I've been dealing with more left and right wing retards than before. Arguing against gynocracy and Jordan Peterson and FOR Jordan Peterson and FOR access to abortion and oh god it just never stopsss
Yes, think of it as a chance to show the fellow retarded the Way and the Truth of Moderation and the pure joy of mocking the extremists and partisans. An opportunity, not a crisis.
This is a sick act of racism on behalf of the elites who own and control professional sports. Learn the language of gematria and you will see why. 42 and 59 are numbers stamped on black men in history in a negative way. This play occurred in the 4th inning with 2 outs, and the score after the play was 4-2. Nyjer Morgan's birthday, July 2nd, is a span of 42 days after this game on May 22nd, which was the 142nd day of the year. "Nyjer Morgan" = 59 (Reduced) / "Negro" = 59 (Ordinal) / "Blues" = 59 (Ordinal) / "Slave" = 59 (Ordinal) / Motown Records est. '59 The news and pro sports are scripted by the numbers, and this play was a prime example. Learn gematria to help see through the lies.
1 lovekitt 2018-05-26
Just means the incel, mde, alt-right, sjw, and seriousposting fag tumor is metastasizing.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-05-26
smdh, if only they had been aborted.
1 lovekitt 2018-05-26
There's still hope. We can still abort them
1 scatmunchies 2018-05-26
For once in their history, Ireland is showing the rest of the world what moral leadership looks like.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-26
I've been dealing with more left and right wing retards than before. Arguing against gynocracy and Jordan Peterson and FOR Jordan Peterson and FOR access to abortion and oh god it just never stopsss
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-05-26
If we serious-post against the serious-posters, how are we any better than the serious-posters?
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-26
Serious-posting is not the problem. We must show the inferiority of anything not radically centrist.
1 rhyme-ocerus 2018-05-26
Yes, think of it as a chance to show the fellow retarded the Way and the Truth of Moderation and the pure joy of mocking the extremists and partisans. An opportunity, not a crisis.
1 lovekitt 2018-05-26
Ikr? Why can't these plebs see the light and salvation of centrism like rational human beings?
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2018-05-26
There is but one solution.
This sub needs to be BLACKED themed. It will drive off the soy and the alt-right. In the ebony fire only the radical centrist will remain.
/u/snallygaster make this happen.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-26
1 sharia_carey 2018-05-26
If totalbiscuit can be cancer-free today, then one day so can we.
1 WeWuzKANG5 2018-05-26
75 k before 1 pm eastern.
1 satanismyhomeboy 2018-05-26
It's taytay. People subscribe to be able to read the sub, and then forget they did.
1 the-chinese 2018-05-26
I find it surprising that 75k retarded people would all congregate in one sub.
1 newcomer_ts 2018-05-26
It's more like a Colosseum... people like to be entertained but it's really just couple of retards
1 the-chinese 2018-05-26
says the retard to the other retard.
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2018-05-26
Start by unsubscribing yourself.
1 RushAndAPush 2018-05-26
not an argument
1 RedditsAnti-American 2018-05-26
lol, im not subscribed. good try.
1 Yiin 2018-05-26
This shit's not going on my feed. Gross
1 sevgee 2018-05-26
Seriously tho, there were slightly less than 50,000 at the beginning of the year. That's a 50% increase in a few months. It's unsustainable.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-05-26
http://redditmetrics.com/r/drama says that we hit 50k in the very beginning of March (and doesn't have data after that unfortunately).
My pet theory is that it's actually bots that want to see JWG's bussy. Because that stickied post has been steadily gaining upvotes too.
1 PossibleYoung 2018-05-26
5k in 7 days.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-05-26
Gas all /r/drama subscribers.
1 cochnbahls 2018-05-26
it's mostly just alts and Russian bots
1 RueysSoulDiegosFight 2018-05-26
Terrible. Have you noticed all the comments? Serious posting and moral outrage, as far as the eye can see.
1 UnexpectedLizard 2018-05-26
This is a sick act of racism on behalf of the elites who own and control professional sports. Learn the language of gematria and you will see why. 42 and 59 are numbers stamped on black men in history in a negative way. This play occurred in the 4th inning with 2 outs, and the score after the play was 4-2. Nyjer Morgan's birthday, July 2nd, is a span of 42 days after this game on May 22nd, which was the 142nd day of the year. "Nyjer Morgan" = 59 (Reduced) / "Negro" = 59 (Ordinal) / "Blues" = 59 (Ordinal) / "Slave" = 59 (Ordinal) / Motown Records est. '59 The news and pro sports are scripted by the numbers, and this play was a prime example. Learn gematria to help see through the lies.
1 aef823 2018-05-26
Concern trolling is a form of trolling.
1 orangetato 2018-05-26
Drop a nuke at 100000 tbqiah
1 watermark02 2018-05-26
Population is growing to fast, too many unassimiable immigrants who won't accept our values and way of life.
1 BussyControl 2018-05-26
75,000 retards in this sub and we still haven't pushed u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy's 5k bussy challenge past the finish line.
I'm fucking disappointed in all of you.
Yes, even you.