I hate women

45  2018-05-26 by tfdidido

I thought about linking to TrollX as a passive agressive way to express myself, but I realized thats a very chick thing to do

So yep, I just really dislike broads


Everyday I wish I was gay

Cut your dick off. Seems pretty simple to me. Unless you're a disingenious pussy ofc

How am I going to become gay if I cut my dick off?

fucking women

fucking women

This is why being gay is so hard for you!!!!!

If women won't sleep with you, what makes you think gay men would?

Getting laid is easy as fuck when ur gay cuz men can't be raped dumbass

because an ugly twink is basically an ugly woman on the homosexual marketplace. I.e. can get one night standed by basically anyone while they buy you drinks

source: its how I was concieved

Dude just BE gay. It's a choice after all

Why? There mere nature of women is not their fault. They are what they are. It's like getting mad at lightning. I don't like when it burns down a beautiful forest, but it's just lightning. So I carry on with my day.

Wise words fam

This is why bussy is way better than gussy.

I don't understand this alleged hatred of women. Men love women. We chase them. Ask them out. Try to make them happy. We work hard and try to make the world a better place in order to make their lives easier.

Men love women. Unless those women are fat. Fat women are gross and they deserve to be hated.

Try to make them happy. We work hard and try to make the world a better place in order to make their lives easier.

Speak for yourself lol

I'm talking about hot women here.

Dinosaurs πŸ¦– are where it’s at my dude

Well, it's like when a teenager gets grounded. He might scream, "You hate me!!" and slam his door. But the parents just want what's best for him. Feminism is a shit test, nothing more.

Feminism? Feminism???? Oh, that thing that ugly women do - pass.

feminism is good and it helps men and women


Feminism is communism for the sexes and genocide, it's cancer.

no it's fine

Considering women have an easier time getting laid than men, communism doesn't sound that bad. Have you seen how many incels of peace there are about right now?

One of the dumbest replies I've ever received.

Communism is an economic and political idea, not a 'welcome to communism, everyone is your wife now'.

I hope this was just a joke.

I think the 'incels' idea is being blown vastly out of proportion, doesn't even touch the jewish issue.

Communisms a shit idea for incel losers

a man who don't get sex with women need to pull himself up by the straps on his boots and get good enough so pussy will let him

The Chad-Bourgeoisie allow the sexual proletariat to have just as much pussy as they need to keep the human race alive through reproduction. But even here is it not fair; the proletariat get Chad's leftovers - only when the Chad-Bourgeois no longer want a woman does she go to settle down, marry, and reproduce with a non-Chad.

Chad shrugs at this commucel nonsense

I mean they are adult human beings, they are capable of working and supporting themselves. Maybe you shouldn't think of them as children and you as their adult?

Men love women. Unless those women are fat. Fat women are gross and they deserve to be hated.

Don't kink shame. Chubby chasers make excellent wingman.

Break women of feminism, put them in their place.

More than anything men fear women

see: incels as they covet women as the single object of value in the universe while also hating them to the point of homocide and dick mutilation

I'm beginning to realize that half the human race is literally garbage. They have no souls. They are driven by base animal instincts and they lack the higher cognitive functioning that allows us men to reign in our impulses. They contribute nothing; they take everything. At best, they're useless; at worst, they're terrorists. Mostly, they're parasites.

How have we allowed this to happen? Is it inevitable? If we refused to coddle these animals, would they be able to become human like men? Or are they fundamentally broken?

lol i remember this from the homicidal male virgin subreddit

r/subredditdrama? πŸ˜‰

Copypasta wisdom.

Except Snally


you are the first person i ever downvoted

with anger too

What do you hate the most, I happen to dislike their incredible lack of agency

Same I think

They cant take firm decisions fam

I cant remenber the last white women I met that actually knew what she wanted

Hating is still caring, autist.

Toaster, shower, go

No u

I cant help it, it's in my devious feminine nature πŸ˜”πŸ˜’

I would apologize but it's against my principles

Good, I dont want apologies from the enemy 😑😑😑

I was on the fence, but this entire post has inspired me to revitalize the SCUM manifesto and organize my own militia. Ty for the inspiration, disgusting male pig 😘

Wow, I can get on board with this manifesto!

Did you know that:

  • Males were convicted of the vast majority of homicides in the United States, representing 89.5% of the total number of offenders.

  • Of children under 5 killed by someone other than their parent, 80% of the people that were convicted were males.

  • Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape

  • Males constituted 87.9% of those arrested for robbery

  • Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.

Facts don't care about your feelings. There's plenty of evidence to prove that being a man is being a genetic defect prone to violence. With SCUM, this will be wiped away.

You've been promoted to honorary female, I'll send you your welcome packet (complete with coffee mug!) for the militia soon 😊

Thanks sister! πŸ‘­

But violence solves so many problems - like babies and dry dick.



maleoids are subhuman

It's been a long time coming, honestly. We can have the first meeting at my place. I'll be sure to have some Ben & Jerry's and a couple of boxes of wine.


Solanas begins by presenting a theory of the male as an "incomplete female" who is genetically deficient due to the Y chromosome.[32] According to Solanas, this genetic deficiency causes the male to be emotionally limited, egocentric, and incapable of mental passion or genuine interaction. She describes the male as lacking empathy and unable to relate to anything apart from his own physical sensations.[33] The Manifesto continues by arguing that the male spends his life attempting to become female, and thereby overcome his inferiority. He does this by "constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live though and fuse with the female." Solanas rejects Freud's theory of penis envy, and argues that men have "pussy envy". Solanas then accuses men of turning the world into a "shitpile" and presents a long list of grievances.[34]

I mean you can't argue with that logic. Also do you know what all serial killers have in common? They all knew at least one man.

(Do we attack MGTOW or Redpillers first?).

Men are disgusting genetic mutants who cant be trusted to make rational decisions due to their histrionic hormonal violence. We must shepherd them now to the right path, we've been victims of their hormonal whims for too long, sister.

I dont think it matters who is first, they're all gonna look the same against the wall πŸ˜‚

Men are disgusting genetic mutants who cant be trusted to make rational decisions due to their histrionic hormonal violence.

Oh absolutely. Or perhaps we should recreate Ladyland and keep them locked in a harem. After all it's "their proper places, where they ought to be.".

organize my own militia

Can I join? I'm a yuge feminist, /u/TheEquimanthorn will confirm how woq I am

Ofc, we're going to need some sextraitors to accomplish our goals. You can be in charge potato peeling and flexing menacingly for now

Heck yeth, I promise I won't commit a one man coup and usurp the tampon throne πŸ˜‡πŸ˜

You mean a bath? how the fuck are you supposed to toast yourself in a shower, do you hold the thing? faggot

You and u/pizzashill and u/onitan should start a club or something.

I don't dislike most women, I just ridicule gold diggers.

And bury them in your backyard, right?

This but unironically.

Then accept penis into your life, is more reliable as a sex tool than vaginas anyways.

Incels out Zoop Zoop


you are the one i dislike the most

I've consulted with the cabal and we've come to the conclusion that we hate you too πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

I was surprised when I clicked on this and it wasn't posted by pizzashill

Go away

Women are faggots.

"[w]omen will avoid the wicked, not because it is unright (unrecht), but because it is ugly; and virtuous actions mean to them such as are morally beautiful... Nothing of duty, nothing of compulsion, nothing of obligation! Woman is intolerant of all commands and morose constraint. They do something only because it pleases them, and the art [of moral education] consists in making only that please them which is good... I hardly believe that the fair sex is capable of principles... in place of it Providence has put in their breast kind and benevolent sensations."- Immanuel Kant, Observations