‘Sesame Street’ Makers Sue Over New Melissa McCarthy Movie "The Happytime Murders"

64  2018-05-25 by ThomasJenkins5777


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Brian Henson directed the movie — he is the son of the legendary puppeteer, Jim Henson. Sesame Workshop is suing STX Productions seeking to have all advertising for the film pulled ASAP. They are also seeking unspecified damages.

Anybody else think when they see Streisand Effect type things, that maybe they're on purpose now?

Oh hell yeah advertisers will utilize any method they can to get free publicity just like the dinosaurs 🦖 will utilize any method they can to conquer humanity

You and I both know dinosaurs conquered humanity over a million years ago, and humans are just unwitting puppets. Disclosure is coming

Don’t let them know. Ef haen borosh rogne brused tes, brother

גוטע אַרבעט מיין פרייַנד. כבוד צו די דיינאַסאָר

Damn, I really wanna see this movie too!

This shit looks hilarious

Well shit, I never thought I'd say this but I'm going to deliberately pay for a movie with Melissa McCarthy in it.

people will call you a retard for thinking that but Jim Henson and the Workshop were always known for their outside the box thinking on stuff especially advertising. the Wilkins brand made more money from a young Henson than they ever did listening to those Ad Men in NYC. plus the only people that know how to make and perform puppets on this continent are all alumni from Jim Henson's companies. so it can't possibly have been a secret that this film was made. i figure this was to get more publicity for this film. only young people saw the trailer on reddit. but i guanratee you every old person will see sesame workshop suing this film and will watch the trailer because of it

You’re Defiling Big Bird’s Good Name with Ejaculating Puppets!

and theres another 50 million this movies gonna make

Also a bit too late for complaining about ejaculating puppets.

The less Melissa McCarthy movies, the better off we are to be honest.


why is everyone in /r/drama so goddamn illiterate

Calm down, Stannis.

you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded scrote!

Spy was a great movie, fight me.

I thought this was retarded until I actually read the article. It's not about claiming copyright on puppets, it's about the movie using their name in it's advertisement, which is a very fine line here because they have to prove that people are too stupid to not understand that this movie isn't endorsed by or affiliated with 'Sesame Street'.

Most advertising people would be really familiar with this, so I suspect it was done intentionally in order to get this kind of reaction because now their dumb movie has national press for being edgy.

Brian Henson is directing. Sesame Street is probably in on it.

Henson Company and Sesame Workshop are two separate companies. Brian does not work on Sesame Street.

She's missing some chins on that poster.