Huwh*tes fight to be the oppressed class.

8  2018-05-27 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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White people are not the bad guys of human history. Not even close

  • u/straightpoop


Mostly from European colonialism though.

fukken mayos

I'm not even majority white but less than 2% of whites owned slaves in 1850 and most European whites in America came from the great migration from 1890-1930, most whites in America have little or no connection to slavery at all. Even the ones who do their relatives died over 100 years. Can you stop blaming modern day whites for slavery in the US?

what the fuck is wrong with the people in that thread

you can argue that everyone experiences discrimination in one way or another in modern society but this kind of shit

The situation in the US is as bad as in South Africa. Black people are opressing the white people. The whites are getting fired from their jobs, can't get to hospitals because......they're white.

Thing is, white guy says nigger and he loses his career. Black guy says "kill all crackers" and he gets a record deal and applauded for being progressive.

There is institutional racism against whites. You can get points deducted from tests in school

Is like pure fever dream nightmare nonsense

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What is this cracker ass shit?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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"""unpopular opinions"""

post "i'm black and black people need to stop crying about being oppressed": 300 points

post "white people aren't oppressed in the united states": 0 points

just LMAO @ cumskins