"Proud" Boys at it again!

22  2018-05-26 by ArlenBilldozer


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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You know you're 100% heterosexual when you call yourself a Proud Boy and worship someone who ironically wears buttplugs and sucks dick on live TV.

B-but trans people are the real degenerates...

Obviously, they're 100% better than people who like to crossdress.

Trying and failing to rip up plastic signs obviously makes you better than the gays.

I love these guys so much 😂

I'd try to join but I dont know enough cereal brands

👏🏿W E S T E R N 👏🏻 C H A U V I N I S M 👏🏽

Miscegenation cant happen quickly enough, we cant keep letting their poison infect our communities

All those fedoras and indoor sunglasses. Yeesh. White people were a mistake.


Part of their initiation is getting beaten by other members until you can say 5 brands of cereal. Seriously

Jesus Christ. I don't even know how people get this retarded.

Observe how manly and western-civilizationy they are


Can you put me in touch with your local chapter pls? These seem like my kind of goys

Are the irish really considered part of western civilization though, or more like incidental passengers? 🤔

However I really would like to see your initiation so yes 😂😘

Ireland is the pinnacle of western degeneracy, who do you think built murica?


O shit wat?

See the above video and also you have to get a tattoo and "come out." Also you cant masturbate or something, idk


Dang I just can't compete with those alfalfas 😭

Srsly what the fuck is in murican water?

Lard and bald eagle piss, I think. And actually probably some hallucinogens that the CIA is pumping in to examine their effects on various communities. Also lead. And freedom.

High fructose corn syrup

I heard this is a reasonable substitute for blood transfusions in amerilards, can u confirm?


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U-U-UHURU (Proud Boys) +3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXpffMXUcAg
Proud Boys +2 - Observe how manly and western-civilizationy they are 😍😍😩💦😍😍
Proud boys initiation second degree +1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPABaFF1pD0

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