

Hopefully you got enough to overdose your pretend children

Only the best for my fake kids


ever not talking about doing drugs or giving it to children

Like clockwork


Video games are almost as big a scourge on society as opiate addition

opioids aren't a scourge, mayocide is just good housekeeping, ya gotta trim the chaff.

also it's "addiction", please leave my country


Gamers aren't helping themselves.

The game I've been waiting for.

Why are you such a loser?

Pizzashill is a chad.

The real selling point would be if you could make it an all-girls school.

Coldsteel the Hedgeheg: the video game

Reminds me of the Columbine video game or Kennedy Anniversary sniper game.

Ever play hatred? It's way edgier than all those games

Not using a katana

This generation has gone downhill.

Hear me out:

I think a game made from the perspective of a victim of a shooting might be a decent idea.

Make it start as a first person “walking simulator” where you go to classes and talk to other students.

Then, a lockdown is announced. You and your friends all act accordingly, whispering and cracking columbine jokes as you lock the door to the school library and turn out the lights.

Then you hear the shots.

And they get louder and closer.

Eventually, the gunman forces his way in and opens fire.

The rest of the game is cat-and-mouse first person stealth as you try to escape the locked-down school before the killer finds you.

It could have mechanics similar to Alien:Isolation, where you need to hide and can’t fight back.

It would do a really good job with showing the “hurr hurr, I would have taken that dude out without a gun” crowd how disorienting and terrifying it is to be in a situation like that.

Release two versions of the game: one with a heavy handed message about how you the reason you can’t fight back is because it’s a gun free zone, and one with a heavy handed message about how it never would’ve happened if only the Democrats has been able to turn America into the police state we deserve.

you ever play that newest resident evil game where you had to run around the house avoiding the crazy invincible guy

Will there be a "thoughts and prayers" team?


Neck yourself.

This needs cutscenes where Stacy laughs at your autistic advances and starts blowing your bully right there in the hallway. That and having "Pumped Up Kicks" on loop as a soundtrack would truly make this the incel simulator we've all been waiting for.

I believe this is the game the US army developed in order for training against a school shooter. Whos the madman to put it on steam?

Was I high at some point or wasn't this concept already done for the virginia tech massacre?

Like I remember it was a flash game.

You know this sub has been invaded when people are calling this cancer instead of not having an opinion and just enjoying the drama capabilities this has.

I genuinely love how US republicans will blame doors before they blame guns for anything, they're gonna have a fucking field day with this one.

implying we all didnt know how to from playing games