Someone is 300% buttmad in /r/iowa when someone points out that teaching standards are vital to the quality of teachers. BUT MUH PhD IN ENGLISHES!!!!!!!!

30  2018-05-25 by CornInDaShitpost


r/Iowa drama.....


The corn crops came in late because Farmer Bob rolled the combine again while fucked up on moonshine.

lol we dont even drive combines now. We just let the robots do it from our couch.

Farming is rapidly becoming a very easy job.

Lazy ass farmers.

you spelled smart wrong.

Fuck that, get your ass up and work for that farm subsidy money!

nah ill take your tax dollars thank you

Fuck off, personification of the State of Texas!

This is why we need more coloured refugees who'll work at half the minimum wage for twice the time. Fucking subsidised assholes.

i got a job for them

I guess Iowa is too mentally challenged to offer any sort of reciprocity on their teaching certs. Just another reason they'll be a worthless flyover state forever.

worthless flyover state forever.

US News disagrees with you.

Counter point:



I mean are there even any beaches there? Hard pass

Had 'em both, but I have gigabit here. You and your DSL can suck it.

I guess Iowa is too mentally challenged to offer any sort of reciprocity on their teaching certs. Just another reason they'll be a worthless flyover state forever.

/u/AnnArchist BTFO

Lets be honest though, the teaching degree is about as tough to obtain as a basketweaving or communications degree.


Not an american.

so you didn't even make the list. sad


lol IA is #1 in HS Graduation rate

Oh, gee, high school. That's totally useful and relevant. My bad, enjoy your job at KFC.

Implying that college degrees have any value in 2018

LOL I'm an FAA Certified Air Traffic Controller turned network engineer making over 6 figures and I only have a high school diploma, so I really don't know what you're on about.

Why is he emntioning his chess skills?

Getting a PhD in Literature is just one step above a PhD in gender studies.

Hmmmmm...I don't know about that. I feel like Art History should be above Gender Studies but below Literature.

I think Art History could go side-by-side with Literature. One gives you a PhD in looking at paintings and the other one gives you a PhD for reading the most boring books on the planet.

I think everyone agrees though that a PhD in gender studies is just a diploma for angry women and beta males.

You post like 15 times a day in this sub.

Back in my day we were called "content providers".

I wasn't complaining about how much he posts. Just pointing out that I don't need to stalk him all day to see his posts, especially since he's the main poster in r/Iowa I have no problem with said "content providers"

/u/cornintheshitpost seriously? Did you just call out the wrong guy half a dozen times then claim he’s a sock when it’s pointed out?

How much lead did you eat?

Nah /r/iowa is made up of like 20 shareblue shills, one troll on a bunch of sock accounts, and /u/tcpip4lyfe who I think might be legit retarded.

First off, I have no sock accounts.

Secondly, isn't YOUR account a "sock" account since, ya know, it was just created today?

No, it's a throw away since I'm not normally active in /r/iowa and just came here for the drama

Quality socks all for 50% off every day at socksoff.

I don't know if every tiny regional sub is like that, but my God, that's almost as bad as Facebook comments on local news stories.

It used to be better until one of their mods had a melt down after """she""" lost and banned all conservatives

I'm a mod at /r/iowa and I have no clue what you're talking about.