Imagine being even too retarded for circlebroke2

67  2018-05-26 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


This is why we need mayocide.


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Nevermind the guitar, she looks like she's on the smack and/or heavily depressed and is using youtube to get attention. Someone should get in touch with her and 'console' her.

For real though, the dudes in that thread pining over her because she did the depressed, lonely meme and that's the extent of their personality so clearly she'd be the perfect gf.

tfw no depressed, suicidal, cutiepie gf who'll let you make love to her while listening to Mahler's Kindertotenlieder :/

Here is a link if someone is interested.

It's a sung sad poem, and unless you like funeral marchs, you will probably get bored to tears.

The whole song cycle lasts like 30 minutes which seems like a good, relevant length

Also, not liking Mahler, I'm disappointed in you. šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž

Sorry, I am not trying to bone you, so when I hear boring as fuck music, I don't say it's great. :^)

You don't like Asian women, you don't like Mahler. Why do you apparently hate every single beautiful thing in existence?

Why do you apparently hate every single beautiful thing in existence?

I am an empty and awful person.

I sincerely tought it was one of the conditions to post here, tbh.

Also french men>asian women.

Also french men>asian women.

Can't agree, maybe if I was gay / bi

She was acting for the purpose of the stunt, if you look at the channel there are videos of her happier:

Probably on smack anyway though b/c mayo

Who on youtube isn't there for attention? I thought the video was funny, and that her acapella video was pretty good as well. Fite me.

6/10, would console

If she's a mayo she's likely on an opioid.

u/sunrose8 why do you still come to this website is your flair? I assume because finding shit to be outraged over is cheaper than heroin. Delete your account.

"Maybe Iā€™m part of the problem but that guitar is audibly out of tune"

"Maybe Iā€™m part of the problem"

Someone tell this mans wife to take away his screen time.

wow yeah, this one was impressive