A Smug Autist and Obvious Bait Do Some Verbal Hatefucking in a Public Forum For Much Longer Than Necessary. Please support my new OTP.

5  2018-05-25 by TheSmugAnimeGirl


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Those animations looks like something done by a retarded 5 year old.

I had a very similar argument with a Ghazi poster on SRD the other day, they even started following me around the thread. They were convinced, absolutely convinced, that people either liked them or just didn't know them well enough and would like them if they got to know them better. I was telling them look around, this is SRD, the most sympathetic audience Ghazi is going to get and even they think you're a bunch of wankers, but they were having none of it.