Guy who anally raped his ex GF is now happy to learn she died because she could have MeToo'ed him. /r/rapekink is not amused.

82  2018-05-25 by IAintThatGuy


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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this time i wish you didn't grab it in time snappy

Wtf, seriously.

Problem is, you're judging me by TODAY's climate, when it's clearly stated that this was 20 years ago. Times Change.

I was only born in 2016, can anyone confirm whether or not rape was legal 20 years ago?

Wow, today's youth is really inspiring šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

I hope it was legal, or else I'm at risk for a bit of #metoo

in muslim countries, yes.

No. It's very illegal. Getting raped usually carries a death sentence for the victim.


And hi fives for the perps.

high fives are westernshit and you know it

True, but I don't know what the middle east's version of the high five is.


How do you mashallah?

You just say mashallah, in general at the end of a phrase.

Exemple :

"Good job, mashallah"

Well that's not fun at all.

American are very touchy feely. Most other cultures dislike skin contact unless you are familly.

I wouldn't go as far as saying most. Many are, but plenty aren't.

Italian don't count. :^)

What about Spaniards, Scotts, Australians and Greeks?

Greek are basically shorter, uglier italian.

Spanish are not very huggy either.

And australians barely count as human beings.

they are not a fun people. thatā€™s why they all move drugs even though the Prophet forbade it- gotta deal with it somehow.

Seems a bit heretical.


Well, things really were different, back in the day.

It's only illegal if you get caught

Marital rape was only outlawed in every state in 93'. Hell, Trump's lawyer in the 80s used it not being illegal as a defense against one of his ex-wife's rape accusations in court.


On the back of the card, Iā€™d written ā€œSorry I Raped You up the Assā€, with a sadface emoji next to it

This definitely sounds like it happened


tbh Ed seems to weak and feeble to be able to properly rape someone. The only way he/she/they can rape is with emojis.

and they say romance is dead

I got the idea from a Hallmark Card.

the FBI should follow up on those guys

I think most of the poster there are men pretending to be women, women who had actual trauma and confusing that place with /r/rape, and some legit sick fucks who rape people IRL. Any law enforcement looking into those users will probably have a productive day.

Most the people there are actually people into consensual non consent and people that want to talk about their experiences without people feeling bad for them or looking at them like a victim. Itā€™s actually a pretty nice place and very few people there are actually rapey creeps. Those that are, like this guy, get called out pretty quick.

The closest thing to illegal there are the rape baiters who like to put themselves in dangerous situations to try to get raped. Even then itā€™s hard to say the legality on that since both sides are into it even though no consent was given. Personally I find that sub section kinda iffy but I donā€™t think that theyā€™re criminals.

This guy talking about raping his ex is the outlier. Honestly most of it is CNC advice requests, stories of traumatic events and how they have effected people both positively and negatively, stories of CNC experiences, and rape based fiction. Personally it all fascinates me, theyā€™ve even had actual health care professionals contact them to talk with people and study them. Itā€™s actually all pretty above board over there.

Go rape elsewhere, pedo

Love how you instantly assume pedo despite there being no evidence of that. Infact underaged people are not allowed on rapekink.

Besides how do you know which side of the kink Iā€™m on, maybe Iā€™m on the victim side, or a switch.


ā€œOk Iā€™m done being nonconsensually / consensually raped. My turn!ā€

I just love when people find out that agreeing in advance to something is not legally consenting. Yā€™all are one hookup from prison.

Called safewords and covering your ass. There are precautions you can take and most people donā€™t do CNC with a first date. Some do but most donā€™t.

Covering your ass how?

If the DA knocks on your door and starts asking questions whatā€™s your plan?

Tell them the truth, Iā€™ve done nothing wrong and hurt no one, there are no victims produced by me and point them towards CNC information

CNC is not legally permissible bub.

That's the closest it's ever gotten and even the leafs said, "lol, fuck that."

Itā€™s not consensual if sheā€™s unconscious, that was the issue there. You canā€™t consent to things if you arenā€™t aware of them, you are unable to say no in that scenario so itā€™s an automatic no.

Cnc doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s unconscious. Itā€™s basically rough sex and acting. Neither of which is illegal.

Sleep play and the like are illegal

rough sex and acting

Yep, and if she has a ton of bruises and goes to the police, enjoy playing that game. "She consented officer! I'm just really into consensual nonconsent! She was acting out her fantasy!"

"Did you say nonconsent?"

"Just acting, I swear!"

"Cool, coolcoolcool. This is Bubba, your new cellmate. He's also into nonconsent." dont have a lot of sex, eh?

Iā€™m married, that joke writes itself.

Seriously I donā€™t get the kink and wonā€™t even pretend to try. It seems like a really shit plan though. I could see someone saying after the fact they might have wanted some parts but not all parts, ergo sexual assault.

well it's definitely not something you do with strangers, in my experience.

Wellllll you say that.

The case name is evading my mind but look up the Canadian case on ā€œMā€ (womanā€™s name omitted for privacy). Itā€™s notable for hitting Canadaā€™s high court. Hubby and wifey play rape game, she goes ā€œuhhh too far on that rape fantasy I had.ā€ And hubby goes to jail. Court goes, ā€œcanā€™t consent to not consent. Trololol.ā€

In the US I sincerely doubt it would even come close to going as far as the Canadian case went. Weā€™re a bit stricter on crimlaw and less sexually liberal.

BDSM practitioners play with fire in some of their more entertaining games. Itā€™s one regret away from state sponsored bracelets.

Besides how do you know which side of the kink Iā€™m on, maybe Iā€™m on the victim side, or a switch.

still a degenerate regardless

Why? All it is is rough sex and acting?

You are most definitely on the rape side. Post history confirms it

Nope, switch

Heā€™s also defending a chomo in another thread. His entire post history is starting empty arguments. I think this person is a troll.

Most the people there are actually incels.


Naw the ā€œincelsā€ actually hate rapekink because they just want real rape

Of course most of the people there are harmless, or pretending. But all it takes is a dozen of sick fucks reading stories about women "rape baiting" and then convincing themselves the girl they like is actually doing it to them.

Oh yeah I agree. I said legally it was complicated because both people are consenting but neither party gives consent. So depending on your definition that may or may not be rape. That being said the aggressor never knows if sheā€™s actually into it or not so regardless the aggressor is still a rapist even if that incident wasnā€™t rape because as far as the aggressor is concerned it is rape.

Subreddits get closed for less. Only a tiny minority of incels will turn into homicidal freaks, but /r/incels still got closed when they suggested a dude castrate his roommate.

The difference here is that incels was encouraging violence on others and most the people in that sub agreed.

Rapekink is a lot smaller sub, itā€™s not encouraging violence on others (unless you have their consent) and is not actively brigading other subreddits to spew their hate and encouragement. Itā€™s small, mostly self contained, and even in the case of its own members it discourages risky behavior or gives less risky alternatives. Plus they self police and shut down actual rapists like OP.

It's all fun and games until someone gets raped because some psycho spent 8 hours reading through your sub...

Reading something doesnā€™t turn you into a rapist and if he actually read the sub it discourages rape.

if he actually read the sub it discourages rape

Yeah that 1 post in 1000 you can use to soothe your conscience might not register as strongly with rapists.

The difference here is that incels was encouraging violence on other

itā€™s not encouraging violence on others (unless you have their consent)

You admit that it encourages violence

No itā€™s encouraging consenting rough sex and role play

You literally refer to it as violence yourself lol

Violence with consent is basically spanking. Is spanking a grown consenting adult a crime? How about throwing them on a bed? Or pulling their hair?

Violence with consent is not basically spanking

But would you classify any of the things I mentioned as real violence?

I didnā€™t you did- but this isnā€™t what you were arguing about, was it?

What Iā€™m saying is, the violence that cnc people are usually consenting too is the nerf version of real sexual violence. Itā€™s violence with safe guards and rules. Itā€™s violence in the same ways sports are violence.

So you continue to define it as violence- interesting

I never said it wasnā€™t violence, I claimed it wasnā€™t the same as rape.

Can a person consent to a wrestling match? Can they consent to play football? Can they consent to be spanked?

Can I consent out of talking to a creep like you?

How am I a creep. I respect consent, Iā€™d never force anyone to have sex with me, Iā€™d never hurt anyone more than they literally tell me (with words) that they want to be hurt.

Iā€™m a creep because I like rough sex and acting? Ok I guess everyone that doesnā€™t like missionary for the sole purpose of procreation is a creep.

Reddit banned /r/SanctionedSuicide because they were "encouraging violence" against themselves. People who commit suicide usually consent to themselves, you know.

Except in the United States at least you canā€™t consent to death, which is why doctor assisted suicide is still federally illegal

hahahahaha how the fuck is consenting to yourself even real šŸ˜‚ like nigga you just raped yourself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

You were the one that said consenting to yourself lol

all it takes is a dozen of sick fucks reading stories about women "rape baiting" and then convincing themselves the girl they like is actually doing it to them.

So basically, itā€™s the subā€™s and OPā€™s fault and not the actual rapistā€™s fault. Delightful.

Isn't it the same excuse used to close any sub ever?

Most the people there are actually people into consensual non consent and people that want to talk about their experiences without people feeling bad for them or looking at them like a victim. Itā€™s actually a pretty nice place and very few people there are actually rapey creeps. Those that are, like this guy, get called out pretty quick.

The closest thing to illegal there are the rape baiters who like to put themselves in dangerous situations to try to get raped. Even then itā€™s hard to say the legality on that since both sides are into it even though no consent was given. Personally I find that sub section kinda iffy but I donā€™t think that theyā€™re criminals.

This guy talking about raping his ex is the outlier. Honestly most of it is CNC advice requests, stories of traumatic events and how they have effected people both positively and negatively, stories of CNC experiences, and rape based fiction. Personally it all fascinates me, theyā€™ve even had actual health care professionals contact them to talk with people and study them. Itā€™s actually all pretty above board over there.

uhu sure

I mean believe it or not, not my issue, but look into CNC itā€™s a lot more common than people think, especially in women. You can go onto any kink site and find people into it. Itā€™s not my job to convince you or to defend them but itā€™s definitely worth a look before writing off the group completely.

acting during sex sounds emotionally exhausting

People role play during sex all the time

If you can do naughty teacher why not go the extra mile and do Gigadik, Grand Penetrator of the Galactic Rapelord?

Well, we can argue all day about whether or not it was rape.

Meanwhile, how about some sympathy for a grieving ex-BF?

Wow... I'm speechless...

tbh, being literally struggle snuggled (not what in insinuates) sounds really appealing.

Even by the standards of those "am totes gril" subs like rapekink and r/stupidsluts, that story is fake as fuck.

Iā€™m like 99% sure this guy is trolling

It has everything a troll

Is there a chance this guy just wrote this as a fantasy? Like he wishes this happened so he could be some "powerful rapist" who "got away with it" ?

It's just so self aware, but also so fucked up.

Is there a chance this guy just wrote this as a fantasy?

Like a 95% chance

So uh, what were you doing there?

That sub is an awesome source of drama. You sometimes get posters who confuse it for /r/rape and ask actual advice. Few weeks ago I linked to a girl who had a huge rape kink, proceeded to get raped (on purpose) and was traumatized by it.

Sorry to break the news, but that wasn't a few weeks ago.

You sometimes get posters who confuse it for /r/rape and ask actual advice

How does that even happen? The word "kink" is right there in the sub's name.

Turns out women who get raped IRL and then turn to Reddit for advice aren't the smartest ones to begin with, and some don't speak perfect English.

Imagine being this good at verbally digging up your own grave. FBI's gonna be banging at his door aaaaaany minute now...

You know the FBI investigates FEDERAL crimes, right? So unless this incident took place in a national forest, they probably aren't interested.

Wow. So that's a sub.

OP Here. AMA.

(Leaving now for my job. I drive an Ice Cream Truck, and today's gonna be a Hot One! BUT, I'll be back later this afternoon or this evening to answer all your questions, if there are any. So AMA!)

PS. It's "ALLEGEDLY anally raped his ex GF". Who chose NOT to report it to the authorities. May she rest in peace.

Thank you for your service.

Er, You're welcome.

It's not alleged given that you literally admitted to it, shit-for-brains.

When you admit something in a joking manner to a specific person just to make them smile, it's not exactly the same as an indictment and conviction.

But you also just admitted it to us with your post.

Naw. I said "Alleged anal rape".

You can say alleged, but it doesn't negate the blatant admission

I drink my drink and I don't even want to I think my thoughts when I don't even need to I never look back 'cause I don't even want to And I don't need toā€¦Because she is dead!

1 day-old account


Well, we can argue all day about whether or not it was rape.

Meanwhile, how about some sympathy for a grieving ex-BF?

taking bait this hard

As stated in the original post, it's a throwaway account for obvious reasons. And even then, there are people all over the redditsphere who want to sic the cops on me. So hell no, I didn't use my real account or real ISP. Duh!


Says he's grieving his ex but then says he's happy she's dead?

Want some advice? Here's some advice, draw a hot bath, grab a nice sharp razor blade or scalpel and go down the road on both arms up to the shoulder.

If you're a troll, do better. If you're being honest hurry up and draw that bath.

you can't tell people to kill themselves that's against reddit's hurt-feelings rules

do it again and i'll ban you

Ok :(

fake. Look at all his comments, all edgy and specifically said to get a rise.

Seriously, this shit screams bait.