/r/CringeAnarchy believes that France is full of Arabs. Non-Americans disagree. The usual.

66  2018-05-27 by Stuntman119


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u/savoirofthewest you wouldn't happend to be older than 16, would you?

Lay off. Can't you see he's saving the west by posting on MDE, CA, and gaming subs?

I lol’d at the joke... it’s funny, regardless of the facts on the ground.



Pick one

Inbred Amerifaggots who shit on other countries to feel better about their abortion of a failed life is pathetic af.

thinks that implying that your country is diverse is "shitting on it"

Wherever you're from, you just shit on your own country (for the evidence that they produced someone who thinks like that). Serious question, are Europeans incapable of Civic nationalism?

As for my comments on the movie. I would love a movie with conversations like that, if it weren't for the context that they're a couple of gangsters (I guess) on their way to kill people. The disgusting behavior being glorified just ruins it.

what in the hell are you talking about? the french basically invented civic nationalism

and what movie, Pulp Fiction?

No, I think America did.

Pulp fiction

Is that what that is? I haven't seen it. I do think I saw some Tarantino movie, i don't remember which one, which I liked because there was some kind of scene where Tarantino pointed out how disgusting his own audience is for enjoying his violent movies, and a theater of people watching a similarly violent movie may have been shot up.

It was a collaborative effort between America and France.

Idk that’s probably Inglourious Basterds or something

Dunno, I'm just confused about why Europeans take it like someone is trying to insult them with those memes, when those people are actually white nationalists who glorify Europe and want to see an identity Europa.

Yeah it might have been Inglorious Bastards

Guns don't kill people, Batman kills people

Upvote Ed for telling the truth, or downvote Ed for existing? This is a difficult situation.

Upvote and report


To the admins 😉

[🕒Tick tock🕒](https://streamable.com/nngmc)

"The country with the fattest women loses"


If you live in a western country, your median citizen is a woman. It's actually the country with the ugliest men that loses.

im the mean citizen 😠 rawr

My grandpa could kick your ass

do you mean, like

mode citizen?

I mean median. In a gender-fluid society, where you assign 0 to all from and 1 to all masc, the person with the exact median value will be a woman.

In a genderfluid world like ours


wouldn’t there be a real chance the median would be intersex though? or an even higher one of “demigender” if you’re not going by physical characteristics

Eh I dunno, I really did mean mode lol

I assume you're making a joke here, but really, all you're actually doing is demonstrating what is wrong with how mathematics is taught in the west.

I learned median/mean/mode in elementary school and honestly I knew it was mode a couple minutes after I posted but I didn't want to edit.

Still, that apparently didn't stop you butchering how both comedy and statistics work in a single comment.

Do you see how the median would still be a woman, though?


The median is 0.

Fair enough.

I couldn't make head or tail of the 'joke'. I still can't, tbh, and I'm happy that way, so no need to explain further.

Yeah fair enough.

I think he is saying that since there are more women when all people are lined up the women push over the middle onto the men's half

It’s a bad joke because: 1) it needed explaining, 2) it makes unstated assumptions, and most of all, 3) it isn’t funny.

But I’m pretty sure there was meant to be some jab at gender being a spectrums in there.


Western Samoa btfo!

While greatly exaggerated at times, the muslim community and middle eastern immigrant community is growing at very fast rates. Much faster than native french. It'll be just a matter of time before native french account for less than 50% of their country's population.

tfw the country that many see as the most romantic in the world is incapable of outfucking people who follow a religion that make their women have to dress in Hefty garbage bags.

The mayocide is working

The problem is that France gave women rights.

It'll be just a matter of time before native french account for less than 50% of their country's population



Yeah I mean sure my country is 56% white and filled with ghettos where it isn't safe to travel but let me just take a moment to rant about 85%+ white European countries and their "no go zones"...

pretty funny joke

Depends on where you go, I suppose. One day I was walking the Seine in Paris and every third person was a MENA dude (all of whom are enviably like 6'3") trying to sell me something cheap, ask me for money, get me to play that stupid cup and ball guessing game, etc.

The next day I'm on a train out to Omaha Beach and there is nothing but Mayos speaking Froggish.

Seine is full of guys like that though, being a tourist hotspot. The other two-thirds you met were probably gypsies or East Euros.



the worst ethnicity of all, fucking Kardashians the lot of them

That's like every popular tourist area in Western Europe

only paris, marseille, nice,...

tfw when banned from cringe """(((anarchy)))"""

You got banned? I thought they let anyone post



literally how.

told a regular to delete themselves irl

kek @ the little bitchbabies banning you for that

i got banned for 3 days only from this sub for literally telling someone to neck themselves in a damp, well-lit room with a lot of maggots so that by the time they bury him, he'll be able to fit in a normal sized casket.

and i was at least 70% serious. drama mods rule

Hahaha go to Paris, see what you think after your trip.

Hahaha Paris accounts for like 3% of France's population.

Qu'est-ce que t'as putain de dit à propos de moi, petit merde ? Tu sais que j'étais le premier de mon régiment dans les Navy Seals, et j'ai été impliqué dans de nombreux raids contre Al-Quaeda, et j'ai plus de 300 éliminations confirmées à mon compteur. J'ai été entraîné dans la guerre des gorilles et j'ai été le meilleur sniper de toutes les unités armées des Etats-Unis. Tu n'es rien pour moi, mais juste une autre cible. Je vais te faire dégager avec précision d'une manière jamais vue sur la Terre, souviens-toi de mes morts. Tu penses que tu peux partir en me disant de la merde derrière ton écran? Repenses-y, connard. Pendant qu'on parle, je suis entrain de contacter mon réseau secret d'espions d'à travers les Etats-Unis et ton IP est tracée donc tu devrais te préparer pour la tempête, vermine. La tempête qui va faire dégager la petite chose pathétique que tu appelles ta vie. Tu es putain de mort, gamin. Je peux être n'importe où, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de 700 manières et ça c'est juste a mains nues. Non seulement je suis entraîné intensivement dans les combats non-armés, mais j'ai aussi accès a l'arsenal du Corps des Marines des Etats-Unis en son intégralité et je vais l'utiliser à son plein potentiel pour effacer ton cul de la face du continent, petit merde. Si seulement tu pourrais savoir quel châtiment impie ton petit commentaire allait t'apporter, peut-être que tu aurais garder ta putain de langue dans ta bouche. Mais tu ne pouvais pas, tu ne l'as pas fait, et maintenant tu vas payer, espèce d'idiot. Je vais foutre la merde autour de toi et tu vas te noyer dedans. Tu es mort, gamin.

I like how from the words “Qaeda” and “300”, I can instantly tell this is the navy seal copypasta.

My god, Google Translate is awful for Arabic.


corrected for grammar (to some degree, it's 6 am where i live give me a break)

ماذا قلت عني بحق السماء يا ايتها العاهرة الصغيرة؟ لعلمك, انا تخرجت الأول على صفي في القوات البحرية الأمريكية, و قد اشتركت في العديد من الغارات السرية على القاعدة, و لدي ما فوق ال300 قت قتل مؤكد. انا مدرب على حرب العصابات و انا صفوة القناصين من بين كل القوات الأمريكية المسلحة. انت لست اكثر من مجرد هدف آخر لي. سأمسح أمك من الوجود بدقة لم يرى مثلها من قبل على هذه الأرض. تذكر كلماتي اللعينة. هل تعتقد ان بإمكانك الهرب من قول هذا الخرة لي عبر الانترنت؟ اذا أعد التفكير ايها العين. بينما نتحدث, انا اتواصل مع شبكة الجواسيس السرية عبر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و عنوان بروتوكول الأنرنت الخاص بك يتم تتبع اثره في هذه الحظة لذالك فالأفضل لك ان تستعد للعاصفة, يا حشرةز العاصفة التي تمحو اكيانك الصغير المثير للشفقة. انت بعداد الموتى يا طقل. انا من الممكن ان اكون بأي مكان في اي وقت و استطيع ان اقتلك باكثر من 700 طريقة, و هذا فقظ بإستخدام يداي العارية. انا لست فقط مدرب على نطاق واسع في ال قتال الأعزل, بل و عندي امكنية الولوج لترسانة المشاه البحرية بأكمله و سوف استخدمه لمداه الكالمل لأمسح مؤخرتك السائسة من وجه القارة يا ايها الخرة الصغير. لو فقط كنت تستطيع ان تعرف العقاب الآثم الذي كان سيجلبه عليك تعليقك "المتذاكي", لكنت امسكت لسانك اللعين. و ل الملحون. سقوم اكنك لم تستطيع, و لم تفعل, ة الآلن ستدفع الثمن, يا ايها الاحمق . سأتغوط الغضب عليك كلك, و سوف تغرق فيه. انت انت في عداد الموتى الملاعين يا طفل

Thank you for your service, I'm totally gonna use this some day.

i saw a pleasant conversation about tarantino and pulp fiction

there was no drama

/r/CringeAnarchy took such a major left turn to what it first was made for. Now it is all bland SJW and racist jokes, or complaining about everyone non-american

Is /r/tumblrinaction any good anymore? I'm assuming it's become just as bad as the other outlier bias circlejerks.

Go to France Get blown up by a Muslim

Go to America Get shot by a schizo white guy who sexually identifies as the Joker

Reality has a centrist bias

Marseilles is 25% muslim

Paris is 15% muslim

That is seriously high number.

"Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in Europe, primarily due to immigration", check out those other numbers while you're there.

He's not wrong, and before I once again get labelled as an inbred American who's never left his state, I lived in Delft (NL) for a year.

implying the world has been anything else than a filthy race mixing fuckfest ever

implying pop culture, porn & coca cola will not win over burkas & the religion of edginess

Lol people love to say this. And no, migrant populations have never been like this. England's migrant population in the late 1800's/early 1900's was between 0.5/1. 5%. Right now it's almost 15%, a number that has doubled in the last ~20 years. Migration on this scale has never been seen before and you don't know if the effects of it whatsoever.

People love to point out the pros of migration, but the second someone implies there might be a negative side to it, people have an absolute schism.

As for people assimilating western culture, just look at the amount of terrorists that are coming from 3rd and 4th generation migrants. You can't deny there is at least some failure of adopting Western values.