Stan Lee supports Elon Musk in his crusade against #FakeNews

433  2018-05-27 by gw65kg


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First article for Pravda right here.

((("Stan Lee")))

((([[[{{{<<<"""Stan Lee""">>>}}}]]])))

Such a dumb fucking idea though... I mean Reddit is basically the same concept as Pravda (such a CLEVER and IRONIC name XD) isn't it? Elon's website is going to be visited by (presumably) everyday, normal people with unchecked biases, not academic, neutral professionals. Just look at how Reddit discussions turn out: threads are brigaded by ideological opponents, comments are downvoted not because they're uninformative, but because that person disagrees, etc.. mob rule can eat my unwiped ass

Found (((one))).

And that’s why Reddit is golden...

This is what fentanyl does to you.

Reddit generally tends to be young and inexperienced compared to the general public.

And the users of Pravda are going to be... what?

The sane, but but blockchain.

giving you cryptocurrency instead of karma.

So instead of imaginary internet points you get imaginary money. I can't see anyway that could turn out badly.

And much like that scam that u/gallowboob is whoring himself out for, literally no one but the employees will ever see any money.

Comment karma as well?

pravda will probably be filled with annoying kids who wank off elon musk

yeah compared to um, media outlets aimed at older people like cnn and foxnews.

...yeah, that’s what he’s saying.

Your mom tends to be old, nasty and skankulous compared to the general public.

Seriously disagree about the ideological part. Like over 50% of the country thinks reality is rigged against them.

The only people that care enough to go rate news stories are old conservatives.

People that I'm amazed can even tie their own shoes.

As if the intelligentsia is supposed to be less ideological. Educated people are the most propagandized group of people, almost by definition.

Factually incorrect. That's just something the uneducated say because they have an inferiority complex.

It's why conservatives spend so much time attacking education.

I have a degree in poly sci from a top public school, am overly obsessed with politics, and your words scream "ignorant" to me.

Then you're an example of a stupid person that happens to be educated.

The idea that education doesn't help resist propaganda is outright absurd.

There's a reason, for example, one of the first things an authoritarian does, after attacking the media, is try to co-opt the education system.

Or, maybe, you're a young, inexperienced person who has very little clue about how the world works.

No. You're like one of those people that claims "street smarts" is equal to education.

Like you're basically saying 2+2=5 right now. In no universe are the more educated more vulnerable to stuff like this, it makes no rational sense.

Equating "salt of the earth common sense" with actual higher education is one of the main reasons the US is the giant shitshow it is

Literally multiple sites already exist to do this, Snopes, Fullfact, etc

But Musk can't control the truth there


Well, yeah, that was the implication

They check actual facts, but do they allow regular flaming morons to vote on what's actually true? Checkmate, atheists.

regular flaming morons to vote on what's true

Yes, they're called reporters. Look at this Politifact article.


Can I be the red one?

You aren't allowed to be a republican here. Radical centrism means not being republican.

You picked THAT out of any other example you could have given to defend your pappy? Come on man try again you can do better if you really try.

it's hilarious you think politifact is engaged in fact-checking

imagine even remotely trusting any of those companies

Preach. Seeing brainless liberals cite politifact articles as absolute truth hurts my almonds. It's like the ministry of truth for them.

People who think snopes is bad are flat earthers or similar brainlets/lunatics.

Snopes occasionally misrepresents the truth to favor their political opinions

Do they though?

Better check Snopes to be sure

They don't lie, the just make a biased selection of facts to confirm/rebuke: if a fact truthfully puts liberals in bad light or conservatives in good light, it's often deemed "not noteworthy enough". Meanwhile really small and insignificant thingies in the opposite direction, like "Obama said something nice to veterans" or "Bush made a blunder" make it.

Similarly, a story that is partially true will often get a partial truthfulness credit if it's not along the lines ("legendary"), but full credit ("true") if it's the desired narrative, the respective articles either underlining the discrepancies as "making it too far from truth" or dismissing as "not significant enough to influence the result" according to personal opinions of the authors.

Personally, I wonder how often they take a story that exists in several mutations and pick the least faithful retelling to be able to slap "false" on it.

Can you give examples?

They said Daddy lies! Bias! Bias!

The snopes article on Samantha Bee being in favor of keeping her upper-westside public school free of filthy minority poors is incredibly slanted. It calls the claim false, but when you read the article they source that's exactly what they're saying, they're just using the same coded language anti-busing advocates used.

snopes is literally just a paid politics poster and his wife with trump derangement syndrome




and then you nod and agree like "hmm what an introspective thought piece"

They have thousands and thousands of articles substantially debunking insane bullshit that people like you eat up.

And they will pick any small inaccuracy to slap a big red "FALSE" on anything not along the party lines. Actually, since we don't know how the original submissions look like, it's possible the inaccuracies aren't accidental.

Yeah, as OP's overblown example says, this is their modus operandi: the stories contain bigger or smaller inaccuracies. The decision whether given inaccuracy makes the story 'false' or 'partially true' is entirely political and discrepancies over which the mark 'false' is assigned are sometimes ridiculous. "Did Trump predict Brexit 3 days before it happened?" False! (He predicted it a month before it happened!)

lol nothing theyve done is substantial, its literally all opinion and hearsay and misinterpreting peoples words deliberately

You have no idea what you're talking about.

snopes is considered a joke by most of the internet, the only people that take it seriously are the types that post on politics and voted hillary

specifically because its funded by the same people

snopes is considered a joke by most of the internet

No it isn't, it's only considered a joke by far right chantards because it consistently debunks their bullshit.

lol this is what progressive reddit users actually believe

So, if I follow you here, because Trump says insanely retarded things you think Snopes is bad?

is that how you interpret that article is it lol

this is why snopes exists, because dudes like you also exist

"Daddy was only pretending to be retarded!"

no, im saying snopes business model is lying by strawman

nobody ever accused hillary of pouring corrosive acid on anything, they accused her of deleting files

the page admits she deletes files, but only after the big FALSE rating and completely misrepresenting the context

people dumb enough to trust snopes to make a judgement for them often dont read further than they need to for confirmation bias to kick in, and propaganda successful

its really really low level though and kind of a running joke

In this case the strawman was the direct Trump quote about expensive acid washing and you are mad they didn't apply the special daddy defense squad de-retardation procedure to his confused ramblings before discussing it.

imagine seriously trying to claim trump meant literal acid after weeks of talking about deleting files

this is why people say youre dishonest

15 dimensional acid washed jeans

you can try and make all the memes you like, but because theyre not based on real easy to absorb facts and rather your assertions they dont stick in regular peoples minds





So, even in your overblown example, they tell the truth while holding Trump accountable for Inna curate statements? Lmao.


youre not really aware of how propaganda works are you

how many people do you think read past a headline

People who check Snopes in the first place do so specifically because they aren't looking for clickbait, you gigantic mong.

no theyre looking for affirmation

the type of person that reads snopes sees trump make a statement, panics, and then runs to snopes so they can have a cat lady tell them "nuh uh trump lied!"

You have to be spectacularly retarded to think Snopes is in the same camp as American cable new channels. Lmfao.

nah its literally worse, sometimes cable news is wrong by accident


People who check Snopes do so specifically because they aren't looking for clickbait

that's what makes it so hilarious

you actually drink the koolaid

Snopes says drinking bleach is bad for you. Maybe you should disregard their warning because, you know, Snopes.

why do you suck at logic so bad

I say A=>B

you act as if I said B=>A

Why are you seriousposting in /r/Drama?

If you want to take anything seriously, maybe it should be the bleach option.

why are you seriousposting in /r/drama?

WhY aRe YoU sErIoUsPoStInG iN /r/DrAmA?

Are you legitimately retarded, or just German?

Snopes is generally believed to have a small liberal bias which is fairly apparent in some of its political fact checking.

That's why you use multiple sites and sources. Every site is biased in some way.

snopes was ok when it stuck to urban legends.

Imagine remotely believing in anything.

i have a strong belief that trump derangement syndrome should be roundly mocked at any given opportunity

Defined by what you don’t believe. Lame.

tds sufferers do literally nothing to this sub and by extension you, theyve never even mentioned it lol

the feelings toward them are 100% on you

tds sufferers post here the most dude

anyone that complains about trump or elon musk or peterson or chans or mde is pretty much the same thing, its all just faggotry

it tells me people arent experienced at the internet

Not to break the sacred state of radical centrism, but I've been convinced Politifact is bullshit. I've seen the exact same statement said by two different people (one good, and one bad) and given wildly different ratings.

I mean we a know this which is why this is gonna be fucking hilarious. Tbf tho Musky is just bad cause of all the bad press Tesla is getting because autopilot killing people apparently isn't his fault.

He's an idiot. Anyone who seriously believes in the Hyperloop is also an idiot.

I will believe in hyperloop too, when I get few billions from government.

until that happens ....


You often see his tweets on /r/quityourbullshit where journalists just straight up lie or repeat completely unfounded narrative or some other kind of ineptitude. Journalists of all stripes on all tiers are a fucking joke.

And this tweets are almost always "no u".

That is often enough for calling someone out on their bullshit when their bullshit is about you.

I dont trust any of those type of websites, fuck even Wikipedia makes me uncomfortable.

But you're gonna trust daddy elon's site?

I told an Elon fanboy the other day that I’m skeptical of Pravda and that it doesn’t absolve us of critically processing articles we come across even if Pravda somehow works. They responded saying there’s nothing wrong with Elon wanting poll-based press and that I should rest assured. And that there’s no point in encouraging critical reading because most people don’t do it.

Still rustles my jimmies /angryrant

It should. Check out /r/WikiInAction and you'll realize that Jimmy's "Free Encyclopedia" is actually just a gigantic political circlejerk.

Maybe all those fucking professors that wouldn't accept any wiki citations were on to something...

Read the details faggot. He plans on addressing bot accts, brigades, etc. I’m glad someone is taking on the msm, Elon I hardly a right wing figure, but he sees how much the media lies to create narratives. Anyone that thinks the msm is unbiased and a good read is a complete ass wagon dolt.

How? By banning bots?

The problem is the people, he is going to give people the right to vote on that, T_D retarded faggots are going to suck Fox News off, while SJW's are going to do the same with CNN.

The details are non existent, this idea is retarded

Nah read the details and quit being an apathetic fgt. He’s trying to do something rather than sit around and complain like the rest of us. You don’t think he realizes the potential flaws? Dudes pretty sharp iirc

Potential flaws? The whole thing is fucking flawed in it's entirety.

That's why I want it to go through, it's going to be such a mess it's going to backfire to the point of being hilarious.

Keep on funding rockets and kill-cars elon, politics is not your thing.

Can’t fail any worse than snopes, poltifact, etc.. I implore him to do it right, I’m sure there were nay saying cunts like you saying the same shit about p2p Wikipedia before it launched. Dudes way smarter than you or me

Can’t fail any worse than snopes


You ever checked out the Wiki talk page on a controversial topic?

Lmao. The guy bitches about Snopes. I don't imagine "fact" is in his vocabulary.

Snopes isn't unbiased...

Republicans never called Snopes biased when their leadership relied on fact as a basis for their policy, lol.

? Ok

So you're conceding the point that Republicans think Snopes is biased because nothing they say is factual? 🤔 🤔 🤔

? No

worst thing that happens is that it doesnt work

but honestly something should be tried

spanish media is a fucking joke too dude, and i think it wasnt as bad in the past thag it is nowadays

Something should be tried? Yes.

Not this though, at least give it some thought lol

Potential flaws? The whole thing is fucking flawed in it's entirety.

That's never stopped Elon "Hyperloop" Musk before!

T_D retarded faggots


Someone call the Department of Redundancy Department.

Watching you guys meme against milliondollarextreme would be interesting haha.

I'm trying to cut down on the amount of time I spend mocking people with the wrong number of chromosomes, tho.

Wait we haven't started yet!


/u/Ed_ButteredToast, take it from here.

He plans on addressing bot accts, brigades, etc

Yeah since thats totally a trivial and easy thing to do.

And bc something isn’t easy then it shouldn’t be tried. #Fucking millenials

"The science is settled dude. Don't question it!!"

^ this

He can buy any team money can buy to come up with viable methods to do so. Have you seen his OpenAI team's Dota2 A.I. experience? It quite literally changed the game forever. Link

did they do it with any actual games or just MOBAs

As far as I know Dota2 was the only mainstream game they tackled that really got attention. They do have a tool for solving old school games though. Link

Pretty interesting work.

yeah show me an AI that can play telltale games as well as me and then I'll be impressed

He plans on addressing bot accts, brigades, etc. I’m glad someone is taking on the msm

these two sentences don’t seem to have anything to do with each other

If you think the website is going to be anything other than partisan bullshit then you're a fucking moron.

He plans on addressing bot accts, brigades, etc

So does reddit. Lmao.

Apathy is so cool and not gay at all!

I always publicly declare my intention to invest in deeply flawed business plans whenever anyone calls my Hyperloop idea stupid. That's how I show them that I'm an alpha businessman!

Apathy is cool. fight me.

Lib journalists should probably just do what the republicans accuse them of. Just make up a whole bunch of shit throwing Rs under the bus. Who gives a fuck.

lol people that defend american media are hilarious

its trash

but but fox news did something bad.

Two things can be true at the same time. The media absolutely is garbage. But so is Musk’s idea

the instant hostile synchronized reaction from the jewiest parts of the media makes me think its a good idea tbh

even a literal rothschild started trying to go at him for it

must be doing something right

That's the point, though. It's so trash it's unfixable.

if there was a first step itd be some system of holding them accountable though, which is why the outrage is confusing to me

I mean Reddit is basically the same concept as Pravda (such a CLEVER and IRONIC name XD) isn't it?

Yup, and does anyone else remember the stage Reddit went through where it was absolutely, totally, completely positive that sites like RT were totally good places to get news from?

rt is literally no worse than any american outlet

being owned by a billionaire subservient to people in the government is no different than being state owned

rt is literally no worse than any american outlet

I found one!

can you explain how its worse in a way that isnt directly quoted from an american outlet

thats just a womans life story and then her saying its funded by the government, we all knew that

so is the bbc and abc

why is a government news service worse than one privately owned by billionaires?

why is a government news service worse than one privately owned by billionaires?

Well, for a start in one case the service maintains its editorial independence.

not really if theyre owned by a billionaire with personal feelings and a stake in what happens, which is always the case

not really if theyre owned by a billionaire with personal feelings and a stake in what happens, which is always the case

Can you provide any examples of billionaire news outlet owners interfering in a new services editorial process?

lol what do you think theres gonna be footage of them taking over the news desk and ranting

these people own and run these businesses at a loss specifically so they have a way to manipulate public opinion

same with social media

for example youtube exists to further googles bosses politics, theres no other reason

for example youtube exists to further googles bosses politics, theres no other reason

lol certainly couldnt exist to make money for the shareholders? nope nope nope, its a conspiracy!!!!

fucking lol dude it runs at a loss how do you think that makes money

nobody else can afford to make the equivalent and lose money as fast as google does with it, thats the point

fucking lol dude it runs at a loss

Really? Could you provide a source for this?

All of these articles are from 2015. Did you seriously just post a wall of shit you found via Google without bothering to read it or check the date?

there are no newer articles, but the fact that theyre demonetizing everyone and cutting back would suggest that perhaps it hasnt gotten better

its not a small amount they were losing then and it was literally their business plan to have exclusive access to user data above money

there are no newer articles

I wonder why!

yes, lets assume their financial situation has reversed entirely, instead of considering that maybe its not worth writing the same article over and over years in a row to confirm the same thing

much like the news doesnt report things that have been the same for 5 years repeatedly (maybe american news)

lets assume

Lets not. Big assumptions and leaps in logic are what lead people off into conspiracy theory crazy town. Lets just stick to facts.

it was sarcasm, because your post was literally assuming that the trend completely stopped and reversed for some reason

Rupert Murdoch for one.

Well, for a start in one case the service maintains its editorial independence.

Sure. If you think that when people own your politicians and your media means "independence" then sure.

I mean Reddit is basically the same concept as Pravda (such a CLEVER and IRONIC name XD) isn't it?

Is this some sort of mass social media LARPing with daddy Musk as the GM? He tweeted about some day dreaming idea and everyone is jumping down his throat for it like it's reality. Is it going to be like reddit? Who the fuck knows? Maybe we should wait until he makes something before writing papers on why it doesn't work.

It depends what it looks like. If it was like a prediction market that tracked reporters predictions or something like that, maybe it could be a good thing?

It could go 50/50 either.

It'll either end up like ratemyprofessor or rottentomatoes.

Can you explain what is Pravda?

Not the word, because it's similar in my language, but what is going on in this drama?

People say the same thing about wikipedia. Most of the time it's still correct.

Elon, like the vast majority of people, has no clue what he's talking about when he starts talking about areas not in his wheelhouse. This rant against journos is just his way of taking out frustration getting called out for being an anti union boy.

academic, neutral, professional

Pick one.

oh my god it will be so bad like the website in on and millions of people are on no one will use it but millions of poeople omggf

Im a big Munsk fanboy but the news website is such a terrible idea. Its gonna get swamped with people with personal vendettas rather than any real factual issues.

So, just like the news itself, then?

Of course the SRDines here think this is true terrible idea. Getting their buddies in the news to flat-out lie abour those who disagree with them is SOP for the sjw.

It says a great deal about yourself when you think of opinion pieces about people when you think about news.

thats all american news is now

No. No it's not. Turn off cable news for a little while and read actual newspapers. There are tons that focus solely on real reporting.

actual newspapers are owned by the exact same people as cable news and every other form of american news media, what kind of diverse opinions do you think exist in there

You're not listening. Cable news is filled with hour after hour of talking heads. News papers do have opinion sections, but you are getting much more actual reporting. Reporting on facts. Reporting on what actually happened. Cable news is filled with analysis of those facts, which will be tilted and twisted in any which direction.

every piece of american media ive ever seen has been equally terrible

can you direct me to something you consider a good example

Every piece? Then you clearly aren't paying attention or are too bias to even consider reason. Have a good one.

so you cant show me something you consider valid?

You make the mistake of overestimating people in the media. They're fucking retarded. I work at a newspaper and the level of stupidly and incompetence would astound you.

every piece of american media ive ever seen has been equally terrible

Except infowars, who are the true arbiters of objective news, right?

no alex jones is very obvious controlled opposition that for some reason refuses to entertain any negative ideas about zionism or jews

also hes probably just bill hicks

Imagine not liking Alex Jones only because he's not nazi enough.

no i dont like him because his sponsors want to steer conversation

he yells and gets red in the face and talks shit and then slips tiny bits of truth in there to discredit everything by association

WSJ does excellent reporting, as does NYT and the Boston Globe basically started the whole priests fucking kids scandal.

But let's be real here, as MDEfugee you only want to see stories about muh white genocide and consider any outlet that doesn't report on your delusions to be fake and owned by "the exact same (((people))) who own all the media".

Hard to support WSJ after how far they overreached with pewdiepie

That was bad, but they have done really good reports on quite a few subjects such as social security disability fraud - including finding a judge where people seeking benefits had a 100% win rate -, 1MDB scandal was broken by them, and companies illegally backdating stock options come to mind.

Giving a fuck about pewdiepie

There's your mistake.

due to the novelty (by WSJ standards) of youtube celebs, they misfired.

one of those rare cases where the underestimate the reach of their target, and his ability to defend himself and survive the attack.


WSJ does excellent reporting, as does NYT and the Boston Globe basically started the whole priests fucking kids scandal.

and the past decade has done nothing but undo any goodwill the informed parts of the public had toward the press in the first place

there is genuine animosity toward reporters

But let's be real here, as MDEfugee you only want to see stories about muh white genocide

no i just want people to stop being scared of minorities to the point youre just self flagellating

you cant be edgy if youre scared of one particular minority, thats the opposite of edgy

and the past decade has done nothing but undo any goodwill the informed parts of the public had toward the press in the first place

have you considered that the public is just retarded and voicing it via retarded mediums?

id argue anyone who paid attention to the mouthpieces of random ass billionaires with agendas wasnt too aware in the first place

You can report on facts alone and still be biased by picking which facts to report on. It's staggering to me how so many people think that just because an article is 100% filled with true and cold facts, that it must be 100% unbiased.

Do they still use stone tablets in boogan land?

another classic australian joke from a person who knows literally nothing about anywhere but where they were born

You’re 100% right I know absolutely nothing about Australia and I’d like to keep it that way

doing a good job so far

imagine thinking thats insulting though lol dont you call other people nationalists


It also says a great deal when you think that news agencies do not craft a narrative by reporting only selected issues and in certain spotlight.

Good thing I didnt say anything like that.

So, just like the news itself, then?

Which news outlets do you feel are swamped with people with a personal vendetta rather than actual journalists reporting the news?

I mean, basically all his ideas are utter shit.

It'll literally be le 4chin army upvoting white supremacist journalist and downvoting everything else

Lol if Andrew Anglin becomes a top Pravda reporter I’ll be ecstatic

Good idea

as opposed to the media just calling everyone white supremacists and giving them zero recourse

as opposed to the media just calling everyone white supremacists and giving them zero recourse

Which media outlet do you feel is doing this?

literally every american outlet is propaganda lol, anyone taking them seriously at all is a rube

just google any mention of white supremacy or white nationalism since 2016, considering its not a real thing that exists in any real meaningful capacity

literally every american outlet is propaganda lol

Im curious, how do you define propaganda?

just google any mention of white supremacy or white nationalism since 2016, considering its not a real thing that exists in any real meaningful capacity

I dunno dude, the fact that they are organized enough to stage rallies and have their members in the office of the executive branch seems like a pretty meaningful capacity to me.

Im curious, how do you define propaganda?

lying to the public to push an agenda via media

its perfectly legal in america since the smith mundt repeal in 2012;context=nulr

consider who exactly was in power at this time, which media organisations side with them politically, and what possible reasoning there is for disseminating propaganda to americans domestically

and then have a look at whats in the news

dont worry though theyre definitely not lying to you, thatd be dishonest

I dunno dude, the fact that they are organized enough to stage rallies

citation needed, i dont believe tiki torch parades filled with fbi members or random car crashes count tbh

members in the office of the executive branch

who is this in reference to

lying to the public to push an agenda via media

Wow, so can you provide an example of a main stream outlet, lets say.... WaPo, doing this?

i dont believe tiki torch parades filled with fbi members or random car crashes count tbh

Oh wow, I hadnt heard of the FBI being involved at Charlottesville. Could you provide a source?

Wow, so can you provide an example of a main stream outlet, lets say.... WaPo, doing this?

lol almost everything they post is fabricated

washington post is owned by jeff bezos, who also has a 600 million dollar contract with the cia via aws

dont worry though the cia never did any propaganda did they

Oh wow, I hadnt heard of the FBI being involved at Charlottesville. Could you provide a source?

nearly every "white supremacy" group in the us is a honeypot, its an incredibly unpopular ideology thats been hyped up by the media

you dont think that tiki torch shit was incredibly convenient? lol

Wow, thats interesting. Could you tell me what about this article is fabricated?

nearly every "white supremacy" group

Its kind of funny that youve suddenly stopped talking about white nationalists, you know, the groups that are currently seeing an upswing in activity.

you dont think that tiki torch shit was incredibly convenient? lol

Oh, so its a conspiracy because reasons. I see.

Wow, thats interesting. Could you tell me what about this article is fabricated?

hard to tell because of the paywall, but from what i can tell its just a filler article about a sports team

would it be better if i said any actual news reporting they do is biased to the point of being useless, because of their association with the cia?

because i feel like youre just looking for wording to pick at

Its kind of funny that youve suddenly stopped talking about white nationalists

isnt "white nationalism" just what you guys call white supremacy nowadays? because being white and nationalist isnt inherently a bad thing, or very descriptive

Oh, so its a conspiracy because reasons. I see.

no its a conspiracy because thats pretty much all the fbi does nowadays apart from talking shit about trump and misappropriating funds

creating and funding honeypots to catch irrelevant groups of rednecks after encouraging them

for instance did you know the kkk is pretty much run by the fbi now?

would it be better if i said any actual news reporting they do is biased to the point of being useless

Perhaps you could provide an example of this? Since apparently you are so familiar with WaPo's reporting that you don't even know how to defeat their paywall Ive got to say, Im kind of skeptical if you actually read any of their reporting and instead it seems like you're just mindlessly parroting conspiracy theories.

isnt "white nationalism" just what you guys call white supremacy nowadays?

No. Seriously, how could you rant about this stuff without knowing the distinction?

no its a conspiracy because thats pretty much all the fbi does nowadays apart from talking shit about trump and misappropriating funds

omg whose sockpuppet are you because lol My money is on AA.

Perhaps you could provide an example of this? Since apparently you are so familiar with WaPo's reporting that you don't even know how to defeat their paywall

i dont read propaganda

Im kind of skeptical if you actually read any of their reporting and instead it seems like you're just mindlessly parroting conspiracy theories.

lol dont you think russia hacked an election still

No. Seriously, how could you rant about this stuff without knowing the distinction?

im asking you to make a point though, i aready know full well white nationalism doesnt actually mean anything when you say it

omg whose sockpuppet are you because lol My money is on AA.

thats a cool way to back out of a discussion without admitting youre wildly outclassed

i dont read propaganda

Then how do you know its propaganda?

its cia funded and jeff bezos is untrustworthy

would you read breitbart or dismiss it based on who owns it

its cia funded and jeff bezos is untrustworthy

So, youre theory is that WaPo is CIA funded because the CIA contracts with Amazon for web services? Am I understanding this correctly?

would you read breitbart or dismiss it based on who owns it

I actually have read Brietbart! As an advocate of free thinking I read news from all over the place rather than just repeating what Im told!

So, youre theory is that WaPo is CIA funded because the CIA contracts with Amazon for web services? Am I understanding this correctly?

yes, the cia exists to fuck people over, its evil

nothing theyve ever done is altruistic or genuine or announced properly

they gave money to jeff bezos and then all his articles said what they wanted to say

again, obama made this practice perfectly legal in 2012 on purpose

I actually have read Brietbart! As an advocate of free thinking I read news from all over the place rather than just repeating what Im told!

im sure thats a real sentiment

they gave money to jeff bezos and then all his articles said what they wanted to say

Could you provide an example of one of these articles that you feel is influenced by the CIA?

lying to the public to push an agenda via media

Wow, so can you provide an example of a main stream outlet, lets say.... WaPo, doing this?

Wow, so the dude you're talkin to is a retard but have you really forgotten the lead up to the Iraq war and let's say... the NYTs already?

I don't think anyone old enough to have lived through that shit has forgotten Judith Miller and her ilk. Trying to claim that she was a government propagandist put in place by the State Dept and/or CIA however is a bit freaking much.

Charlottesville was just fbi actors.

Why the fuck are you mde morons upvoting this lunatic flat earther tier conspiritard, please leave this sub. reeee

the tiki torch march wasnt real, change my mind

Is Richard Spencer an fbi plant? Prove it.

nah hes just an opportunist trying to ride a meme train and something for liberals to hold up and point at

the fact that hes the worst thing that people can come up with kinda indicates to me that white supremacy isnt as prevalent as people think

... was the rally organised by FBI plants or not? If the latter, provide any evidence whatsoever for it, or retract your inane claim.

yeah probably, most other ones are

the leader of the kkk was fbi for a while lol

If the latter, provide any evidence whatsoever for it, or retract your inane claim.

i mean do you have any evidence whatsoever about it being organised by anyone else?

It's called occam's razor, your claim is absurdly far-fetched.

im sure you apply that idea evenly and without bias right

the kkk has been irrelevant for the better part of half a century

Lol, fucking idiot Australian.

le 56% man

What are your thoughts on black people

take em or leave em tbh, im in a good enough neighborhood that it doesnt really come up

Because newfag, this isn't fucking SRD and we appreciate crazy people making homegrown drama we can mock them for in our own sandlot.

> actually using the downvote feature in drama.

MDE morons are downvoting anyone who disagrees with this flat earther.

It's absolute morons like you that are destroying the public's ability to have any kind of meaningful discussions about anything important with your baseless fear mongering. Every american media outlet is a lying propaganda outfit? really? Judgeing by your "fbi agent" comment there I bet you have no problem believing whatever retarded youtube documentary shows up in your recommended feed. You are no different than anyone else, buck-o: A lost sheep drowning in misinformation and spin. At least whn CNN fucks me they give me a reach around.

The worst part about absolute thickies like you is that you're so dumb you think you have the whole world figured out, so you can never learn. You read about the smith mundt repeal and now, since you are so clever, you have figured out the entirety of the american media landscape, and anything they write, anything challenging that comes out of the whole fucking institution and be ignored and dismissed. Haven't you heard of Smith mundt dawg? Everything is a lie.

Fuck you, moron. PM me your address so I can fly to your house and beat you up.

It's absolute morons like you that are destroying the public's ability to have any kind of meaningful discussions about anything important with your baseless fear mongering.

fucking lol the public doesnt have any meaningful discussion specifically because its stifled by propaganda disseminated by the government

omg muh russia and stormy daniels amirite

Judgeing by your "fbi agent" comment there I bet you have no problem believing whatever retarded youtube documentary shows up in your recommended feed.

hilarious, do you not believe honeypots exist or something

At least whn CNN fucks me they give me a reach around.

lol no

The worst part about absolute thickies like you is that you're so dumb you think you have the whole world figured out, so you can never learn.

weird how ive been right about everything then huh, must be a fluke

You read about the smith mundt repeal and now, since you are so clever, you have figured out the entirety of the american media landscape, and anything they write, anything challenging that comes out of the whole fucking institution and be ignored and dismissed. Haven't you heard of Smith mundt dawg? Everything is a lie.

so, confirmed youd never heard of it and were unaware obama made it law that its cool to lie to you lol

anything challenging that comes out of the whole fucking institution and be ignored and dismissed.

lol no the entire institution itself can be ignored

if you read american media youre automatically below the threshold of intelligence needed to have a real conversation

Fuck you, moron. PM me your address so I can fly to your house and beat you up.

lol nobody pro american media can ever beat anyone up who are you fooling

Jesus christ. the memes have infected your brain, dude. I'm leaving for work right now but could you do me a favor and type this reply again, but this time write it like a fucking human and not an AI trained on 4chan comments, ok? I'll catch up with you in a few.

yeah what you should do to be a smart person is watch american media and believe everything it says

get really angry with russia and hate yourself

t. faggot

So things will be balanced out a bit, at least.

Balanced, as all things should be

hey, they invite them on

as it should be

So real news? Musk Defense Force out in full force today

So some rando with the name Stan Lee got his account verified by twitter as the comic book guy, and nobody doubts it until he says something the mob disagrees with? Hmmmmmm not buying it

or the 100 year old man who has stated he doesnt run his accounts in the past isn't the one posting all of his generic canned tweets.

Jesus Christ. Talk about getting defensive.

Frankly this whole debacle undercut my belief in Musk's other ideas.

Nice concern trolling, fuckboy.

Oh. Are you in love?

I feel bad for this elderly-ass man who recently got his twitter set up and has jumped smack-dab into the middle of an obnoxious screeching ideological shitshow.

He's on twitter since 2009...

Oh really? For some reason I thought he just got on.

man bugs are gonna be torn between supporting marvel and getting real outraged att his huh

Maybe bugs will educate themselves on the fact that Stan Lee is a parasitic hack fraud.

Does anyone else feel Christmassy - looking at that sweet old man and his sweater? Cozy up near the fire in a nice comfy chair, read the first chapter of Mein Kampf and just finger yourself raw. Lovely season.

0 to 100 real quick.

I think it's a great idea. More drama for us to feed on.

Good. The media is full of liars with an agenda

The Musk Meltdown is my favourite drama in years. So many types of people I hate are chimping out over this.

First elon, then freeman, now stan lee. I can't wait until the day reddit turns on tom hanks.

Oh what did Freeman do?

Aside take a nap while some inept PR people pretended to be him for an AMA.

He got #metoo'd

What would those faggots be without fake news? What would they be without op eds predicting the end of the world?

When trump says fake news he is against free speech and a lair, when Musk say it its for humanity good. We are not forgotten the backlash against TopGear and the lawsuit Musk lost twice over there review. He is no different than a dictator using his army to silence people, instead of military he use lawyers.

Pravda is a Russian broadsheet newspaper, formerly the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, when it was one of the most influential papers in the country with a circulation of 11 million.


And then people mass report Stan Lee.

Stan Lee's impressions get throttled by Twitter and later Facebook.

It was a fucking joke to make a point lmao he was gonna name it after a Soviet ministry that used to edit newspapers in Russia so they don't say anything too risky lol