Daddy Elon drops a redpill, verified Twitter users are displeased

187  2018-05-27 by OnionBits


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Fugg is the market closed Monday? Rip 💔


Screen or won't happen, faggot And I hope you're buying faggy Ds like a true autist

/r/wallstreetbets is leaking

Unless $AMAT pops or $AMD finally tanks, I think FDs are the only ones I have the liquidity to scoop up. The premiums are high af.

Dude the IV is like 50% on those, isn't it? U rly think it's gonna tank?

Less so now than a couple weeks ago. It's obviously being heavily maniputed by MMs who keep pressing the price to max pain every Friday.

Buuuut, max pain this coming week is $12.50

Between Kermit's "Egyptians knew about DNA" and Musk's fake news stuff it's not been a good week to be mayo.

fake news stuff

How much did you get paid to say tasty, JIDF?

Before you can start dealing in money - because God forbid a Joo would pick up a shovel - someone has to build something, no?

Does this mean Tesla's auto driver will target Jews

Worse. It will be a Jewish computer. It will constantly be alerting you that it has viruses it doesn't really have. It will guilt trip you when you turn off auto drive, eg. Along the lines of you're more likely to get into an accident but hey, it's your decision. Its bot mitzvah will be incredibly expensive.

Ugh, my people already suffered enough paying off Israel for a so called Holocaust, now they're invading my automated vehiculars, #notmytesla

bot mitzvah

Love it.

And when you do turn off auto drive it'll be a passive aggressive backseat driver for the whole trip.

Is that a Salon article headline?

This is how he lashes out against (((them))) for not investing in his failing business

Please refrain from posting Holy Wojaks on this shit site

I will

Level of replies so far is a certified Grade A shitshow.

i have some bad news for you about werner von braun


can we copystrike him now??

u/AnnoysTheGoys, u/normie_girl, u/subpoutine

He knows. Initiate the Operation Samson on Elon Musk and shut it down!

Hang on why are you assuming he's talking about j*ws?

If it can be (((mis)))construed, then why not?

Isn't that how it works?

This can only be good lol

Just asking questions

Hey, look, it's obvious what he meant but that would be boring.

So why not spice it up and have a Twitter blast.

The whole thing is surreal... that people are so conditioned over years, decades even, to have this boxed in way of thinking.

And then shit explodes in the most absurd ways and here we are...

I don’t think I know a single person in journalism or publishing. Kind of an unfair stereotype against us tbh.

hashtag not one

You don't have any friends outside of r/drama/your immediate family though. 🤣

Man, I wish my family liked me. 😢 Dad’s threatened to disown me if I follow my dreams to be swoler than Shimshon, mom’s promised to haunt me from the grave if I keep dating outside the tribe, and my sister’s really pissed because she’s a dumb teenager who gets all hormonal when you post her legs on a metasubreddit.

And now I learn I’m the one white male with a High Verbal IQTM who’s been left out of the ancient Talmudic cabal I was always told was a conspiracy theory?

Fucking hell. Now I understand how Daniel Burros felt.

Damn that's some deep shit. My mum wants me to go out with an Azeri princess and I always end up with mayo girls instead so I know how you feel.

Don't give up though. Keep on hitting the gym, keep on crushing non-Jewish puss and keep on posting pictures of your sister's feet. I believe in you and I'll be here for emotional support. 😚

Everyone on Twitter is for some reason. He's talking about the 1%, but he didn't think before he spoke

Jew isn't a swear word its a religion

Jew isn't a swear word its an ethnicity

Holy shiiiit!

Just wanted a record, I was awake lol

Noticing things is anti-Semitic goy

It took me a second, but I don't have my head stuck in the gas chamber.

/uj He was clearly implying the rich and powerful, he's just too retarded to realize the moronic conspiracy theories he's referencing

/rj The evil (((globalists))) are right behind u

Oo I hope they're lizards. They're sexy 🐌

theres no conspiracy theory lol theyre definitely all jewish

the fact that he just said powerful people and they jumped to conclusions should be a little telling

Elon Musk was replying to someone who claimed that newspapers are the only thing protecting us from the manipulations of powerful billionaires.

His response is not in reference to some jewish conspiracy, but to the fact that those newspapers are owned by powerful billionaires.

Well, the point is that people are responding with a racist projection of their own interpretation of what Musk meant. By not reading the context of his statement, it's Twitter that's anti-Semitic.

You can't be pro-Palestine and rail people for being anti-Semitic, btw. Twitter really hates Jews until someone steps up to the plate to high-key say they hate Jews in which they'll flop around to not associate with them.


Yep, /r/drama strikes again.

Well, the point is that people are responding with a racist projection of their own interpretation of what Musk meant.

that would NEVER happen!!

delete this

I said Europe was a shit-hole because it's in a constant state of war and there's no recognized unified government to put an end to the constant conflict in the region

Wow, you must think mayos are animals.

This, but unironically.

African Union > European Union. No African nation ever made a stupid vote to kick themselves out of the Union for no reason.

don't need to worry about becoming a dying african nation if there is no african nation to begin with :thinking:

Basically, if I said Africa was a shit-hole because it's in a constant state of war and there's no recognized unified government to put an end to the constant conflict in the region,

You would be outing yourself as a racist piece of shit who has a biased and childish view of "history" that manages to completely (((not see))) the effects of 200 years of colonialism and post-colonialist imperialism whereby the now "independent" states are subjected to internal and external destabilization by the same Euro-peons who sell their EURO-backed dictators the weapons used to oppress the people in exchange for the peoples' resources.

Oh and the whole 2000 past years of Euro History. You might have heard of World Wars one and two? They were fought there. In Eurostan. By the race of peace.

Funny how what I described was the way it was before colonialism and still remains to be that way after colonialism.

Almost like colonialism didn't fix pre-existing sociocultural conditions at all :thinking:

Did you just serious post my shit post

The state of the integrity of news outlets is unbelievably bad.

It hasn't gotten worse IMO, media has just become decentralized so more people know what's going on. When I was a kid in the 90s I always heard the same exact stuff that is now on YouTube, except it was just one well read guy I knew, the underachieving older brother of a friend I had. Jews this, Marx that, WWII was a loss, and so on.

I mean there has been some conglomerates that were allowed to form into some really questionable monopolies, but other than that it is all still run by the same people and that's not about to change any time soon.

WWII was the greatest act of justice in all of human history. I'm only sad that we didn't liquidate Germany afterward. Then we wouldn't have Nazism rising back up again.

Look at this dumb ass cracker

So his solution is to create another site owned by a billionaire?

I notice that most of your run-of-the-mill ((("white nationalists"))) have difficulty even using ((("your"))) and ((("you're"))) correctly. Clearly, the English language is a (((conspiracy))) by (((those people))) to make master racists look like illiterate idiots.

Elon Musk is behaving like an idiot recently

He is a drama hero

I mean any famous person can be a drama hero if they have a tantrum in twitter acting like an idiot

In this day and age you truly can be whatever you want.

Some morons at /r/kia think he is the literal savior of freedom of speech.

/u/normie_girl do you write the news

I am the news bb

🤔 has a plan already been set in motion to silence Elon?

If there was would we tell you?


Because you'd be all boasty about it. "Whabnrrgrhg we are SJW mainstream media wahrgrhgrhgrlll!"

Then you'd just sort of all chuckle while getting fat or something, and then blame the patriarchy and/or capitalism.

We're copying the Mordecai Vannu model. At first I thought /u/normie_girl could ensnare him with her feminine charms, but /u/subpoutine's thick thighs would be more alluring.

Thicc 🍆🍆🍆

Did the guy that invented college go to college? 🤔

Oh great, they went from not knowing what Pravda is to knowing what Pravda is and not realizing it was a jab at their faggotry.

This should be hilarious but it's more infuriating than anything.

Oh boy, the real life Bond Villain is gonna have a real life 007 after him now

Why the fuck are they so obsessed with the fact he was thinking of using the name Pravda? It was a state controlled newspaper, it's clearly tongue in cheek. I want to pinch them all until they cry.

Because they think he is try to censor and control the news, By holding them accountable. So they go all retarded

So they go all retarded

I thought they already were?

Default reactions are hard to break. Only Alex Jones can help us break the conditioning

It's obvious he's talking about the "powerful people" references in journo's tweet "interest of powerful people." I.e. the point is that the ultra rich and powerful own the media.

You're very smart so I want you to think about this for a second. Do you think it's in the interest of powerful people to A: support a free press that exposes their lies, or B: tear it down so their lies are easier to tell? Now ask yourself why the polls would look bad.

yeah i'm not really sure where the jew bit came from. but then they are a crafty bunch

Yeah but why are jews the only ones getting defensive and trying to instigate.

Who do you think owns the press? Hello.

Uhhh Elon where are you going with this

When you suddenly hear your own anti-semitic dogwhistle while the "Silicon Valley Trump" you're arguing with just wants to eat the rich.

He probably didn't even think of the Joos. A bit naive on his part.

How could he not know this would be the answer he'd receive?

That's hilarious. Ppl believe this. And make such efforts.

It's true

It's awesome

believe what?

what is there to believe you dolt

Ppl believe this.

Imagine believing in Jews smh

The best part is how he OBVIOUSLY didn't mean the Jews. What is it with all these verified Twitter people rushing to find the most obviously false hot take they can get away with? Do they believe it at some level?

those progressive status whores do believe the conspiracy.

Isn't Musk admitting to owning the press?

He's a South African and White people are basically the Jews of Africa.

many of them being jews helped tho, so its unfair comparison.


No, not really.

Jews managed to survive with all of the odds stacked against them, and under the threat of constant persecution by the State and its powerful supporters.

Whypepo in Africa end up living in hobo jungles without a strong racist state infrastructure to protect them from their own incompetence and lack of ambition.

tl/dr: Master race can't make it without state subsidies.

you're taking this too seriously fam

Dude's been sperging out like pizzashill all morning.

He's getting his soros shekels

Soros gives me so much money for my political posts online, you don't even know. You should try it some time.

25% of whites as oppsoed to 90% of blacks.

Yeah that's the white underclass who are totally excluded from employment by state enforced discrimination (Black Economic Empowerment). They aren't losing in a free market, they're losing to state back discrimination.

And white people as a whole, even with state discrimination against them, still earn 15x the wage of the average black South African.

They aren't losing in a free market, they're losing to state back discrimination.

>give white people tax breaks and free land for 100 years
>power of the free market

Whites are entitled to a portion of the jobs proportional to their share of society by the quotas. Apparently that's not enough for them.

They know that Jews control the media and it is so obvious to them that was their first thought

This is the most interesting thing ever to happen on Twitter.

Who controls your bowel movements? The Joooz?

Right, the Jews don't even exist.

Jews control the media.

Thank Allah.

Furthermore they're apparently okay with this idea... Why are social justice types so eager to support nepotism?

It's jewish nepotism so it's okay, goy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anything that triggers teh conservatards... lol owned!!!!!!121

I am incredibly thankful and relieved that the Jews control the media. Imagine the insanity it would be if mayos controlled the media. Sickening.

You know that when white people controlled the media in the US, quality of life for was higher even for blacks?

Good luck being enslaved by the corporations, you shabbos goy of international bourgeoisie

Half of the whites wanted blacks to be equal and the others wanted to spread the narrative that dangerous black involvement in politics would result in white slavery. Guess which side founded the ku klux klan and Jim Crow laws?

That’s a Internet version of “15 minutes” of fame coming down in the form of 120 characters.

What is it with all these verified Twitter people rushing to find the most obviously false hot take they can get away with?

Welcome to the age of populism.

age of populism Nigga that shit ain't new. Classic Greek philosophers were speking about it.

Yeah, but they were super gay.

"(((powerful people))) will not replace us"

  • age of whypepo populism

The right does it, the left may as well do it too.

I am glad when leftists spread misinformation, finally we are hitting back like 10% as hard as the rightists have been hitting us for the past decade with this bullshit.

Dems should make it their mission to eradicate republicans permanently. Just allow rural communities to continue to fall into poverty and degeneracy. Not like the republicans are doing anything to change that.

you are "pedophile" and you are "anti-semite" are immediate debate winners no matter what you are talking about.

So intellectuals being intellectuals as they are, will jump at first opportunity to drop one of two, no matter how much they have to stretch opponents argument or pretend that they misunderstood.

When your (bowel) movement lionizes paedo apologists like Milo Paedopopolis, don't be too surprised when your movement is identified in the popular mind with (wait for it!) paedophilia.

its an honor to have a real intellectual to reply to your post.

I am screensaving this and framing it.

thank you sir.

Yeah tons of intellectuals behind pizzagate. We are defining "intellectual" as the state someone is in when passed out from fentanyl correct?

Doesn't stop autists posting 100 pictures about how jews are totally the worst because the SS used black cannon fodder conscripts.

Yeah but that's because someone linked the thread on /pol/ and people are trolling. How on earth do you genuinely believe there are a significant number of actual Nazis?

The thing is, it is only trolling when people are called out. If you visit them in their troll-dens they love to take this information very seriously. So why would I see it as 'trolling' when it is only used as a defense against push-back?

And honestly, you don't have to be a Nazi to be a genuine anti-semite.

LOL, yeah /pol/ is totally being ironic and lulzy in their love of the SS. Let's pretend we live in that reality.

Because they're stumbling over each other to be the first to subtweet 9 paragraphs virtue signaling about problematic language in the patriarchy.

It's hilarious how clearly he didn't mean the jews, but the entire twitter feed is just full of a fucking meme slapfight between actual nazis and people virtue signalling lmfao

Ironically, Elon is the only person in that thread who actually isn't talking about the Jews.

Now is he had used ((())) that would be one thing. Fuck Twitter check marks, what scum

verified Twitter people

Daily reminder that every one of those people with a 16x16 pixel checkmark by their Twitter username willingly submitted a copy of their driver's license to a social media company.

the left can't meme

not everything is a meme.

what a meme.

He’s following the Henry Ford business model.

I can see it now: A slight beam of daylight breaks through the blackout curtains of the studio apartment. It hits the pasty, almost translucent skin of a man. A man who's superior genetics deserve to be passed down, if only these Stacys wouldn't polute their wombs with the seed of Jamals. Sweat glistens his bitch-tits as he licks his lips lustily while watching his favorite hentai, as 2D is a superior waifu, and 3D porn is a device to promote race-mixing by (((them))).

A notification rings out from their Straight Talk wireless phone that Elon has redpilled the world on [[[(((who)))]]] controls the media. He is quick (relatively speaking) to search out his favorite "ZOG Media Complex" pic that he has worked so hard on and posts it. "That will show em", he thinks, as his superior genetic code causes his diabetic socks to strain even further.

Meanwhile, across the world: an underground bunker has the sounds of bill counters whirlling. Harddrives filled with Zetabytes of (((news)) and (((pornography))) hum along. The post of FentanylFan1488 has reached the inner santcum. Saul Lebowitz Rothstein Goldberg sheds only a tear. His thousand-yard stare says it all: they have been found out. 60,000,000 years of lizard-people like control of Earth will now come crashing down. "Oy vey", he wispers. Oy vey indeed.

Grimes get yer boyo off the internet

It looks like Elon was reading the "Culture of Critique" lately

Zyklon musk is at it again.


Thank God the Jews own the press. :)

Who owns the press Elon? Does it rhyme with chews? Care to walk this back? It's a bad look here in Los Angeles, where your projects are aplenty. Be a shame if antiSemitism brought you down. Make no mistake. IT CAN BRING YOU DOWN