wtf is this?

28  2018-05-25 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


get with the times, sweaty

Don't call me sweaty!


Deal with it, fatty

Someone's not getting any orange slices!😈Keep it up kiddy🤣

Because you ate them all.

Looks like someone not getting any tokens at Chuckie Cheeses.😒 Enjoy only being able to play in the puke filled ball pit.

I'll just get your mom to give me your tickets.

So Fat

I thought this was a pibble mom sub. Wow.

Put the latte down, the SUV keys away, and get some red wine.

Did I show you the pictures of when I went to Coachella? That was before the kids of course.

Drama is just a bunch of PTA soccer moms that have "businesses" selling Mary Kay.

selling Mary Kay

lol you're old

I like to call it "Roast beef intelligent"

It says "cool soccer mom club".

Are you sure?

I'm at about 90% on this one.

tbh, I'm just gonna assume you're wrong

That's fair.

Look op, you have to be careful about asking these questions online. It's very dangerous. I probably shouldn't say this, but I know for a fact governments in North America, Europe and Asia are currently pushing for this tech to exist. I've seen the first two iterations with my own eyes, and it's terrifying to behold. They seek to use anime ladies to control us. To pacify us. Sony themselves are almost at the point where they could discuss mass production. A future with walking talking anime ladies is a bleak future indeed. It's the future Aldous Huxley warned us about. I've seen their effect on live test subjects. Their ability to manipulate is stronger than any propaganda or fear mongering news article I've ever seen. I've since gone into hiding op. It's simply too dangerous. I know for certain that a North American firm has contracted funimation as consultants. As a result cons are no longer safe due to their presence. My former colleague recently disappeared following certain events at Dragoncon I've come to term as the Cosplay Curiosities. I regret my part in this whole thing. I hope this technology never sees the light of day. I pray for forgiveness every night before sleep, but every night my prayers go unanswered and the nightmares return.


some fag still using www. like some kind of aardvark

Did you just call me a fag????

no i called u an aardvark, fgt


Soccer moms? But I'm just a little girl!

Timely, physically or mentally?

seeing at /u/__Toradorable__ post in r/anime_irl, you do the math...

So to be the same age, I just have to post in /r/animeirl

nice, now all I need to do is find a 80 year old on a verge of death posting in certain sub and I can too become 80

The latter two.

ty bb