Reddit gamers mourn over John 'Get cancer and die' Bain aka Totalbiscuit passing from cancer.

0  2018-05-25 by mukumukum


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I can say without question that the YouTube and live streaming I now do, I would likely have never considered doing were it not for the benefit that a few, including TotalBiscuit, provided. Love him or hate him (and believe me, I disagreed with him a lot), he gave me the confidence to find my voice and to believe that what I had to say could be of value to someone.

I've had little success on YouTube and only a bit more in streaming but these efforts have paid massive dividends in my life that have made the time, effort and money worthwhile. They've helped massively with my social anxiety, speaking ability and overall confidence, plus the knowledge I've gained from sorting out the myriad technical issues that come with this stuff have helped my career in IT as well.

None of this would have happened without people like TB making me feel that yeah, I can totally do this too. For that, I will forever be in his debt. To say that he and those like him haven't had a massive effect on the way games are covered and talked about is to deny reality. I wish his family nothing but the best in this difficult time.

Rest in peace John.

Way too wholesome of a comment to read on /r/Drama