People who are against baby-killing are stupid

0  2018-05-26 by SonyXboxNintendo11


This, but unironically.


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Damn, snappy 😮

I wouldn't say they're "stupid" but that they're being irrational about it. Which doesn't mean someone is stupid.

Nah they're stupid.

People against abortion are stupid.

Not all of them. Some of them are genuinely awful people who want women to suffer for daring to have sex with someone who isn't them.

/u/Grayson81, making Women personally responsible for their actions is definitely synonymous with wanting them to suffer.

And if they are raped and got pregnant? Or the condom broke?

And if they are raped and got pregnant? Or the condom broke?

If I wanted to be a gay serious-poster, I'd point out men are held responsible in all these scenarios.

I think abortion should be legal, but its clear that most arguments put forth for it boil down to either absolving women of personal responsibility, or on extremely rare fringe cases.

Absolve women of personal responsibility? That's a joke. No one should be forced to carry a baby to term or raise them if they don't have the means to do so.

Don't worry fam, I agree that we shouldn't make women have any personal responsibility.

No one should be forced to carry a baby to term or raise them if they don't have the means to do so.

Good thing they have literally endless ways of avoiding getting pregnant.

Yeah non of those ways are 100% effective.


That's not solving anything. Like if you would abstain if you could get laid.

I'm not saying Abortion shouldn't be legal, I'm just saying the main reason people want it is for absolving women of personal responsibility.

Now it's sounds like you're just blaming women when they get pregnant when it takes two people to make a baby.

So we agree women are at least partially responsible for getting pregnant then?

Yes. They should both used any protection. But it doesn't always work. This issue stems from more than just abortion rights but birth control and health care.

I think abortion should be legal, but its clear that most arguments put forth for it boil down to either absolving women of personal responsibility, or on extremely rare fringe cases.

Lol if you could get accidentally pregnant with a baby growing in your dick I think you'd be singing a different tune

Yes, Ideally something would absolve me of personal responsibility for my actions.

That sounds painful

"You did the crime, you do the time"

That doesn't apply here. Just because those women can get laid and you can't doesn't mean they should abstain from sex.

I didn't say that. The metaphorical crime is not engaging in safe sex using one or more of the dozens of forms of contraception available. The metaphorical time is 9 months until adoption or change of heart.

BTW I'm mostly taking the piss, because I believe in access to abortions. But personal responsibility only comes up re: male reproduction (child support, etc) while women are given a 100% pass, which is kinda lame.

I don't agree with you at all. Male are not the only ones that take responsibility. You're acting like a single can support a child alone with just child support. In the end they would be the ones raising the child.

I'm saying males are expected to and even forced to take responsibility by society and courts. Women have abortion, adoption, child support, and are encouraged to take advantage of all of those. Men can't opt out; women can. So if a woman gets pregnant, her options are at least threefold; a man's option is to pray, or keep positive.

There has been so many cases where guys don't pay child support and get away with it. So it's not like we are tied down to it. Besides if guys don't want the trouble of it all maybe then they should abstain.

Besides if guys don't want the trouble of it all maybe then they should abstain.

Just like women too?

Yes. And if you didn't notice I was being sarcastic since that's your guys idea on how women can avoid pregnancy.

I think in an ideal society either they'd both be held responsible, or neither.

Besides if guys don't want the trouble of it all maybe then they should abstain.

Two points on this. One, I'll quote you:

Just because those women can get laid and you can't doesn't mean they should abstain from sex.

A classic example of the double standard. Women whouldn't have to take responsibility through abstinence, but men should.

Second: just because some men get away with not paying support while the majority of those who don't pay languish in prisons, doesn't mean most men aren't held to that legal standard. If support is in place, men will be punished, men will be shamed until they comply (or kill themselves.)

You do know that my remark on men having abstain was sarcastic based on your earlier remark about women and how they should abstain.

And child support system does have it's problems but it was made so that guys that skip out on families have to pay their fair fare of responsibilities.

You do know that my remark on men having abstain was sarcastic based on your earlier remark about women and how they should abstain.

That makes no sense. I think you were being perfectly truthful about your viewpoint and got caught out.

it was made so that guys that skip out on families have to pay their fair fare of responsibilities.

Then why can men who are not married or in a family with a woman still be collected on? And why in some states can men be collected on for other men's children?

Nope I was being sarcastic since you made the remark that women could just abstain from sex when guys can do the same to avoid the problem of child support.

The guys that aren't married should still be accountable for hitting it and quiting it. The only thing I agree on with you is that instance where that guy had to pay child support for a kid that wasn't his. That doesn't make sense to make him pay.

Nope I was being sarcastic since you made the remark that women could just abstain from sex when guys can do the same to avoid the problem of child support.

This is a bald faced lie. I have already clarified my position on your seemingly deliberate misreading of my words. (Read my response to your claim.) For some reason you are really clinging to it though.

The guys that aren't married should still be accountable for hitting it and quiting it.

Again, women can opt out through abortion and adoption. Why should men be penalized for money when women are able to get those services? Is there a logical reason women are allowed these parachutes but men have nothing comparable? A woman can simply ask the state for financial assistance--a man paying child support can do no such thing. Do you believe that is fair?

P.S. Remember when I said women shouldn't have to abstain, just that they should have safe sex? I remember.

Hopefully we can get some male birth control soon. Until then, I've castrated myself just to be sure.

You also are protected against getting #metoo'ed if you're upfront about it to house guests!

Or the condom broke?

Use multiple forms of birth control.

Birth control pills don't always work either.

The likelihood of both a condom and birth control failing and then you actually getting pregnant is ridiculously low.

Abortion is a form of birth control.

Nah. It's murder.

Your opinion of it doesn't change the fact that it is a form of birth control.

Eh im always on support of mayo abortions.

agendaposters out

My mom would have been aborted if the laws had been less strict at the time. Her biological mom was two weeks late to get it done. I'm still pro choice.

/u/erremermberderrnit so you're gonna finish the job?

/u/SonyXboxNintendo11 is just a butthurt pro-lifer. Agendaposters get out


go to England on vacation with some friends we have to meet at the hotel at 9pm it starts to get dark out got to check my watch I forgot it decide to go ask someone find someone to ask ARE YOU WIMBLY FOURS MATE!? IM CRIMBO NINAN SIX APPLE SMIBBLY DIN BIBBLY CHAP have no idea what he just said, ask him to repeat YOU WOT M8? he starts to laugh maniacally Big Ben rings out everyone stops in the freaking street a carriage with the initials HRH rides down the street the freaking queen herself sticks her head out OI YOU GITS DID YE HEAR THAT!? IT BE 6 BONG driver pokes his head out 6 BONGERS!? another man leaps out of the sewer 6 FECKING BONGERS!? people start pouring out in the street YA WANKERS IT BE CRIMBO SIX-A-BONG store clerks and chimey sweeps chanting SIX A-BONG SIX A-BONG we try to get away, the filth is choking me SIX A-BONG SIX A-BONG OLLY JOLLY ITS SIX A-BONG the lyrics drown everyone out, can't avoid dancers BANG UP THE KNACKERS AND SMACK YER MUM- OLL IN THE STREETS ITS SIX A-BONG fish and chips being thrown into the air en masse at this point someone pulls out a Britsh flag and starts waving it while singing God Save the Queen several men are being beaten to death with cricket bats a 1950s style police box materialises out of thin air and a man with a long scarf gets out our freaking faces

I'm pro-choice but only for black people.

No. Mayocide needed.