Pizzashill loses an argument. How exciting!

51  2018-05-25 by Standard12


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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/u/pizzashill, maybe its time for another week long break

this sub can finally come to a close when notorious nazi /u/pizzashill is caught on camera punching xirself in the name of anitfa

Now that's radical centrism.

how long before he loses it and runs off somewhere else just like PK?

can't come soon enough tbh

TIL some retard not even knowing what the argument is me "losing an argument."

Like I swear to god I want a poll done on this subreddit to see what the average education level is.

Because this shit is getting wild.

Next thread is going to be titled "Pizzashill instantly takes the bait".

Ah, the ol "I was only pretending to be illiterate" ruse gets me again.

Incorrect. I don't give a shit about American politics. I was just winding you up pal.

Pizza, which third world country are you from IRL? The only people who use illiterate as an insult are the ones who are regularly in contact with those people. I might fly into a genocidal rage when thinking of the illiterates I have to deal with daily but a muttistani shouldn't.

'you are illiterate' is pizzashills go to move. If you drank every time he said it you would have alcohol poisoning in minutes.

PRETTY SURE i saw in one of his books that he posts on here that he's from Florida LUL (may he rest in peace).

Yeah, something about catching crabs. Is that why he hates women?

Is that why he hates women?

I’ll have you know he’s currently in women-hating recovery. Keep him in your thots & prayers.

thots and players

The US is pretty poverty tier.

I am now dismissing this person, the reason being he is delusional.

He just outright denied 2 r/drama court rulings that were linked to him. He also denied the research in relation to mayocide.

You didn’t know you were arguing? Fascinating

You lose an argument on this sub when you start arguing on this sub.

In this game of life I think you've pretty much lost everything and that's the only reason you're so adamant about not losing arguments in r/drama.

I come from Italy, where it is absolutely impossible and forbidden to vote without an ID, and where the cheapest ID costs something between 5 or 20 euros (depending on whether you get the paper or the electronic version); despite this, we have high voter turnout (73% at the last elections vs 55.5% in the US) while not having sanctions for not voting like other European countries have.

The idea that requesting an ID is an impediment to voting for a non-mentally retarded person is absolutely absurd.

The idea that requesting an ID is an impediment to voting for a non-mentally retarded person is absolutely absurd.

Welcome to America, have you met our race card?

The idea that requesting an ID is an impediment to voting for a non-mentally retarded person is absolutely absurd.

Here’s how it works… a particularly skilled party operative cooks up a scheme of progressive/activist exaggeration that is designed to specifically trigger a particular segment of society that is expected to voice their disapproval in somewhat colorful language. Then, said operative incites media and useful idiots and win based on outrage rather than policy.

A scheme includes abortion, guns, voter ID’s, illegals, coal, climate change, charter schools, gangs and a number of minorities whoring themselves for political arrangement (blacks, Jews, Natives, Hispanics, Arabs).

Rinse, repeat.

Anytime we look over our backs in America there is another rightist writing out a law that is de jure race neutral but would have the de facto effect of decreasing the proportion of minorities voting. That was the entire Jim Crow era, passing a law that said "Blacks can't vote" was forbidden by the 15th amendment, so the south just kept on cranking out seemingly race neutral equivalents one after the other, and cranking out another when that one was struck down, for going on a century.

It was only with the passage of the 1964 civil rights act, where we literally just forbade them from making changes to their voting laws without getting approval from the federal government, that that bullshit stopped and finally blacks could vote. Now the supreme court, in its infinite wisdom, struck down that part of the civil rights act, and immediately we're back to playing fucking whack a mole.

Praise be

just make them forever depend on welfare, so they keep voting democrats

Some dago shit

dont you guys use a king?

It's a constitutional monarchy and the king's powers are really just for show. King Pauly D is really only around for tourism purposes.

American obesity is an impediment to voting.

In Canada all you need for an ID is 2 utility bills. I am not even joking. It doesnt because everyone can drive or has a health card, which also serves as ID. The voter turnout was 68% in the last election, mostly due to weed being a key issue.

The idea that requesting an ID is an impediment to voting for a non-mentally retarded person is absolutely absurd.

In a country that isn't retarded it is, but we're talking about American. Where many areas have fuck all access to government offices that can actually issue ID

87% of the country has a driver's license you fucking moron, and the overwhelming majority of those without only don't have one because they live in urban centers with ready access to public transportation (and an overabundance of government offices).

You also get free shit in Italy if the government can ID you. Despite what idiots say, there's not a lot of money to be gained in welfare in the US.

Italians have a lot more reasons to get an ID than just get the ability to vote (which is a constitutional right anyway).

yep, Italy the country famous for organized crime. You have it all figured out.

Turns out Sicilians and 🍆s have a lot in common.

We have a lower homicide rate than New Zealand, UK, Germany, France, and Australia.

Ha! Even your crime is organized!

Got him.

I mean, I suggest you avoid commenting on things you don't understand. I'l

I am really thankful for your magnanimous understanding.

You clearly don't understand why these voter suppression schemes work here dude.

The south has a long history of laws like this. They seem race neutral on the surface, but they aren't. The intent is always suppression.

It's why multiple federal courts have ruled against the Republican party and why we had a supreme court ruling that basically banned them from messing with voter ID laws until it was rolled back.

I'm not making this up, they literally are engaged in mass voter suppression attempts. Why do you think they keep losing in court?

I'm beyond sick of seeing people that aren't even American, people that have not even a basic understanding of the history in relation to voter ID laws in this country come to Reddit and make comments like you did.

Why do you comment on things you know nothing about?

I am really thankful for your magnanimous understanding dude.

Man liberals really do think basketball Americans are incapable of the most basic things don't they.

We still think they make good decisions while voting, though.


Here something for you to get invested in.

This means war.

Haha I thought that'd get the juices flowing.

This 'drama celebrities' drama is so retarded

drama celebrity

Just fucking kill me now.

50K was a mistake.

I looked at that recently, was surprised to see we're 20k further along since then, that happened very quickly

At least four of the subs are my dead socks.

Purity within, purity without.

50K was a mistake.

what you mean? people here have always been complaining about drama powerusers.

me too thanks

'drama celebrities'

Insofar as being a lolcow, yes.

It's only since subbing to /r/drama that I've begun to recognise usernames on this site, and as such have shed the last shred of my dignity.

Didn’t take him long to return to drama and continue his spergery.

Even as a lolcow he is now boring...I will quate Skip Bayless ( god have mercy on my soul) - he is slightly overrated.

Can confirm he was up in my face about how Russians rigged the election the other day

I see you haven't yet discerned the difference between hacking the election and hacking the votes, lol.

Neither can half the Democrats who retardlely think the election votes were rigged. But God forbid we use IDs to identify Americans from covert Russian spies using hacked voter registrations.

The only thing dumber than you is your imagination, lmao.

50% of Democrats believe the elections were illegitimate and you're calling me retarted for pointing that's what people think when they hear "russians hacked the election".

No wonder they threw a shit fit on inauguration day.

Hurr durr the votes didn't get hacked guys!

Surely why would people think such things when US ELECTION HACKD' plastered on TV for weeks end. No wonder journalists flipped out when Elon came up with another dumbass idea to reign in their tendency to scream at how evil non journalists are like a contestant on the running man. God that book was so much better

Sounds like you've got a mystery on your hands. What could they possibly mean by election hacking if the vote totals weren't modified? We may never know :(

Oh yeah, because russians hacking Clinton's emails were nothing to worry about but a hack into the voter rolls is a call for revolution.

hacking Clinton's emails

Lol, what did you mean by this?

Id agree that data security is important but we had a lot of news agencies declare gross negligence in regard to secure data isnt a crime unless intent matters.

Basically us data security is shit and no one can be punished as long as they didn't intend to get hacked.

I really think you're totally fucking retarded.

I'm losing an argument

best to call him retarded lol that'll teach him

I don't understand what is meant by election hacking. Hillary Clinton email server.

Great argument

It was illegitimate

I'm not talking about your son.

You leave Baron out of this

59% of Democrats last May believed that it was either definitely true or probably true that "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President."

That number as of February this year is 67%.

The birthers are on the left now.

"...for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." - Galatians, 6:7

CNN gives him hundr2ds of hours of free air time

media covers him 24/7

gets elected

How could this happen? Blame the russians and factory workers in michigan who said they would never vote for hillary for 24 years straight!

u can do better than that, my dude

Lol, I was busy painting my porch.

Lefties: "Stop being racist!"

Also Lefties: "Hurr blacks too dumb to get IDs"

Lol, poll tax.

Every voter ID bill that I've ever seen also has a provision in it to provide free IDs. This is not an attempted poll tax.

Lol, sure thing

Great rebuttal, you really know your stuff.

Thanks! I read some study materials for a workshop I never attended so I am very knowledgeable on this subject.

Yeah we have a free ID office out in the backwoods of buttfuck county. And absolutely nowhere else. Not my fault you can't find it lol.

What a nuanced take.

Did he change all his opinions again suddenly hd loves women and left?

I think he was trying desperately not to serious post but failed pretty quickly.

I am now dismissing this person, the reason being he is delusional.


How many alligators per week do you consume? How do they taste?

Still waiting on the day when a rightist writes a law on voting regulations that just so happens to have the effect of being neutral with regards to the proportion of black voters compared to white voters, or increasing the proportion of black voters. They always coincidentally have the other effect for some strange reason, have to wonder why.

The outright denial I see from these people leads me to believe they know it's voter suppression and they just don't care.