Smug redditors lacking self-awareness declare that everyone outside of their group is morally and emotionally inferior

32  2018-05-26 by Starship_Litterbox_C


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Eh, I'm anti-vegan mostly because it encourages population growth... Make a popular vegan food product that consumes as much land as meat production and I'll stop caring.


To be honest, and I don't want to come off as a bragger or anything, everyone outside of my group is indeed morally, emotionally and intellectually inferior. I'm sorry if you don't like facts and science, sweaty.



Imagine being so triggered you link to a post that didn't even have that much drama. 🙄 I want to thank you for breaking my virginity tonight though. I was beginning to think it was just going to be another Friday night alone.

But it's Saturday

Checkmark vegans

>badmouthing Snally

get out

/u/Starship_Litterbox_C , you stand accused of infringing upon the Honor of r/Drama's patron poster, /u/SnallyGaster. How do you plead for this heinous crime?

No one is above the drama. I am NOT GUILTY MOTHERFUCKERS

Trial by Company it is!!!

You'll have to take that tie off for something more... shall we say, reliable in the way of... suffocation.

Only God will judge him.

Me rn , watch-out Starship...

Doing the Lord's work.i see.

In the Thunderdome!

Two man enter one man leave.

I have to restrain myself from mod abuse after seeing this.

Snitches get stitches bro...


No, Starship, that's not how you seduce a Snally. You’ll need some sensual classic music with vaguely furry undertones, and if you really want to ‘put out that fire’, I recommend Cat People

Before clicking on the link - "Betcha It's a vegan".

The reason vegans and vegetarians are made fun of is because they're right. Animal farms are cruel and unsustainable.

Called it.

yeah because vegans aren't annoying as fuck posting all over reddit. lack of protein leads to a mouth that never stops running.

You could use this exact title for almost every post on this sub

I'm a very, very dedicated environmentalist. The more disgusting factory farms we can build and the more people we can have populating the big cities and the more trucks we can get to spew co2 into the air to get the meat to the cities just makes the day when society breaks down and we can finally go back to searching the woods for mushrooms and starving in the winter that much closer.

I expect better off this sub, drama posters eat up vegan bait so hard

itt thirsty Snally loving fugoos.