Update on this: Kate Yelkovan aka “Anne Frank” has committed suicide 5/22/18 due to harassment and being made fun of in memes on her relationship with Thomas Mahoney and constantly reminded of her being raped and manipulated on multiple accounts. She was only 15 years old. :(

57  2018-05-26 by Lucifer-Evil


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Lmao I know t made no sense

I mean, you aren't wrong.

Another reason this guy should be gassed

She wasn't a virgin anymore, so she deserved to die anyway.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

There isn't like a clear official diagnosis (yet). If I had to bet money I'd say autism, but on /r/drama it's kind of assumed.

You don't have anything. You're just a cunt.

Have you and onitan been hanging out?

No, but we might both end up fighting for the same side whenever some kind of white people ISIS gets started.

Isn’t onitan FN? Not a Blanco?

No idea. Does he sound drunk most of the time?

Onkwehonwe ni:i.

That would be the KKK, and they predate ISIS.

this whole exchange is giving me a big deja vu or maybe its just the stale memes not sure

the kkk is a bunch of fags. running around calling themselves "grand goblin" and "king kleagle" and shit, the fuck kinda dweeb shit is that, foh

Even Onitan thinks pedo guy sucks. Kinda sad when Onitan as more morals

I like to stay just on this side of legal.

Hey, I only fuck girls 16 and up! Wocka wocka!

So eDgY XD

I know a better way for you to utilize that edge.

Aren't you like 30? Don't you feel like a loser when you post this kind of shit?

How dare you insult Islam?

Fucked up.

Who is this guy anyway? Facebook-famous? Like in some groups or something? Never heard of him.

Also wtf is this? Nothing wrong here, well that's just a lovely first date picture to show your future kids.

Dude's literally the neckbeard stereotype, fat as fuck, literally has a neckbeard, and a pedo who dates girls who even look young for their already illegally young age. Also bad taste on her side, like why even take up contact with someone like that.

She was 15 yrs old and he was 25. He took inappropriate photos and videos of them having sex and they got around. People then made fun of that photo at the aquarium comparing it to how anime characters always show this big sensitive muscular guy who is in love w a small Lolita. They sexualized her and made rape jokes. He manipulated her and threatened to kill her if she talked to other guys.

Was he well known before this?

Really sucks that she got involved with shit like this. Social media can be a dangerous place for teens.

They both were known on Facebook in a certain “community” I believe he was a gamer. Lots of people knew him. Her internet persona was “Anne Frank” she dress as a Lolita and her most known video was of her asking for more MacBooks when she had 10 already. Sadly, yes. She was young and a bunch of older people attacked her and harassed her about her relationship with this man. Unfortunately people don’t like to admit it, but she was young and she didn’t know what was wrong about it of course. She was in love with him in the beginning and that’s why it was so easy for him to do what he did to her. Also, people made gofundme accounts to have money for his bail. After a few months she deleted social media since ppl wouldn’t leave her alone w the rape jokes and the photo/videos of them having sex. She eventually killed herself and there is a post of her explaining why she committed suicide unfortunately i can’t find it anymore. Social media is a cesspool of shit.

but she was young and she didn’t know what was wrong about it of course

I bet it felt a little wrong to have that dude on top of her.

Uhhh are you trying to say it’s her fault??

Nah, but even to a 14yo mind the obese dude sweating on top of you while filming you two have sex might have been a red flag.

You understand what manipulation is? Stop victim blaming her. That’s the problem with people today. Always victim blaming!!! She was young. She didn’t deserve to be raped or threatened. She killed herself because of all the bullying and what you’re doing right now is part of the reason why she killed herself.

Jesus Christ dude she killed herself because of people mocking her for getting raped. There's a much better use for that edge you've got there.

Uhh ok

I swear I can't tell anymore who's LARPing and who got lost on their way to SRD and ended up here.

Wait, he wasn't being sarcastic? Eww

You understand what manipulation is?

Kind of. Half of this thread is about how good I am at it.

what you’re doing right now is part of the reason why she killed herself

I don't think insulting someone posthumously goes back in time and causes them to kill themselves even more somehow.

Lmao dawg are you stupid. I meant that what you’re doing was an effect of why she killed herself. Victim blaming. Not YOU specifically. Dumbass.

Shit. I hoped I had developed some kind of magic power.

You know being an edgy shitposter was cool and fun maybe like two years ago, but it gets annoying now. You’re like that one guy who still posts Pepe memes.

You're the one seriousposting on /r/drama and whining that a retarded kid an hero'ed.


I don't think insulting someone posthumously goes back in time and causes them to kill themselves even more somehow.

well not with that attitude

So you think there's a chance?

A reminder that /u/IAintThatGuy is a genuine pedophile.

It's legal where I live.

It's legal for me to take a shit in my hand and eat it, doesn't mean I shouldn't be put down for doing so.

I agree. What you're describing is disgusting, unlike sweet 15yo pussy.

Is euthanasia legal where you live too?

Not yet.

Male sure to vote.

what on gods green heckin earth be wrong with you, meng. 😧

Ewwww are you Europedian?


fucking end yourself you nonce

I believe he was a gamer.

We need a final solution to the gamer question.

There already exists one. We form an extermination team that puts loli games on steam. When a player reaches a high score they get 'invited' to a remote location to meet a real life loli.

When they get there they're purged and buried. It's slow but effective.

So basically the first person to die is you? Who will bury you?

I believe he was a gamer

Day of the DDOS when?

Send the sick fucks who did that to meet the same fate that fat fuck will

I have screencaps from her personal facebook, including the final one where she explained why. I'll post them here tomorrow.

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I'd also like to say that Kate was a genuinely nice person. Absolutely harmless and naive. I spoke to her on instagram for a weeks before her she died. In fact I literally spoke to her the day she killed herself. She read my last message and didn't respond, and then a few days later I noticed all of her accounts were gone and looked up her name on facebook and saw the obituary page.

She was really struggling with people mentioning Mahoney to her. She had deleted her public facebook a few days before the suicide and began posting suicidal messages on her personal one.

I've felt like a piece of shit today because I feel like I could have said something to make her reconsider doing this, even though there's no way I could have known that things were this bad.

I can't see the instagram conversation anymore because her account is gone and I'm just trying to remember what I said and what she said. I doubt I could have changed anything but I feel guilty for some reason.

I forgot about this. People wrote in the condolence sections quotes from hitler and “it had to be done”

These people are worse than porks

updated with screens

Her parents really should have taken away her computer.

her most known video was of her asking for more MacBooks when she had 10 already.

Ohhh I think I've seen this.

Was the guy really a male feminist, or just your standard guy who likes making fun of neckbeards? Or whatever.

She was 15 yrs old and he was 25. He took inappropriate photos and videos of them having sex

Appropriate photos of this exist?

Also wtf is this? Nothing wrong here, well that's just a lovely first date picture to show your future kids.

Damn. I hope he is in prison.

Seems so

He claimed in documents the girl told him she was 19 years old.

that's rich, especially when seeing the picture from their date ...

Facebook has turned over to investigators messages where Mahoney allegedly refers to the girl as “this hot little 14 year old” while describing their sexual contact.


Seems so


that's rich, especially when seeing the picture from their date ...

Yeah, she don't look 14 at all.

I had a guy try to pull this on me when I was 16, after he did it to a 14yo and made her attempt suicide. Men have an evil nature in general and I try to stay away.

Men have an evil nature in general and I try to stay away.

You sound like a healthy, well-rounded individual

I believe he’s out already actually. Lots of people made a gofundme account to pay for his bail too. I’m not sure if he got out on bail or he was released for this being a first offense.

Lots of people made a gofundme account to pay for his bail too.

GoFundMe was a mistake.

he's in federal custody. Facing 15 years, I doubt he could afford the bail. He is white trash.

We should keep importing more white people by the millions. They're going to be doctors and engineers, and definitely not rapists.

Top 10 loli mindbreak hentai of 2018 - Fakku

I'll lick all of the cream from the crepe oji-sama!

This guy needs to die asap

I always think that if person who did horrible things dies nothing changes but I feel nothing like that for this guy

He's actually muslim guys u cant complain smh

But what about the Muslims?!

Their prophet raped a kid so the UK gov allows them to do so

And this relates to the post how?

She was an hero.

There's a much better use for that edge.

You can't tell me what to do with my edge.

You can't tell me what to do with my edge.

Make me stop.

people like you are the reason she is dead

Random people on the internet made her kill herself? I feel like that's a bit of darwinism then. Or you could blame the 25 year old pedo.

Mocking and teasing a 15 year old girl anonymously has a big effect. Teenagers are too young and naive to see how unimportant social media is. For them it's a huge part of their lives and identity.

I'm not attacking you specifically, but anyone that made a meme out of the photos of her and Mahoney should feel partly responsible for her death.

Her parents should feel stupid for not teaching her to turn off the computer and go outside. Poof, no more Internet drama. There are no victims on the Internet. Only volunteers.

Her parents didn't keep a close enough eye on her imo. They knew about Mahoney and hated him, but she still managed to sneak out to see him again and again.

If she was receiving abuse on social media, I also have to ask why they let her reactivate her accounts at all. She should have been banned from social media until she is of age for her own protection.

Yep. Mahoney is a scumbag. Is he in jail? Just listened to the audio jfc. But her parents are also shitheads because it doesn't seem like they did fuck all to get her off fb.

he is awaiting trial.

I wouldn't say they are shit heads, can you honestly say that your parents kept an eye on everything you did online as a teenager? parents don't understand social media and technology. Most parents are glad that it keep kids entertained so they can have time to themselves.

They should feel bad that they let their kid sit on fb all day, play lolita and hang out with a 25 year old. She obviously couldn't handle it.

they weren't happy about her hanging around with Mahoney. Her mother hated his guts because Mahoney kept making sexual comments about Kate and trying to provoke her. He tried to isolate her from everyone so he tried to turn her on her own mother sometimes.

Also, Kate was home schooled and lived in an unfamiliar city for the last few years of her life. She had few friends and little else to do.

She sounds ripe for the picking. Her parents are morons.

Christ that's sad, poor girl

Every time I see a story like this it disgusts me. There was some girl that did a TV ad as a child that ended up killing herself:


I don't think most people realize how much of an impact they can have on a kid by bullying them online.

We might be able to laugh everything off, but they clearly can't.

We might be able to laugh everything off, but they clearly can't.

Clearly they can. Cyber bullying is just the weak-ass pasty faced cousin of actual bullying, you know the kind that hangs outside for you after school and that you can't get away from by just not using social media.

Literally hundreds of millions of people grew up in situations with way worse constant abuse that they couldn't actually get away from. Just because something has the word 'cyber' in front of it doesn't actually make it more dangerous/effective/real, in fact, it's usually the opposite, as in this case.

Some people are just fucking weak. It's a shame, but that's how humanity rolls. Sometimes weak people are protected and they thrive, sometimes they are not and they are crushed. This has literally been life for the tens of thousands of years humanity has been alive.

Impelling our entire race to try and change it's nature (something we all know is impossible) over the fate of one kid who was too dumb to figure out how to not log into Facebook seems like little more than wishful thinking that we all know isn't going to amount to much.

But I bet it makes the person saying it feel better, or something.

Pretty sure people like her are the reason she's dead, I mean I'm like 99.9999% sure that's how suicide works bucko.

Thanks now I'm sad.

If you ever have kids keep them the fuck away from the internet as long as possible.

Thanks man. I’ll always keep my potential children in my ballsack.

This is awful. So many people will be hurting from this. A permanent solution to a temporary problem is selfish, I can only imagine the pain that Kate's family is going through.

Not allowing a 14 year old girl to forget being raped is also pretty selfish. The sheer amount of abuse she received on facebook is insane. It must have driven her mad seeing people make light of her being raped.

People were extremely cruel to her. If anyone should receive some blame it's her parents for allowing her to be on social media in the first place. It was well known that a lot of pedo types followed her. There were constantly comments like "be my gf?" etc on her posts. She was 14-16.

And for anyone wondering if this is fake news, it's not. Her family contacted me on facebook to ask me to remove an RIP post that had a few hundred likes. They have been asking people to take down posts about her left and right.

I mean I'm not denying that. But suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and is selfish.

"Suicide doesn't take away the pain, it gives it to someone else."


Do keep in mind, no one forced her to sleep with that man. All actions have consequences.

Uhh ok. No one forced him to become a pedophile but there he was. And actually yes he did. He threatened her many times, but yikes..... if you feel that way.

She was 15. When I was around that age, I was a wannabe Deadhead hippy trying to do as many different drugs as I could. Now, I look back and cringe. Teens are stupid.

no one forced her to sleep with that man

actually it kinda sounds like he did....can you imagine being 75 pounds and having this motherfucker controlling all your actions? All it would take would be one ham of an arm to completely hold her down.

The fat fuck threatened her if she doesn't defend him When he was put in jail she told the truth, but it was already too late because people started calling her a slut etc. https://imgur.com/a/b9zb2Ft

people started calling her a slut

Who? Like did the guy have a fanbase or something? I would imagine most people would defend the 14 year old getting manipulated by someone in his mid 20s.

Wtf. You got issues.

Seek help.

she was a fucking child

He drugged her, know more before you speak

btw theres an archive of the obit page for her if anyone is dubious this is real. theres a sketch picture on it and im not finna get this account suspended so im not gonna link, but it's easy to find.

Could you pm me what website I can use to see the page? I was a friend of hers and I need to see if someone I knew commented.

Can you send me the link as well? I swear to you I’m not trying to do anything sinister here.

I have seen no such archive

It's all over 4chan/8chan. I could try to find if for if you can't Faqqot as thanks for sharing your info. It had a few legitimate posts from family showing off pics from an Easter get together and an old birthday of hers that no one had seen before so most people assumed it was real off that. She looked really happy in them. Here got em and an old youtube channel of her's that she forgot to take down both way before she met that bastard all from that thread. Idk why I'm taking this so badly tbh.



I would avoid 4chan completely if it upsets you, most of the people there defend Mahoney saying she consented etc.

I don't really mind chan boards honestly it just sucks they refuse to admit cyber bullying actually has real consequences. I think too many of them forget how sensitive and impressionable you are when you're young.

There's a few more videos floating around one where she explains how she met Mahoney and such asking people to separate her online persona from herself and her situation. Could have done without seeing that one tbh. I think I might donate or find something local I can do for mental health/depression hopefully some good can come from this.

There's a few more videos floating around one where she explains how she met Mahoney and such asking people to separate her online persona from herself and her situation. Could have done without seeing that one tbh. I think I might donate or find something local I can do for mental health/depression hopefully some good can come from this.

The videos are borderline impossible to find. Her name being Ann Frank causes a lot of problems in regards to gathering information. I do remember the livestream she did about Mahoney though and she was crying a lot.

I have the vids if you want them. You can also find a lot more info by googling her real name and thomas mahoneys name. E.g.I found his inmate number and arrest record.

I have the vids if you want them.

What videos are you referring to? I'd be interesting in seeing them if you don't mind. I'd appreciate it.

You can also find a lot more info by googling her real name and thomas mahoneys name. E.g.I found his inmate number and arrest record.

I know a lot about her, I spoke to her directly occasionally. I don't think about Mahoney at all, he's just worthless.

I have the video of her crying and explaining the wHole situation. I knew her too, for like 2 years. I messaged her like the day before she died.

could you make a google drive for that? I remember seeing a part of that stream...I think.

May I ask how you knew her?

We talked every now and again on facebook, instagram etc. More often in the weeks before she killed herself though, she wanted to talk about Mahoney and people harassing her a lot around that time.

Man that makes me feel like shit. All I did was send her dumb memes when I shouldve been asking her how she was doing

Well to be fair, I only contacted her directly after the Mahoney thing went public to ask her about it. It was the basis for most of the conversations we had.

Is this the greasy pedo neckbeard that acted like being a self-published author made him hot shit, or is this another greasy pedo neckbeard?

The fat fuck threatened her so that she'd defend him After he got jailed, it was already too late F https://imgur.com/a/b9zb2Ft

Omg I have never seen these before and I knew who they were from the beginning. That’s really fucking sad. I feel so sorry for what happened.

This is an actual recording of a phone call where he threatened her. She was 14 at the time of this call.

lol fb drama on the phone

This is fucked yo

What the fuck? This is some lifetime movie shit.

God, this makes me convinced even more that he should've been the one to off himself

Fuck. You know that feel when there’s a large lightning strike and all of a sudden your chest feels empty? I got that feel from reading this. Fuck this world man.

I remember reading the original thread and thinking that she was defending him because of Stockholm syndrome. This is way more fucked.

u/DarqWolff explain yourself

i feel sorry for her, but she didn't have to kill herself ffs

I still can't believe this. She was such a good friend. The last time I talked to her was a month ago

So it's OK to dox people after they're dead?

Can this dude please be tried for her death if this is true? He needs to do time and WA state is a shithole that will give him a suspended sentence for his degeneracy.

I'm extremely skeptical, as there is no evidence that she's actually dead. The obituary is now gone.

Whenever I hear news like this I think to my self couldn't we do something to prevent her from killing herself? she had a whole life ahead of her. Very sad

I don’t know if he’s in jail anymore. I searched the inmate roster for Snohomish County WA, Bothell WA, and WA state corrections and he does not appear to be in custody. If he’s arrested and in jail he should be appearing in those search results. Did this pedo bond out? Did they release him? If not, then which jail is he in?

He's despicable and should rot in prison the rest of his miserable, pathetic life.

This girl was a comedic genius! So witty and smart!
The general public could not figure out the satirical humor, which lead to threats and her ultimately removing much of her content and online persona.
I can't believe she was so young, and this POS dude is a real dirt bag, hope he gets what he deserves in prison.
I just found out today about her suicide. So sad!

sorry for the late update


her death might have been faked

i hope her death was fake bc this is honestly sad .