You know what'll solve all their problems? Invading someone elses nation, yep, perfect solution. What could go wrong?
And I mean, what is wrong with those silly whites, complaining about their nation being invaded and white genocide, how rude of them. You don't have doors with locks on your home right?
I was an illegal immgrant once. You know what I did, i went to whore houses with the cops and local government officals. What Im trying to say is that if you are going to be illegal, China is the best choice.
1 TotesMessenger 2018-05-27
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1 ineedmorealts 2018-05-27
Some highlights
They're not children they're illegals!
Why weren't the parents watching them?!
1 nbvhn8etsnihos 2018-05-27
You know what'll solve all their problems? Invading someone elses nation, yep, perfect solution. What could go wrong?
And I mean, what is wrong with those silly whites, complaining about their nation being invaded and white genocide, how rude of them. You don't have doors with locks on your home right?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-05-27
Fresh fenty patch?
1 scatmunchies 2018-05-27
Look at this CA rapefugee unironically complaining about Mexican children.
1 MooseHeckler 2018-05-27
If op is Canadian then there is really nothing left to discuss.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-27
He's an MDErapefugee too
1 nbvhn8etsnihos 2018-05-27
You are right, I should be pointing out jewish crimes, instead. jews are responsible for slavery. jews planned white genocide. jews lie and manipulate through the media.
Everyone against world bankers.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-05-27
You're welcome
1 GandalftheChromatic 2018-05-27
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-27
Has a jew ever raped you? Why the pussy attitude?
/>Implying white genocide is a bad thing
These damn rapefugees aren't even trying to assimilate!!! OUT OUT OUT!!!
1 brandvegn 2018-05-27
Correct. 100% verified. You are a racist. Congrats!
1 nbvhn8etsnihos 2018-05-27
1 brandvegn 2018-05-27
Correct. You are an anti-semite. Congrats!
1 ineedmorealts 2018-05-27
The CA rapefugee said as he shat up r/drama
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-27
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-05-27
This isnt SRD you know. Lmao.
1 brandvegn 2018-05-27
Correct. The answer is, "You are a racist." Congrats!
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-27
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
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1 Honk4Tits 2018-05-27
As an immigrant to another country I have to follow immigration laws, if I didn't I'd be deported or jailed and no one would feel sorry for me.
1 SupaDupaFlyAccount 2018-05-27
I was an illegal immgrant once. You know what I did, i went to whore houses with the cops and local government officals. What Im trying to say is that if you are going to be illegal, China is the best choice.
1 Feanorfanclub 2018-05-27
Why do we spend so much time debating about a wall when landmines are much cheaper and more effective?
1 myshl0ng 2018-05-27
Oh no some mutts went missing