Seven Signs that Your Man’s Masculinity Is Nontoxic

131  2018-05-26 by westofthetracks


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Tbh I think sometimes conservatives have a point about the liberal agenda. It's not (((conspiracy))) but some media are definitely trying to make being a pussy into a cool thing.

The alt-right contends that a liberal belief in “multiculturalism,” uttered as a slur, is undermining the foundations of civilization. They’re delusional. Liberals don’t believe in multiculturalism at all. In its purest form, liberal ideology only recognizes two types of people: liberals, and the tragically misguided—who, if not for their brainwashing, would listen to hold music and take Zoloft like any sensible person. Oh sure, you can consume your culture. Dress how you will, eat your ethnic food and celebrate your ethnic holidays (how exotic!), place your religion on the mantlepiece, complain about white people on any number of white-people-owned forums and newspapers. Be as cultural as you want, as long as you choose cash or credit and don’t contradict the superculture.

Shame on you for not providing a source for that copypasta

sourcing pasta? what kind of nerd do you take me for?

Book nerd.

Hey look it's dollar store Alone.

wtf happened to TLP, that stuff was awesome

yeah man a billion africans definitely improves a country

  1. Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving black people into high-prestige jobs, for improved education in black schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the black “underclass” they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class white people. The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white man; instead, they want to preserve African American culture. But in what does this preservation of African American culture consist? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating black-style food, listening to black-style music, wearing black-style clothing and going to a black- style church or mosque. In other words, it can express itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects most leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the black man conform to white, middle-class ideals. They want to make him study technical subjects, become an executive or a scientist, spend his life climbing the status ladder to prove that black people are as good as white. They want to make black fathers “responsible,” they want black gangs to become nonviolent, etc. But these are exactly the values of the industrial-technological system. The system couldn’t care less what kind of music a man listens to, what kind of clothes he wears or what religion he believes in as long as he studies in school, holds a respectable job, climbs the status ladder, is a “responsible” parent, is nonviolent and so forth. In effect, however much he may deny it, the oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the black man into the system and make him adopt its values.

ted was right

This is in the humor section

/r/drama users reaing things?

That doesn't mean it's satire.

It literally has a satire tag

I didn't say it's not satire. Something being in a humor section doesn't make it satire. Satire is a subcategory of humor. I guess some people think it's okay to call all humor satire, but it bugs me.

Yeah but no one in this thread has said "satire" but you.

This is in the humor section

It's the implication. Don't get butthurt, we both know what that comment means

Here's the thing.

No. This is the thing.

It's OK to just admit that you were wrong, you know?

Bout what? Are you saying all humor is satire? I'm not wrong about that.

I'm a retard! But am I retarded? Those are two different things.

watch out you accidentally made feminism look bad here comes the faggot brigade to chide you

accidentally made feminism look bad

Accidentally? Fam all I need to do is point a feminist out in a crowd to make them look bad 🤣🤣🤣

people pretend their stupid thoughts are satire because it takes less conviction

If only your mother had treated your dingo daddy's sperm as something other than satire, we wouldn't have to deal with your posting.

imagine coming up with this in your head and then deciding to actually follow through with posting it LOL

doesnt even make sense you dumb faggot

also why are like half of your posts crying about racism in low effort tumblr meme subs

Wow, rude.

You'd literally have to be retarded to not realize this is satire. I suffer from inappropriate social interaction, poor eye contact, compulsive behaviour, impulsivity, repetitive movements, self-harm, or persistent repetition of words or actions, and even I know that this was too on the nose

its framed as jokey but it presents the idea of toxic masculinity as a real thing because its written by a feminist

ie exactly what i said

Nah you're retarded, if its is making fun of anyone, its making fun of the people you hate.

lol its literally in the new yorker, theyre not anti sjw

its the same as how really bitter but insecure women will do "ironic misandry"

like theyre really that bitter and legit believe all that stuff but the satire label makes it more palatable

i feel like youre underestimating how dumb and crazy sjws are

You need to take a look in the mirror friendo.

Imagine getting triggered by the Daily Shouts section of The New Yorker

lol what

i understand completely that its the unhinged rants of a feminist, im saying theyre pretending its jokey because its still the only socially acceptable way to spew hate

still pretty easy to point and laugh, im saying dont be all weird and deny it

Right but this is the lazy Jon Stewart defence, as if half of the dumb shit audience doesn't actually think some of the things that are being joked about and take it as a confirmation.

Can't blame the New Yorker for having a dumb audience

So we you're saying is that not only are liberals all about turning everything into a pansy fruit fest, they're also incapable of properly categorizating things?

I'm going to ping /u/the_reason_trump_won regardless, so got'em.

there's humour

"haha men suck, why aren't men like women or smth"

And humour

"fuck guys this shit is retarded as all hell, thank god no one takes these people seriously"

Both technically circlejerks but there is a difference. I wouldn't put money on it being the latter either.

Satire is definitely humorous....

Those are meant as satire.

Understanding humor is for gays. Real men only laugh at their foes driven before them and lamentations of their women.

That is good!

this but unironically

Smdh male fragility. Do you also put on rubber gloves when peeing, to avoid touching male penis? Many manly men do such things!

"I'm pretty confident I know the problem with society" - person unable to grasp obvious satire

You are what you eat.

That's why in ideal world everyone must be an asshole.

To counter the KKK, we created the CCC... The Cool Cuck Club. Join today.

Well the (((conspiracy))) stuff is more like the alt-right's thing. )))conspiracy((( a la Alex Jones is the conservative version.

Read something that means something.

Is this satire or not

I think it's supposed to be satire where it starts out as believable and then is supposed to get progressively more absurd? Like it starts out as "that's a weird opinion" and then gradually gets more and more specific and stupid like "strictly following traffic laws in GTA"

Elite lib publications consistently full of self depreciation.

self-deprecation you illiterate fuck.

look at the damn URL next time

Or the tags at the bottom of the article.

like anyone got that far

Any rational person shouldn't need to do that, but it's reddit so some people literally can't imagine a left leaning publication making fun of the far left.

You're being glib. Or trite. I don't know what either of those words mean.

Its labelled 'humor' but it still makes no sense. For The New Yorker to poke fun at beta males would mean The New Yorker is self-deprecating, and this is not a common theme. As yet I have not seen evidence that The New Yorker knows it has over-reached, and therefore needs to be reigned in through humor. If that is indeed what is going on, this seems a big deal to me. It represents something new.

Wow I've never seen this argument with so many extra word before

Really. You often see the argument "example news media has an agenda, then later modifies the scope of that agenda through the use of satire".

Because that seems pretty specific

Calm down, love. I was taking a new meme for a spin

1.) the New Yorker is known for being “posh,” not “hip.” it’s the OTHER category of weak liberal snobs.

2.) yes, they’re commonly self-deprecating. fucking woody allen wrote for the new yorker, and most of his and steve martin’s submissions were making fun of the same types.

Is it satire if people at /r/menslib unironically believe 95% of the panels?

yes, that just makes it on-the-nose

All modern satire exists in an enigma of n*ironic irony within which it can adopt whatever tone the reader wants.

it’s not satire

a casual read of any New Yorker issue demonstrates it’s 100% in message with their editorial viewpoint

If this is meant to be funny, then I don't get the references.

Do sports bars even serve white wine?

It's satire. The scenarios are supposed to be absurd.

Satire should be funny, though.

The article itself may not be funny, but the fact that it's triggering the sex of peace even though it's obvious satire is hilarious 😂

The only reason it's triggerin' is because it has to hit a bit too close to home.

It's The New Yorker

i'm gonna invoke poe's law here. some of them i can genuinely see people agreeing with

If it's the first few, then that's literally the point. It draws you in with examples that are semi-reasonable before becoming increasingly absurd.

I love that this has also been posted to /r/mensrights and /r/jordanpeterson and they don't get that it's satire either.

lmao imagine being an mra in 2018 😂😂😂😂😂

I used to be an mra until the local jews finally returned my foreskin to me.

Jews giving a tip? Wew lad

That was good.

Was always worse than feminism, might wanna replace with "in current year", so even if some autist reads this in next 5 years, they still can relate.

imagine being a feminist ever

thinking one must choose between being an mra or a male feminist

Imagine not thinking both sides are stupid.

i didnt say otherwise i just know above poster is a feminist

also mra stuff is just victim feminism for men

Well the issues weren't resolved in 2017 so...

Someone unironically posted this:

Gee guys, I wonder why you're the laughing stock of the internet.

Wait, I'm not banned on that sub yet? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If that's satire perhaps it should actually be satirical is some respect. It's an open meme that's too weak to qualify as actual satire.

It depends on the reader having a shared ethos with the writer to some degree.

It is satirical in its hyperbolic-

You know what, I'm not going to explain it.

The r/mensrights post is really bad.

kind of bizarre, frankly

The dude you were arguing with in the men's rights sub was literally retarded. TYFYS

New Yorker condensed the r/menslib essentials into a tidy listicle, now that sub can be locked for good.

soy cucks are not men

ahh Kurt Vonnegut. The nonintellectuals intellectual

And so it goes


I know this article is satire, but ss 'toxic' masculinity really what's killing society at the moment? Most young men don't have the nerves to approach woman in public, I doubt they're 'over masculine'

A toxic lack of masculinity?


is 'toxic' masculinity really what's killing society at the moment?

Yes, men commit 89% of murders.

Yeah cause men commit crimes to prove their manhood and not because men are biologically more inclined to preform violence than women. Be gone thot.

Masculinity is toxic.

to prove their manhood.

aka literally toxic masculinity lol.

It was sarcasm. He was implying that in fact men commit more crimes because they are biologically inclined to (which is obvious to anybody who isn't a retard, so not to feminists).

Edbot wasn't implying that it's due to biology though; he was then just going "but what about feminists?!".

and black people commit a disproportionate level of violent crime.

I guess toxic blackness is a thing too?

White men commit more crime than black women.

Men are the problem.

More specifically though just men called Dave. Or maybe Todd, cos Todd's a shit name.

You keep hiding your seriousposting behind shitty memes and fake attempts ‘dae radical centrism lolol’ but it’s really kinda pathetic

I am not /u/Ed_ButteredToast you idiot. I am a way bigger retard.

Sorry between him and his alts it’s hard to tell

I don't know...

I mean, you are pretty up there but ...

Yes, actually. Chris Rock explained this before

Testosterone is a hell of a drug.

And are majority victims of murders too

masculinity, success, power, ambition, etc. have to be gotten rid of to create the ideal society

that's why it's satire. do people on an obscure meta ironic internet subreddit really need it explained?

There's "toxic masculinity" and then there are bitch-made men who use violence and self-loathing to solve everything.

Toxic masculinity as a concept has to do with social expectations of men rather than the reality.

Incels, for example, happen because they feel they're socially expected to have sex with women to become Men, but women have all banded together to render them losers who haven't had sex. It's a form of toxic masculinity because their delusions come from frustration with a perceived expectation, especially because they're often mocked over it.

They're a pretty extreme example, but that's kinda the gist of what people mean about toxic masculinity. It gets blamed for killing society mostly because it gets correlated with anti-women movements, mass shootings, etc.

How dare they mock /r/MensLib ?

Post this to menslib

That's in the humor section?!? It's meant to be funny! jfc

Even though I know it's satire, The thing that still trigger me is the GTA part. FFFUuuck you New Yorker

Oh yeah, that's a rather clever jab at interoffice politics.

I wouldn't be so apathetic if I wasn't so lethargic

Le cuck soy bois.

The only kind of toxic masculinity that's actually a thing is not re-racking your weights.

Dude today was squatting next to me, lost his lift and instead of dumping it forward like a man, he tips the weights off the ends of the bars, sending them crashing to the ground and then rolling everywhere like 20kg ankle seeking missiles.

I laid into his ass over it, but on the plus side the wussy bitch couldn't even do two plates, so thankfully the mess was contained.

couldn't even do two plates

Help the little lady out next time

I invite you all to convert to Islam, we don't have this degeneracy.

It's funny because men are always toxic

>He does not have a Twitter account.

Shouldn't he be bravely supporting the Tweeps of Color?

(((Adam Katzenstein)))

when did the newyorker become the onion?

Also if he's buying white wine not red you better believe he's a degenerate rapist

Kurt Vonnegut was a humanist faggot

Half serious

Didn't read the article. Is it 'everything he does that benefits you is nontoxic masculinity'.

yea this shit is tryin to be funny not serious. anyone can see that

I get that this is supposed to be a humorous article but I think it's funny not in the way the author intended

He does not have a Twitter account.

This is the only joke that works.