Lesbos in fag spaces? Ru, never!

7  2018-05-26 by TOAST_IS_FLAVORLESS


Look at the thread genius and you'll see I was talking about straight women.

tbh why do you care if someone fetishizes you? There's a fetish for pretty much everything

The way they fetish gay people is dehumanizing and see them as nothing but their entertainment. That's not how allies should be.

like what's an example though? I'm not baiting or anything I'm genuinely curious.

Just look at Tumblr slash and yaoi. It's pretty hard to go into specifics if you aren't familiar with certain assets of the community

I'm a bi woman and I enjoy some yaoi, but maybe it gets annoying for you idk. I could understand wanting your "own place" and I haven't seen what you're talking about in order to know why it would bother you but yeah, just wanted to know.

Maybe straight women who fetishize lesbian porn aren't really that "straight" at all ;)

The thing with yaoi is that it's intended for straight women, so right off the bat it feels like a problematic form of entertainment I've never seen women fetish lesbian porn before that's interesting.. But I do it's just as bad when straight guys fetish lesbian women in porn.

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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You dont want women in your spaces bc they rightfully recognise we live in a institutionally patriarchal society where women are oppressed and men hold more power just by the virtue of being men? Nice to know that.

Yeah, western women are pretty oppressed. Not according to the data, of course, but still.