Women are inferior

2  2018-05-27 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome

Women are essentially a philosophical nightmare thought experiment about self-aware and autonomous thinking beings whose self-awareness and autonomy are simultaneously undermined and squandered as soon as they begin thinking by inescapable mental dead-ends and circular reasoning that leads nowhere. Like a slave programmed to love slavery, it’s a sight repugnant, pitiful and abominable. It is impossible to love a woman without willingly wrapping a blindfold around your head and over your eyes and tying it in the back with a triple knot; to love a woman is to deprive yourself of your senses of your own volition via self-induced ignorance. The sexual impulse destroys the body and mind of the woman, and psychical eroticism destroys her psychical existence, assuming she ever had any to start with. Ordinary sexuality regards the woman only as a means of gratifying passion or of begetting children. The higher eroticism is merciless to the woman, requiring her to be merely the vehicle of a projected personality, or the mother of psychical children. Loving a woman is not only anti-logical, as it denies the objective truth of the woman and requires only an illusory image of her, but it is anti-moral with regard to her.

The very existence of a man, on the other hand, is like an implicit promethean argument for the existence of a magnanimous omnibenevolent God who wants to seed the Earth with sapient monads and watch them self-create and grow into perfect beings in the process of intelligent self-design and join him in heaven once they complete the process. You can stare up at the statue of David with his lusty sinews and stern gaze all ready to manfully confront Being itself, and be instantly transported back to ancient Athens, feel the purity of humanitarian self-love that the Greeks created when they first tried to understand the question "Why are we here?" but just as you get lost in such contemplations, you hear an odious noise and look to your right and there's a vomit-inducing, grotesque female taking selfies, giggling tediously and demanding that people pay undeserved deference to her, and in a flash, the dream of human transcendence is lost, in an instant the crushing weight of nihilism and the pointless brownian jiggling of the universe comes crashing back into your mind. If God created this, you think, looking back at David, why did he also create A WOMAN?

Everything is so deliberately balanced in man, even his tragedies are so paradoxically noble that he actually invented and conceptualised tragedy itself as a form of becoming-through-suffering. And then there's woman, women, pointless consumers and self-obsessed narcissistic animals, vapid, jejune parasites, redundant and vestigial organs, like the tonsils of the species. Women are the single biggest argument against intelligent design. Only a cold uncaring sloppy messy process of gradualist evolution could create women, could take the beautiful noble soul of Man and slap it into an inferior and degenerate form that only uses it for mindless self-validation.

Every single creature in nature is beautiful in form and function except women. Every non-human organism is the perfect entelechy of itself, except Man, whose entelechy is an endless paradoxical striving to complete his own entelechy for he is able to subjugate and overcome even his own biological potential by conquering Nature itself. In the race of life, plants and animals provide the scenery, and man runs the race itself. That all makes perfect sense. It's an intelligent, elegant design. But then there's woman, the being that simply "is," like a vegetable, but who is yet somehow, for a reason unknown to us, on the track and refusing to run. An abomination ruining the perfect consistency of natural order. Woman, perpetually sitting at the starting gate of life, wallowing with her head buried in proverbial sand, interminably bawling for men to stoop and pay attention to her as they pass by on their journey toward self-fulfillment. It's like looking at pure failure. Women are like a tapeworm that only exists to come into existence, jerk itself off while parasitically leeching off the surrounding environment, and expire.



Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I see I mad someone angry.


Surprised this wasn't pshill

Op is a gold mine.

/u/szymanskii, I love you bb. He seems Pro-Mayocide, Pro-Bussy, and hates Ukrainians. What more could a r/Drama poster want?

I don’t actually think that fascism should make a comeback. I was in a really bad mood that day, that’s all.

Are you sure you're not gay baby? 😍😍😍

God hates fags.

Don't you also think God only loves the Jews, and you're not Jewish... 😚😚😚

You don’t have to rub it in, I already hate myself.

If God doesn't love you, then he has awful taste in Misogynists.

I don’t know how to respond to this.

Jews are superior.*

That was the closest thing to reading myself getting blown

What’s a pshill?

How do you know it isn't?

Not enough self-victimization

That rant wasn't very good tbh. But I'm curious as to where I've ever claimed to be a victim of anything.


I've never claimed to be the victim of women, ever.

So looking for proof of my argument that femtards will screech incel at anyone and everything is me claiming I'm the victim of women?


Well, that makes no sense.

Or does it?

(It does)

Come on goys, let's be real here, you know it made no sense.

Oh, you weren't reading the comments. That's what I was linking to.

I didn't claim to be the victim of women in the comments, though.

I stated an objective fact - the left will turn incel into an all-purpose smear.

They already won I have nothing left I'm just coasting through life on auto pilot now.

Any resistance is symbolic.

Talking about my ex. Not women.

Sure thing, sweaty

Read the context of the argument.

Not an argument

Your face isn't an argument.

Pls no bully

wtf is a germokey?

The thread was titled something like I hate germans, so I think he's blaming his own German heritage

Ah, Google just had a bunch of links about monkey island in German. That was a fun game.

I’m not a G*rm.

Then what are you???

A Polish expat :^(

To the US I take it?

Nope, still in Eastern Europe.


Are you trying to get me to dox myself?

If I say no, will you send me your personal address and reserve a reservation for Sunday night at a Fancy Establishment?


What if I say yes?

Then that counts as rape.

What if I said maybe then?

Depends, are you a woman?

I can wear knee-high rainbow socks if that helps.

Can I wear rainbow socks too?


Nice :^D

I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you were born this way 😢

Lol, that account is to pathetic to be true.

Voiceless don't do that, we're getting married.

No homo, tho

Why is it more frowned upon to think this about minorities?

I think it's boils down to romantic stuff, leading to more romantic knee-jerk reactions. Like on a certain level, a lot of Misogyny and Misandry is just people poorly expressing their frustrations in romantic heterosexual relationships.

That's infuriating imo


Are you fucking kidding me

I just mean in the general sense of someone individually hating men.

So do I

Wait, are you saying men don't think women can do not wrong, or vice versa?

Women think men can do no wrong

Like they can hurt us indefinitely and none of us ever become an organic mysandrist, ever

They have an indifferent hatred in their hearts that we lack.

idk, a lot of movements in Feminism seem to take aim at imagined slights, ie. Manspreading, etc.

No, it's to illustrate the evidence all around us that they almost all genuinely believe themselves to be superior and have a pyramid system where they all willingly participate in a system that keeps women below them. Even if they pretend not to, if they saw themselves faced with the """bleak""" possibility of true equality, at least 90% of them would flip out and cry that society is now in women's favor. Like imagine a world where men and women sitting down alone at a bar had identitical implications. Just picture the hellfire that men would unleash.

Give your trash women's opinions out of here, r/Drama is a space for us men to do business.

I see nothing wrong

Big if true