New low for /r/braincels : arguing about the looks of a 12yo girl

157  2018-05-25 by IAintThatGuy


Cool story, bro


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you'd think so but foids mature at a faster rate these days because of chemicals in the water, plastic, pesticides, etc. The same chemicals that disrupt male hormones and make guys more feminine causes females to hit puberty and mature sooner.

imagine being this obsessed with women and still not understanding about makeup

Turning the frogs gay was only a side effect of those chemicals. Their main purpose was making the preteens more fuckable.

The only reason why babies aren't fuckable is because they cry and are annoying in general, what's the point of those chemicals if they can't even make them stfu till I finish?

Put it in their mouth. Shuts them up, and they instinctively start sucking. Just watch out not to choke them to death or dislocate their jaw.

Speaking from experience, I guess.

Not to seriouspost or feed into incel's "gay frogs" retardation, but average puberty onset is going down in both sexes, mostly because of rising obesity/less malnutritution.

(not sure what Guardian's graphics guy was thinking there. kinda sketchy tbh.)

Foods are just chemicals! That braincel is right!

Poor dude's dick doesn't hand below his balls, he's going to be posting in /r/smalldickproblems

both sexes

This trend has leveled out.

Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of mastur..err... love... Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I โ€” I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. My Waifu, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.


This is who she fucks to fulfill the SJW quota for the week -

Paging Dr Freud

those thighs ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

j00cy and thicc

Zyzz himself would be mirin

Good to see that marvel has made the character of the juggernaught more diverse

How about fantasizing about a threesome with him and the girl. This way I can fuck the little girl, then with the big dude I become the little girl.


big dude I become the little girl.

inb4 you are actually a transwoman

Compared to that dude I'm like a woman, and I don't need hormones or to cut anything off.

post bussy so I can judge for myself

This is upvoted lmao

New low for /r/drama

This but unironically. And when I say unironically I mean unironically. What the actual fuck

No need to be bussyblasted over obvious joke, kiddo.

Since you won't see the edit on previous one anyway: oh it's you, now it's confirmed that you're actually retarded and I'm not just making it up, I almost let you pass.

Unfortunately this sub has "don't downvote the lolcow" guidelines so /r/drama users upvote shit they find funny even if it's bad


It's the most classic of baits dude.

Except Aluzky because he still deserves the rope.

downvoting because someone hurt your feelings with their opinion

What kind of autist you must be to do that anyway?

m8, your name is not relevant because you are, you totally are.

Unfuckable white men think about virile black cock more than white women.


Exactly. You can't get bulls off your mind.


Everyone on /r/Braincels is closeted gay. Which is better than half this sub, who are apparently uncloseted pedos. This may be the worst thread of all time

Given that white people, especially women, overwhelmingly date within their own race this is probably statistically true

WHOA WHOA... too far...

Fuckable white men like the BBC m8

Yeah I noticed that.

/u/BRAHMINDEEPSTATE should come out of the closet

The Bull Who Mounts the World

Sometimes, obsessing over a muscley ripped black dude is just gay. - Freud.

Impressed by the size of this lad. Absolute unit.

Bigly unit.

Why is his bulge photoshopped.

getting so salty over a fucking Hogwarts sweater, lmao

On a 12yo girl. Which is literaly the target audience for it (and the only people who should be able to wear those without dying of shame instantly). But of course in the USA they're used to 30yo obese catladies wearing those to be "quirky".

I have stretch marks, I'm fatter than other girls, my hair is messy, I'm not beautiful and it's so quirky af XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

That's a lot of chins in that smile... Didn't know that was even possible

30 year-olds was 12 at the time of the first movie you moron

/r/braincels is already full of donkeys.

holy damn she is hot

True. If she's european she's close enough to the age of consent that it's worth it trying to start chatting her up now.

playing the long con ๐Ÿ‘Œ

She might be 12 or 13. When the legal age is 14, it means it's time to start befriending her.

At least, try to like asian girls you pedos. I mean they look underage when they are legal, it's like methadone without addiction for you.

Who cares when 15 is legal?

I mean it's 14 here but that doesn't mean it's socially accepted for someone significantly older, like in their 20s, to date someone who's that young. When she's older but just looks younger than her age, that's usually daijoubu.

Sure it's absolutely not socially accepted. People will frown upon a 40yo dude getting some 16yo pussy. But in France it happens quite often anyway, and I'm willing to accept a few raised eyebrows if I can get 15yo pussy.

Of course don't be a dumbass and date the daughter of friends of your family, or coworkers, or anyone whose family you'll have to interact with socially...

So here in the US it's generally considered weird for a 40 year old to date a barely legal 18 year old and a billion times worse to get some underage gash (17 and under). In the 18 year old case, it's usually chalked up to absentee/abusive parenting - not enough hugs/too many hugs from dad or mom. I'm curious how it's looked at in Europe where the age of consent is distressingly low (15? Jesus Christ).

If a kid is getting fucked at 15 in Europe by a 40 year old, do people consider it poor parenting or is it just a "oh kind of odd but she's of age" sort of thing?

If a kid is getting fucked at 15 in Europe by a 40 year old, do people consider it poor parenting or is it just a "oh kind of odd but she's of age/a consenting adult" sort of thing?

grooming children has always been a European (aka wypipo) pastime.

We even took in Polanski as a refugee after he was injustly persecuted by the US justice system just for drugging and assraping a 13yo.

If a kid is getting fucked at 15 in Europe by a 40 year old, do people consider it poor parenting or is it just a "oh kind of odd but she's of age" sort of thing?

Really depends on the family and the social context. Some people are fine with it, other will frown, and there's some who'll totally freak out. There's never a guarantee that a big brother, dad, uncle... won't beat/stab you.

Also protip : don't ever do it with muslim girls. It would be like open season on your ass.

In France they allow kids who are very young in clubs (it's illegal but doesn't carry harsh penalties as in the USA). So it's not unusual for a dude to go home with a 15-18yo girl. In that case it's usually shitty parents on her side, who let her go out the whole night and come home in the morning no questions asked.

It's not very rare for 12yo or 13yo girls to be sexually active, usually with older boys (16-20yo). It's very illegal, but it's super rare that it ends up in court, because nobody cares. As long as it's not forcible or coerced, you'll usually get light sentences if anything.

If you're 40 fucking a 14yo it's more legally risky though, courts are more lenient on a 19yo.

I'm a dude and I remember going to bars and clubs and ordering alcohol at 12 or 13, and I know girls my age were doing it too (granted it works better if you look older). You see lots of creepy 20yo dudes hanging around 13-15yo gussy.

Relationships with huge age difference are really frowned upon, but it happens. It's easy to ignore mean looks when you're getting that sweet underage pussy twice a day.

You see lots of creepy 20yo dudes hanging around 13-15yo gussy.

What makes them creepy? The fact that they're preying on young teenage girls or is it something independent from that? Just curious.

So it's not unusual for a dude to go home with a 15-18yo girl.

I take it your hobby is to try pick up drunk, teenage girls at clubs?

Reading shit like this makes me wonder whether it's a good idea to wish for my future hapa kids to be female after all.

What makes them creepy? The fact that they're preying on young teenage girls or is it something independent from that? Just curious.

It's usually the dudes in their 20s who live with their parents, or at least on their dime, dropped out of school, and spend most days smoking weed with 12-15yo kids.

I take it your hobby is to try pick up drunk, teenage girls at clubs?

Not my thing. I'm not the most attractive, I don't do well in clubs. I like to stick in a 15yo on occasion but it's mostly people I get to groom a little before (you have to be able to read signs of social isolation and low self esteem in a girl, if possible an attractive one).

well if I ever feel the need to go after teenage girls I'll know who to ask for advice

Aren't you from Germany? This country is like a mystery to me. The culture is so different from France. I know that for instance in the USA you better not fuck around and stick it into someone who is one day away from legal age. Whereas in France you probably can fuck a 13yo and barely get probation if you argue she asked for it.

Yep. Idk how it compares to France, really. Age of consent is 14 technically. While age differences in relationships aren't super uncommon it's still considered as a bit weird / worrying to date / sleep with a teenager if you're in your 20s / 30s. But since it's so low I've never heard of anyone at least around here who's actually gotten in trouble for something like that, as long as no coercion is involved it should be fine.

I think German and French culture might be closer there than French and American culture. Overall I'd estimate that France is more open in regards to sexual topics, possibly more liberated, but this is more based on statistics regarding lifetime sexual partner count and what is considered an acceptable partner count and so on in Europe which I read about some time ago.

Never been to France personally, feel like I might have a hard time since I don't speak French and the English of French people I've talked to in the past has mostly been quite difficult to understand.

People around the country are getting better at English. I'm fluent, and I noticed it's true even in places where it used to not be so (mostly from the younger generation watching TV shows in English).

You can survive in Paris speaking English alone, and wherever there are lots of British tourists and expats (Aquitaine region comes to mind). Then you can straight up speak German in the Northeast. Lots of kids there take German instead of English in school.

Glad to hear that's the case, I want to visit eventually

"Sweet underage pussy" as a 16yo girl my stomach revolted, I need some mindbleach to forget this thread even exists.

that's what I did last time. knew an 11 yo had a crush on me, 3 years later who shows up

We call that โ€œgroomingโ€.

Not illegal until I stick it in. And if I stick it in the minute she turns legal, I'm fine. My country doesn't have laws like in the USA about communicating with a minor in order to try to get sex. Just don't send her dick pics.

I look like her, just with a five of clocks shadow. You want this bussy?

Ew manlet.


Yeah you can tell that she's gonna be a 10/10 in a few years.

they downvoted you like that's not what's gonna happen

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On 4chan and other forums way back when, pedos used to share images like this under the guise of a separate discussion while in actuality the point of those threads was simply to share the picture for pedo fapping. I suspect something similar is going on here.

Have you ever been to 12chan?

not going to onion chans

christ i hadnt even considered the possibility of onion chans

You should. The onion chans are now mostly legal, because a lot of Tor services got busted.

Mostly legal

Well Thank God for that


lol pussies

Those cleaned up a lot (even totally) when a lot of the onion services got v& (either through FBI honeypots, or just because the police physically found the servers when serving warrants on pedos for their crimes IRL and noticed they were into cyber crimes too).

Right now the onion chans are full of dudes desperately begging for CP. Like pages and pages in the subs that used to host related content.

I'd post it on /r/Drama but I like not being in jail.

bro you know quite a lot. aren't you afraid to talk about it so openly on clearnet?

It's common knowledge. It was in newspapers because in Germany they found running Onion services when they served a search warrant on local pedos.

So I'm willing to bet they did like the FBI with Silkroad, and ran a shitload of honeypots, or at least had forensics analyse the server to see if some of their user didn't leave a trail.

Onion services secure the route between you and the server, but if you're dumb enough to let your browser broadcast identifying info, or exchange personal information on what you thought was an untraceable private server, you're getting v&.

Using Onion is not illegal. All I can say is that now you don't see people offering drugs or CP openly. And lots of retards begging for it.

Few years ago there used to be lots of CP posted on the clearnet (like on 4chan), and staying there for hours. Doesn't happen anymore, and it's rumored 4chan admins had to help law enforcement monitor that shit (and do better at killing those threads).

Decades ago (in web 1.0 times) there was CP on the clearnet on static websites open to the public, because back then authorities didn't give a fuck yet. It used to be available on eMule and similar services.

There's like a cycle : degenerates find a new place that normies are unaware of, fill it (very quickly) with degeneracy thinking they're invincible, then at some point law enforcement notices and sweeps up most of them (because it only takes a few months for average pedos to think some online service is safe and use it without sufficient security).

dudes desperately begging for CP.

Hello fellow child lovers, I am totally not an FBI agent. Please send me your sexy children photos.

I don't even know. It's like the request subs are nothing but that. I think it's just some desperate pedos looking for their fix. Actually scary, they sound like addicts, how many of those hundreds of dude will finally think getting the real thing IRL is the only way to get some?

There was a reason a couple of people in 4chan tried to help the FBI with honeypots.

This shit is like an addiction to them, and I'll never understand people who say "pedos aren't inherently molesters" bitch, this isn't a sexuality, it's a fetish at best, an addiction at worse.

way back when

brah there's a thread like that posted on /tv/ at least once a minute

pedos used to share

Nigga have you been to /tv/ lately? All those cunnyposts are still happening.

I'm aware.

That's what all the Pizzagate """researchers""" were doing.

Lol, "way back when" they just posted cp. No need to hide it.

I was never saying it doesn't happen now, simply calling on when I remembered it...

Hot damn shes sexy.

/u/yocontraelmundo how often do you think of shooting up your high school?

The real low is her parents getting her photographed like that.

what about this photo is inappropriate

There's more. If your 12 year old is made up with that muck makeup and lipstick giving bedroom eyes, you might be a bad parent.

Sheโ€™s not allowed to be beautiful because sheโ€™s 12?

Her parents are making millions of dollars from her by the way, I think even the slightest immorality is worth it, even though there is no immorality at all, just a beautiful girl taking pictures of herself and posting it, itโ€™s not unheard of

Sheโ€™s not allowed to be beautiful because sheโ€™s 12?

I have a very attractive 11 year old daughter. Shes not allowed to give fuck me eyes to the camera.

My daughter could beat up your daughter

Fuck your daughter then. You know you want to.

camera wearing adult styled makeup.

As opposed to all that child style make up

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I have a very attractive 11 year old daughter.

Hold up


Do you realize how fucking disgusting it is calling them "fuck me eyes".

Seriously, go kill yourself.

Oh for fucks sake, don't be this idiotic. Thats exactly the look they were going for. I realize most of /r/drama hasn't seen fuck me eyes, just "fuck you" eyes, but for fucks sake, lets not be willfully ignorant.

I realize most of /r/drama hasn't seen fuck me eyes, just "fuck you" eyes

I would not advise using the "I get more pussy then all of you card" when everyone thinks you're a pedo. Not a good look.

Right... I get the attempt but its a stretch to say "parents are shitty parents for sexualizing a 12 year old" to "obviously you are pedo". Nice try though.

If you think a head shot of fully-clothed little girl is in any way "sexual" then there is something wrong with you.

Jfc dude do you think everyone that tries to hold a regular conversation with you wants to fuck you?

Also lol at fuck me eyes, it's not just the eyes, faggot.

He unironically brags about his schlong and how much sex he totally has

That's how incel this guy is

He's also LITERALLY a cuck, but he calls it "swinging". It's Western degeneracy at its peak.

Care to explain where's "fuck me" eyes or are you just an autist who sees "fuck me" in every eyes ever?

I mean, wouldn't be surprised since you already admitted to being a pedophile and rapist, but still would like a honest answer.

She's a perfectly fine child? You guys are just weird af

How long have you been a male feminist?

U guys r the ones talking about how kids are attractive, that's way more rapey lol

Don't be retarded here please. Post in the Memerson thread for that.


don't be retarded here please.


Don't be retarded here please.

You don't like competition?

Maybe you can suggest what about her eyes tells "bedroom"?

Like that autist said, because I can't see it no matter how hard I try to look for it.

You replied to the wrong guy, m8

Nah you just can't read m8

U can't read lol, u thought I agreed with that guy

tells me what I think

Nah I just ironically asked you if you might see how that autist might think that it's "bedroom eyes" but I guess you're just as retarded as him.

Take it easy with the fentanyl, Cleetus

Nothing does, you replied to the wrong person

I mean, you aren't wrong about yourself being wrong, because I did reply to the person I tried to reply to.

Nothing about her eyes says bedroom lol, she's a child

I know, you fucking autist.

Again, like I said, you can't really read.

lol what you fucking pedophile

those aren't bedroom eyes

If you don't think thats sexualizing a 12 year old, I dont' know what to tell you.

this must be a pedophile thing

This is now boring, go back to posting pictures of mens assholes. It explains why you can't see the issue.

ah yes apologies for not getting stiff from a child's selfie game

fucking THOT not wearing a burqa

normal pictures of a girls photos

some pedo:

bedroom eyes

Nigga like, fucking walk outside and look someone in the eyes for once, I bet you never even saw such thing besides in porn.

If your 12 year old is made up with that much makeup and lipstick giving bedroom eyes, you might be a bad parent.

This is just how kuffar raise their children. It's a perfect example of /u/Why_We_Need_Islam.

They find out she's 12 and that's what they have to say? Literal pedophiles.

/u/iQ9k, we are not the ones drooling over a 12 year old, you sick fuck. Do the world a favor and slice open your nutsack



I don't disagree but times change.

Just tell him to take drastic measures regarding his fertility.

So we mock incels who act like pedos by logging onto Drama and acting like pedos?

wtf are half of these comments, cirque

The only reason I am leaving this thread up is because Drama users deserve their shame for being the same as incels.

if only embarassment would wash away their sinful thoughts

Yeah, this is legit horrifying

user reports:

1: shame them harder daddy!

They deserve it all

What if you're not an incel but just a pervert?

Then I'd question how you're getting laid

I scrupulously abide by the surprisingly low legal age of consent in my country.

There are a huge number of incels on r/drama.


When you realize OP is a genuine pedophile

Oh no


We need Mohammad actually

Muhammad was prob on the side of the pedos, the Aisha thing was fucked up

That's the joke.

I will include r/drama in my prayers tonight.


Listen, I have many young looking adult girls saved to my hard drive That does not make me a pedophile.

Don't tell SRD, they're convinced that you're a pedo if you like petite, youthful women who are of age.

This is why telling weebs and NEETs off in every thread should be required.


France is the biggest market for anime and manga in Europe. OP is French and also a pedo. Coincidence? Probably not.

I can confirm all those facts. Except I'm not legally a pedo as long as I stick to Europe.

I don't think that depends on the country actually, but you're right, you're not a pedo, the correct term would be hepehile or ephebophile, I think.

Unironically kys

So Muslim who is hardcore traditional then?

Nah modern muslim. Because how else am I going to provide those underage girls with alcohol?

I sincerely hope someone beats you to death. Your kind is nothing but scum.

But then who will provide for my 8 kids? Oh wait the government will, as they're doing right now, nevermind.

No, a better shame would be to post this to SRD.

Lol, I am not allowed.

OG drama credentials here.

Who is that girl, for real? Because I'm having a very hard time believing she's actually 12. She looks at least 16.

Here's her IMDb page. It says she was born on December 27, 2005, which would make her 12 years old.

If she's 12, I'm u/Darqwolff

Looks like jailbait found a new home.

Braincels are often triggered by IncelTears

IncelTears think that Braincels are anywhere from "funny to pathetic"

IncelTears are really triggered by MGTOW though.

So MGTOW is cucking Braincels.


Can some faggot with PhD check if my math is good - I dropped out when I was 5.

Can some faggot with PhD check if my math is good

Math is gay so I guess you're right

I've seen a few girls in my time and this doesn't look 15. You might wanna see a doctor.

Greatest mod of /r/drama, /u/DarqWolff, with the experienced insight. Step aside, fellas

Fr though how could someone openly be headfucked enough to think she looked 15? That thread singlehandedly doubled how glad I am I'm not an incel

Your level of expertise in underaged girls is disturbing, my man

Why though? Rhetorical question btw

Do u have a fetish for underaged girls? It's ok, you can tell me, I don't kinkshame


Serious question, how are you not in jail yet? I'm not saying this to be mean, at this point I'm honestly kind of impressed. Every time you get into a legal jam you say stuff that would legit make any defense lawyer have a heart attack, and yet somehow you're still breathing free air. I'm legitimately baffled as to how this is possible. Are you a leprechaun? Do you have a monkey's paw that grants wishes?

He has a godly bussy.

I'm a Power Ranger

I'd rather be an incel than you

jfc a lot of these comments are fucking gross

Which thread are you talking about? Ours or theirs?

This thread is worse than that one

Jfc, seriously. Most of the comments there seem to be calling out the creepy guys who don't see that she's a child

Yep its nowhere near as bad. Theres an upvoted comment above that says her eyes are saying 'fuck me'. Eesh

OP is straight up talking about how he would groom this girl elsewhere in this thread

Wait until you meet /u/pizzachu1 the Neo-Nazi(unaware that many Neos hate baby rapers too) pedophile who wants to adopt a little girl because adoption services are basically like a sex toy market for pedos.

The truly depressing thing about all of it is that kid is only 12 and already a total narcissist. We have enough of those in the world already.

/r/braincels is that way ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰

Iโ€™m married buddy, try again.

Anyway, Iโ€™m already posting on /r/drama, thatโ€™s embarrassing enough.

I don't know if I believe that, it takes a special retard to call a little girl a "total narcissist" for taking a few selfies.

It also takes a special retard to marry, so why are you even repeating his words?

No u

this girl won some sort of genetic lottery


I guess you mean blue eyes, because that forehead and nose would stop me from trying to fuck her even if she was 20.

I like that nose. Cute straight nose like my wife.

Pointy elbows, 2/10.

I'll give her some DNA.

Well, that thread and now this thread just make me sad. Can't we go back to Elon Musk drama?

Why are there suddenly so many pedos on this damn subreddit?

Pretty sure we always were here. There's just not enough good pedo drama these days (with places like /r/pedofriends gone).

They should've kept that sub-Reddit and the Incels sub-Reddit so the weaponized cancer was only posted in threads from cringe content and not because the creepy fuckers were infecting other sub-Reddits.

Wtf shes 12? Am i gay now?

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

Get some help

Why the hell is this disgusting comment upvoted.

You are delusional if you think its only in the US. Sickening.

u/iaintthatguy your fucking disgusting

I'm a law abiding citizen.

Still disgusting bro

But legal and that's what I'm aiming for.

What in the actual fuck. Kill yourselves

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Hey /u/xanaxaddictx care to weigh in?

She looks hot asf. I bet she has a big ass and titties and a nice pussy

She's prolly already a roastie.

This isn't new. At least one incel community has already been shutdown in part due to fostering paedophelia.

